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Alfred Nobel University


This article is devoted to the topic of inclusive economic development in the global dimension. The publication is an analysis of the components that determine the overall inclusive development index of countries such as the United States and China. The main purpose of the publication is the result of a study of the existing system of inequality in society, economic growth trends, directions of political development strategy and ways of self-realization of the above-mentioned countries. We 38 ISSN 2616-3853 (print), ISSN 2616-4167 (online). Нобелівський вісник. 2018. № 1 (11) conducted a fundamental theoretical assessment of economic growth data, reviewed statistical trends over the past decade on the basis of a developed and developing country. The deduction method and comparative analysis were used during the research. The result of the work is the determination of the character of the state`s optimal policy in order to ensure equal access for people to economic independence and unhindered interaction between social groups, as well as ways to achieve a balance between society and the state. The results of the work are relevant due to the introduction by the world community of an inclusive development index (to replace the GDP indicator for determination of the level of countries` success). The obtained analysis makes it possible to predict the further actions of the aforementioned states in the framework of the following the course of existing domestic policy. The international comparison shows that countries with greater inclusion of the socio-economic system are more resistant to external threats and economic crises. In modern conditions, constant economic growth needs inclusive development. The Chinese government, understanding the challenges of the future and the global problems of mankind, has taken a course toward internal development in conjunction with the openness and innovation of the economy. At present, China sees the priority of its actions in solution of socio-economic problems and formulation of the policy, aimed at protection of certain social categories and equalization of income. Such priorities were highlighted in the plans of the internal policy up to 2020. Thus, the policy of “small and confident steps” can probably bring fruitful and fast result in the socio-economic system of the country. This will ensure a long-term socio-economic effect – permanent economic growth, access to secondary and higher education, medicine, the formation of a middle class and an innovative nation. At the same time, the socioeconomic inequality observed in the United States has its roots in the long recession of 2008. The country’s economic growth has been low for a long time and has benefited only a few. Such a picture during the decade was complemented by a dynamic policy of the state`s government and activity at the international arena. Therefore, in spite of the growth of the economic indicator, social problems have arisen in the USA, which have eradicated the policy course in the opposite direction from the development in an inclusive way.


У статті досліджено досвід останнього десятиліття у вирішенні проблем збереження стійкості економічного розвитку і його інклюзії на базі таких країн, як Китай і США. У нашому дослідженні ми задіяли метод дедукції і порівняльний аналіз. Проаналізовано індекс інклюзивного розвитку (IDI) та його комплексні елементи, розглянуто динаміку кожного показника на прикладах розвиненої країни та держави, що розвивається; досліджено умови реалізації політики інклюзії у вищезазначених державах. Результатом деталізованого аналізу стало визначення оптимального характеру політики і стратегії економічного розвитку, що сприяє скороченню нерівності в суспільстві і тривалому успіху країн у глобальному вимірі.

Ключові слова

inclusive economy, Index of Economic Inclusion (Index of Inclusive Development), Gross Domestic Product, key indicators.

Бібліографічний опис

Zadoia A. THE ROLE OF THE STATE IN THE CONTEXT OF THE GLOBAL DIMENSION OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / A.Zadoia, K. Shepotko. - Нобелівський вісник. - 2018. - №1 (11). - С.24-38.