Пестовська, Зоя СтаніславівнаБолгар, Тетяна МиколаївнаКузнецова, Світлана Анатоліївна2018-01-052018-01-052014The basic idea of deposit insurance system is to hold fast payments to depositors from an independent financial source in the case of bank liquidation. Filling the Deposit Guarantee Fund with financial resources has become a problem because the regular contributions are not enough. Effectiveness of the deposit insurance systems directly depends on the degree of participation of the state. Deposit insurance system should be extended to credit unions, pension funds and insurance companies, but depositors should increase their financial literacy. State credit system has to be constructed to prevent the bankruptcy of credit institutions, as the bankruptcy of one bank may reduce depositor confidence to all credit institutions.http://ir.duan.edu.ua/handle/123456789/640The basic idea of deposit insurance system is to hold fast payments to depositors from an independent financial source in the case of bank liquidation. Filling the Deposit Guarantee Fund with financial resources has become a problem because the regular contributions are not enough. Effectiveness of the deposit insurance systems directly depends on the degree of participation of the state. Deposit insurance system should be extended to credit unions, pension funds and insurance companies, but depositors should increase their financial literacy. State credit system has to be constructed to prevent the bankruptcy of credit institutions, as the bankruptcy of one bank may reduce depositor confidence to all credit institutions.otherБанківська системаБанківська системаBook