Holub, Daryna Oleksandrivna2018-01-052018-01-0520152312-3036http://ir.duan.edu.ua/handle/123456789/650Holub D. Researchers about literary project “James Bond” // Від бароко до постмодернізму : [зб. наук. пр.] / Редкол. : Т. М. Потніцева (відп. редактор) [та ін.]. – Д. : Ліра, 2015. Том 19 (2015). – С. 239 – 247.Critical reflection about a fifty-year history of the existence of the English literary criticism phenomenon bondiana connected with the forthcoming of a new literary hero James Bond, widely known as agent 007 who was created by a British writer Ian Fleming is under the view. The literary aspect of Fleming’s novels, mainly a structural one, developed by Umberto Eco (1965) that became fundamental to the further evolution of bondology is highlighted. The components of the successful Bond formula (behaviour patterns, love affairs, gambling games and brands) as well as double phenomenon of Fleming-Bond are studied at the multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary level showing the direct relationship of agent 007 with mass culture in general and his influence on it, yet leaving the set of questions open to the further bondology scholarship.enBondology, mass culture, cultural hero, hero-myth, literary and cinematic bondiana, interdisciplinarityRESEARCHERS ABOUT LITERARY PROJECT «JAMES BOND»