Гаркуша, Інеса Вікторівна2018-01-012018-01-0120141813-341Хhttp://ir.duan.edu.ua/handle/123456789/388The article reveals complex topical issue of neorhetorical reading of advertising-technological discourse. The developments of neorhetorics R. Barthes, U. Eco, representatives of the Liège School, have been systemized and interpreted. The technological communication potential of the new rhetoric for modern forms of promotional practices has been revealed. Special emphasis is put on the nature of the advertising discourse persuasiveness. The purpose of this article is an extension of the rhetorical approach using by including in it various types of applied social-communication technologies, as well as neorhetorical understanding of the advertising communication as technological practice. The concept of persuasive communication is the key to modern rhetoric ("neorhetoric"). Persuasive possibilities of neorhetoric should be integrated into the structure of advertisers’ professional competence advertisers. C. Perelman identifies neorhetoric as theory of argumentation, but he uses not truth, but value judgments, which are informal, plausible, probabilistic and serve as arguments. Argumentation is a tool of communication technologies in the persuasive contexts. The focus is on the rhetorical metadiscourse and its characteristics. Neorhetoric understanding of the text allows you to extend the sphere of application of the rhetorical approach, having included various types of applied social-communication technologies. Works of famous linguist and specialist in the field of semiotics Roman Jakobson (1896 - 1982) made a significant impact on the rhetoric development in the XX century. Especially it is important to note his communication model based on six factors. It can be regarded as a certain specification of the rhetorical triangle: context, message, sender, recipient, contact, code. Rhetoric and advertising are closely related to each other. As in any agonal statement, advertising text is based on the principle of communicative event.other: неориторика, персуазивні комунікації, аргументативний дискурс, маніпулятивний і сугестивний вплив.Неориторика як персуазивна комунікація у структурі професійної компетентності рекламістівArticle