Мединська, Світлана Іванівна2019-06-132019-06-1320182522-4115 (print), 2522-9133 (online)http://ir.duan.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1774Use of technologies in the classroom is considered to be an effective tool of heightening students’ interest in the educational process due to its appeal to the young generation through its ubiquity but it also has to be applied prudently as a motivational tool because of its restrictions in this respect. Analyzing the four emotional drives and computer testing it can be noted that the latter satisfies only two drives such as acquire and defend while control of the level of the foreign language competence via team projects and team presentations with the use of computer technologies satisfies the four emotional drives that is why computer testing can be used only as an ancillary tool in this respect. The definition of an optimal system of motivation in the educational process should take into account cultural aspects to use appropriate external and internal factors of motivation. According to the findings of the study, it can be concluded that cultural characteristics offered by G. Hofstede and E. Hall have complementary character and show vivid proneness of the Ukrainians to relationships and teamwork due to a high level of collectivism and femininity with predominance of the features which are characteristic of high-context cultures as well as a high level of uncertainty avoidance which leads to the conclusion of necessity of fairness in assessment. Computer testing actually has some advantages over traditional forms of control, but it is not a panacea since it requires significant advancements in the test system aimed at expanding the capabilities of computer test frames with their optimal adaptation to the peculiarities of forming the foreign language competence. Thus, computer testing as a method of interim and final control should be used along with the other forms of control like making presentations, writing business letters and essays, summarizing articles etc., i.e. those controlling techniques which require creating a linguistic product to demonstrate the realistic level of the foreign language competence and satisfy the four emotional drives of motivation corresponding to the distinctive features of the Ukrainian culture.У статті розглядаються актуальні питання комп’ютерного тестування як засобу контролю набутих навичок при формуванні іншомовної компетенції з метою визначення раціональних меж його застосування на прикладі студентів галузі туризму. Розглянуто обмеження при застосуванні комп’ютерного тестування з урахуванням мотиваційних і культурних аспектів, а також запропоновано рекомендації щодо підвищення ефективності існуючих тестових систем та визначення сфери їх застосування.The article deals with the relevant issues of computer testing as a means of control of the acquired skills while forming the foreign language competence with a view to defining the reasonable scope of its application with the undergraduate tourism students taken as an example. Constraints of computer testing application have been considered taking into consideration the motivational and cultural aspects, as well as recommendations on improving efficiency of the existing test systems and defining the scope of their application have been made.encomputer testing, motivation, foreign language competence, cultural modelкомп’ютерне тестування, мотивація, іншомовна компетентність, культурологічна модельTHE SCOPE OF APPLICATION OF COMPUTER TESTING IN THE CONTEXT OF CULTURAL AND MOTIVATIONAL ASPECTS WHILE FORMING THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMPETENCE OF UNDERGRADUATE TOURISM STUDENTSArticle