Волкова, Наталія ПавлівнаКожушко, Світлана Павлівна2018-01-092018-01-092016http://ir.duan.edu.ua/handle/123456789/821Having analyzed the latest researches the authors reveal the essence of the technologies of cooperative learning which is treated as peer teaching and mastering skills at individual level as well as in the process of acquiring experience in cooperative work directed to the solution of class assignment using such activities as information exchange, setting questions, cross-stimulation and understanding the responsibility not only for personal results but for those of the colleagues. The expediency of the introduction of cooperative learning into the process of education at higher institutions was proved. The variety of viewpoints on the perspectives of cooperative learning and conditions of its introduction were systematized. Special attention was paid to such cooperative technologies as “team training”, “puzzle”, “puzzle-2”. The advantages of the technique “take a position” were proved.Key words: cooperative learning, technologies of education in cooperative learning, professional training of future specialists, organization of students educational activityНАВЧАННЯ У СПІВРОБІТНИЦТВІ ЯК ОРГАНІЗАЦІЙНА ОСНОВА ПРОЦЕСУ ПРОФЕСІЙНОЇ ПІДГОТОВКИ МАЙБУТНІХ ФАХІВЦІВArticle