Волкова, Наталія Павлівна2018-01-092018-01-092017http://ir.duan.edu.ua/handle/123456789/818The article presents author’s views on the essence of interactive technologies in education that are described as a complex of methods, means and forms of educational process’s organization that provide an active interaction of its participants and based on cooperation and joint creative work directed towards the achievement of set didactic goals. The essence, some interactive educational technologies’ types are clarified, with the focus on their didactic, communicative capabilities, ability to transfer educational process into coaching, mutual learning, to assist the formation of a competitive personality of a specialist. Special attention is paid to the dialogical-discussion technologies of teaching, in particular, different types of dialogues, methodologic aspects of their application, conditions favorable for the creation of dialogic cooperation in the system “teacher-student”.Key words: educational technology, interactive technologies of education, dialogical-discussion technologies, competitive personality of a specialist.ІНТЕРАКТИВНІ ТЕХНОЛОГІЇ ЯК ЗАСОБИ ФОРМУВАННЯ ОСОБИСТОСТІ КОНКУРЕНТОЗДАТНОГО ФАХІВЦЯArticle