Задоя, Анатолій ОлександровичПилипенко, Ганна Миколаївна2017-12-282017-12-282012Zadoia A. The interaction market and government co-ordination / A. Zadoia, A. Pilipenko // Montenegrin journal of economics: special issue, Volume 8, Number 3, October 2012. – P.47-54.http://ir.duan.edu.ua/handle/123456789/228The co-ordination as process of the mutual sequencing plan economic subject is provided through operation of specific institutes. Market and government are main ones among them. In article reasons of the contraposition market and government co-ordination are considered, theoretical approaches to consideration of their operation in models of the national economy are analyzed. Need of consideration market and government as equal, interacting between them and mutually conditioning each other elements of mechanism to co-ordination is motivated.Market and government co-ordination, comparability of the co-ordination forms, the right, the political power, institutes.THE INTERACTION MARKET AND GOVERNMENT CO-ORDINATIONArticle