Kateryna Kuz2025-03-022025-03-022023https://ir.duan.edu.ua/handle/123456789/5677In the current thesis, we have considered the phenomenon of the Belgian economy, as an attractive investment destination for doing business and provided the calculations regarding the Ukrainian fashion and design showroom in Antwerp, Belgium. We have researched the economic and social peculiarities which allow the Kingdom of Belgium to remain one of the richest and most desirable for living and investments country, in all fields of activity. According to various world rankings, such as The Global Competitiveness ranking, we investigated that Belgium occupies quite a high position in the world. Another vital issue we discussed was the process of doing business in Belgium, which is effective and continuously improving. We took into account the fact that Belgium is not only the desirable investment destination with a favourable investment climate but also appears to be a significant investor in other countries, with sufficient trade policy, political and macroeconomic stability, well-developed infrastructure and a moderate tax system with its benefits for foreign investors. The last section of the project was devoted to the Ukrainian fashion and design showroom in Belgium, where we represented all the necessary requirements and calculations on revenues and expenditures. Furthermore, the key indicators were calculated, such as NPV, PP and PI, demonstrating the efficiency and effectiveness of the project.Belgian economyBelgian investment climateInternational Investment ProjectUkrainian showroomDEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT PROJECT “THE UKRAINIAN FASHION AND DESIGN SHOWROOM” IN BELGIUM