Fedko M.M.2025-01-062025-01-062024https://ir.duan.edu.ua/handle/123456789/4924In bachelor’s thesis the theoretical and methodological basis of the marketing communication policy of the company, carried out market analysis, and developed recommendations for the development of activities to improve the marketing communication policy of the company “Mais” in the corn seeds market. Given the nature of the products of “Mais” and the competition environment, recommendations are made to improve marketing communication policy.enmarketing communication mixSWOT analysismarket segmentationSMMcorn seeds marketDEVELOPMENT OF ACTIVITIES TO IMPROVE MARKETING COMMUNICATION POLICY OF THE ENTERPRISEРозробка заходів щодо удосконалення маркетингової комунікаційної політики підприємстваOther