Мединська, Світлана Іванівна2018-01-032018-01-032017Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеляhttp://ir.duan.edu.ua/handle/123456789/480The paper presents the issue of application of strategic management with the view of forming students’ foreign language competence as a constituent of their professional training at higher educational institutions. The main components and stages of the strategic approach with defining specifics of their use in an educational setting and conditions of their effective implementation for optimal organization of teaching would-be experts in the framework of contemporary requirements for higher education have been analyzed.enstrategic management, foreign language competence, professional training, strategic approach, optimal training organization, strategic planning, resource management, control and evaluationTHE STRATEGIC APPROACH TO FORMING THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMPETENCE OF WOULD-BE EXPERTS IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE CONTEMPORARY EDUCATIONAL STANDARDSArticle