Тараненко, І.В.Кулеба, О.О.Яременко, С.С.2020-03-072020-03-0720192522-9745http://ir.duan.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2166The metallurgical industry plays a strategic role in the economies of the leading countries of the world - the US, EU, Japan, China. It is a source of employment and income for a large part of the population. The metallurgical complex, which includes the pipe industry, provides for the extraction and transportation of oil and gas, satisfies the needs of the automotive and mechanical engineering, construction, etc. Therefore, the study of the impact of macroenvironmental factors on the activities of pipe companies is particularly relevant. For Ukraine, the importance of such studies is determined by the fact that metallurgy provides about 28% of foreign currency inflows to Ukraine, and about 70% of pipe products are exported. The purpose of the research is to determine the factors of the macroenvironment and their influence on the manufacturing and export of products of the pipe industry from Ukraine. The influence of macroenvironmental factors on the functioning of the pipe industry in the modern globalized economy is investigated. According to the results of the study of the dynamics of production and export of pipes and tubes by Ukrainian enterprises, as well as trends in the development of the world pipe and tube market, global factors of influence on the pipe and tube industry have been identified. They are the following: demand for pipes and tubes from the oil and gas industry, the state of automobile, machine building and construction as leading consumers of pipes. The main manufacturers of pipes and tubes in Ukraine are the following: “Interpipe Nico Tube”, “Interpipe NTZ”, “Interpipe NMTZ”, MMK by the name of Ilyich, DMZ Cominmet, NVO Trubostal, Centravis Company (JSC Centravis Production Ukraine), Dnipro Pipe Plant, Pavlograd Pipe Plant “Slavsant”. More than 60% of pipe products produced in Ukraine are sold in foreign markets. The main consumers of Ukrainian pipes are the USA, Germany, Russia and Poland. The enterprises of the industrial company Interpipe produce and export the main part of pipes and tubes. As of 2018, the company provided 60,6% of production and 74,4% of exports of metal pipes and tubes in Ukraine. The results of the regression analysis revealed a measure of the influence of the price factor and non-price factors on the export of pipes and tubes from Ukraine. The conclusion is made about the dominance of influence of the price factor during 2012-2018. At the same time, it is shown that in the first half of 2019 the volume of export of pipes and tubes from Ukraine in comparison with the same period of 2018 decreased by 0,1% despite the fact that the price index of manufacturers of pipe products as of 01 January 2019 increased by 21,5% compared to the same period of 2018. That is, in the first half of 2019, pipe and tubes exports were mainly influenced by non-price factors. Using the PEST method, macro factors have been identified that positively and negatively affect the production and export of pipes by Ukrainian enterprises. Macroenvironmental factors have been identified that led to a reduction in pipe exports from Ukraine in the first half of 2019, namely: temporary protective measures for imports into the EU of steel products adopted in 2018; the decision of the European Commission to extend the anti-dumping duties on imports of seamless pipes from Ukraine for five years; Russia introduced in 2019 a prohibition on the import of certain types of pipes from Ukraine, in particular for oil pipelines. Conclusions have been drawn on the effect of such factors in the future and it is proposed to increase the competitiveness of domestic pipe companies by the innovative component that will reduce the threats and make full use of the opportunities of the global macroenvironmentothermacroenvironment, pipe and tube industry, pipe and tube market, producer price index, pipe and tube products export, import restrictionsГлобальне макросередовище функціонування підприємств трубної промисловості у складі металургійного комплексу УкраїниArticle