Болгар, Тетяна МиколаївнаМоскалик, Геннадій Федорович2017-12-282017-12-282016http://ir.duan.edu.ua/handle/123456789/293Bolgar T. The basic principles of the system of the internal bank collection: philosophical aspect / T Bolgar, H. Moskalyk // Innovations in the development of socio-economic systems: microeconomic, macroeconomic and mesoeconomic levels. – Collective monograph. – Vol. 1. Lithuania: “Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”, 2016. – P. 71-85.The scientific article considers the issues of construction of the system of the internal banking collection on the basis of fundamental principles and provides their philosophical justification making it possible to bring the urgency and the need to implement the principles into modern banking activity. Each business should operate on the basis of certain principles. In this aspect, under the principles of activity of internal bank collection divisions we offer to understand the main provisions of the business, ensuring the implementation of the functions, placed on vertical bank collection. Analysis of the activity of bank collection divisions allowed us to identify common approaches, which can be found at all levels of the activity. For their thorough and adequate reflection in thinking it is proposed to use general initial position or fundamental ideas, which are called principles (lat. principium – beginning, basis). The idea of the principles was composed and deepened throughout the history of the banking business. However, we offer our, authorial understanding of it, in the most clear and complete form, as well as analysis and philosophical justification of basic principles of the construction of internal bank collection in modern banking.enTHE BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THE SYSTEM OF THE INTERNAL BANK COLLECTION: PHILOSOPHICAL ASPECTBook chapter