Олійник, Ірина Вікторівна2017-12-282017-12-2820172313-2094; 2413-2039http://ir.duan.edu.ua/handle/123456789/220The article is devoted to the results of comparative analysis of terminology on "burnout" phenomenon. The peculiarities of educational activities, factors, causes and symptoms of the phenomenon have been investigated. The basic directions of professional burnout prevention have been determined. The main properties of the concept "professional burnout" as a special kind of professional destruction have also been explored. The issue of studying the dynamics of professional burnout structures during the process of individual professionalization has been paid attention to.otherKeywords: teacher, professional burnout, emotional burnout, professional degradation, prevention of burnout syndrome.Причини виникнення та Профілактика синдрому професійного вигорання у педагогівArticle