Павлова, Валентина АндріївнаКузьменко, Оксана Василівна2019-01-102019-01-102013-02-152074-5362http://ir.duan.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1676The article is devoted to the description of approaches to the development of dual strategy, its content, determination of global and local strategic goals and tools for its implementation. The present state of machine-building in Ukraine and Dnipropetrovsk region has been analysed to determine the development prospects. A block for developing dual strategy has been suggested and describedotherstrategyenvironmentrecourse potentialdual strategycomplianceУПРАВЛІННЯ ПОДВІЙНИМИ СТРАТЕГІЯМИ: ПОСТАНОВНИЙ АСПЕКТMANAGEMENT BY DIVIDE STRATEGIES: POSITIVE ASPECTArticle