Гаркуша, Інеса Вікторівна2018-01-012018-01-012013http://ir.duan.edu.ua/handle/123456789/394Relevance of the research: Studying of the professional speech should be based on creative interpretation and realization of the best ways of mastering effective, productive and professional speech. Researches are carried out in various fields of science: scientists who studied different aspects of the rhetoric are: Annushkin V., Valeyeva H., Goikhman O., Eleonskaya G., Mazur T., Rozhdestvenskiy Y., Sagach G. In spite of this the problem of rhetorical culture formation of the future advertising specialists remains out of the researcher’s view. Purpose of the article is to show the role of rhetorical culture as an academic discipline in the professional training of advertising specialists. Studying of rhetorical culture suggests two areas: 1. Study of the theoretical foundations of the rhetoric. 2. Practical acquirement of the text formation basics. Author's training course "Rhetorical culture of advertising specialists" is designed for 144 hours, whereof: 18 hours are for lectures, 36 hours are for practical training, 15 hours – for individual work and 75 hours are for independent work. The course forms professionally important skills in effective mastering of oral persuasive speech in monological, dialogical and polylogical forms of communication. A lot of attention is paid to lectures, seminars-discussions, "brainstorming" and training The result of studying of the course "Rhetorical culture of advertising specialists" will help to develop sense of confidence in communication, form language competence of the specialist , create effective and persuasive communication in professional dialogue and methods of establishing communicative relationships.otherзміст, навчання, професійна підготовка, риторична культура, фахівець з рекламиКурс "риторична культура фахівців з реклами" у професійній підготовціArticle