Пришедько К.В.2025-03-022025-03-022023https://ir.duan.edu.ua/handle/123456789/5681The paper examines detailed analysis of the current state and trends of the U.S. economy over the past years. It was found that USA has one of the most developed economic systems in the world. The study found that USA has a very effective socioeconomic model that allows the country to develop confidently from year to year. USA also has a fairly high level of integration into international migration processes and foreign economic activity. The country has a large number of well-established companies and developed infrastructure. All these factors create favourable conditions for the opening of the recruitment agency in USA. An international investment project to create the recruitment agency in the city of Worcester, state Massachusetts, which will be developed at the expense of the investor from Ukraine. The sources and volumes of investments in the project are provided, the main indicators that can assess the attractiveness of this investment project are calculated.U.S. economyforeign trade turnoverforeign direct investmentsocioeconomic modelGDPrecruitment agencypayback period of the investment projectNPV.Розробка та шляхи реалізації міжнародного інвестиційного проекту «Відкриття рекрутингової агенції» в США