Степанова, Анна Аркадьевна2020-01-162020-01-162019-122083-5485http://ir.duan.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1909DOI: 10.34858/polilog.9.2019.290The specifics of the Faustian consciousness in the Modernism period is investigated in the article. Identifies the key characteristics of the Faustian culture in line with the concept of O. Spengler and ways of Faustian consciousness forming. Analyzes the conditions of crisis Faustian culture in the 20-th century and Faustian consciousness in general.otherFaustian consciousness, Faustian archetype, Faust- ideologeme, Faustian culture, urbanism, eternal knowledgeОБРАЗ ФАУСТОВСКОГО СОЗНАНИЯ В КУЛЬТУРЕ И ЛИТЕРАТУРЕ ХХ ВЕКА: ОТ АРХЕТИПА К ИДЕОЛОГЕМЕImage of Faustian Consciousness in Culture and Literature of the 20th century: from the Archetype to IdeologemeArticle