Гаркуша, Інеса ВікторівнаКайко, Валерій Іванович2018-01-012018-01-012016http://ir.duan.edu.ua/handle/123456789/382Under the influence of the type of parental relationship formed the child's personality and level of development. The first research direction that put the parent-child relationship in the child development center, was known to classical psychoanalysis. In the current research is the study of consciousness shift the child to study its behavior, which is often described in terms of social adaptation and competence. Giperopeka - life under tight surveillance and relentless, it always hears strict orders, numerous prohibitions. As a result, become indecisive, inert, fearful, insecure in their abilities, can not fend for themselves, for their own interests. One of the most important conditions for the development of self-esteem is family relations. Also, support and understanding of the family (friends, parents), possession optimistic and resilient nature helps children successfully overcome life difficulties, stress, and besides - enjoy greater popularity in the circle of peers. The care in the family - the system of relationships in which parents, providing their work meet all the needs of the child, protecting it from any worries, effort and difficulty, taking them over. The issue of active formation of personality recedes into the background. There are 3 style of parental relationship - authoritarian, democratic and potural. In authoritarian style of their parents - for the child law. Democratic style of family relationships is most optimal for education. If parents potural style almost never pay attention to their children in anything they do not limit, do not prohibit. The numerous psychological studies show that the perception of the child and her attitude influenced by many factors, among which only some are directly related to features of the boy or girl.otherПроблема батьківсько-дитячих стосунків у психологіїArticle