Гаркуша, Інеса ВікторівнаНедайхліб, Анастасія Євгенівна2018-01-012018-01-012015-04http://ir.duan.edu.ua/handle/123456789/386The features of norms of ethical culture and communication culture of managers are considered. The authors give the description about modern linguistic communication of managers in different business society. It is outlined the level of orientation of managers on taking decision and solving ethical-psychological problems of administrative activity. The article is mentioned also about a number of factors of intercommunication which are existed between the features of style of intercourse and are depended on a management style. The results of the conducted empiric research are analysed.otherпрофесійна етика, етичні дилеми, культура спілкування, стиль спілкування, стиль керівництваВзаємозв'язок психологічних особливостей норм спілкування та стилю керівництва менеджерів-управлінцівArticle