Компетентністний підхід у підготовці майбутніх викладачів образотворчого мистецтва до роботи в закладах позашкільної освіти




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Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля


At the present stage of development of extracurricular education, special emphasis is placed on the education of a highly moral and spiritually rich person. The role of art in the process of formation of aesthetic ideals and values, intellectual and creative development of the young generation is well known. In this regard, the problem of vocational training of teachers of fine arts for work at out-of-school educational institutions is being updated. The need for highly qualified fine arts specialists leads to the need to improve their professional training in the conditions of modern educational space. The article defines the role of competency in the training of future fine arts teachers; current problems of professional competence development of future specialists are considered. The main key directions of training future teachers of fine arts are specified, based on formation of professional competence on the basis of integration of several key directions in the process of professional training (psycho-pedagogical, art-creative, cultural, methodological). The author of the article made the analysis of the definitions of “competence”, “competence” of the art teacher, and his own definitions of the specified concepts are formulated. The leading competencies are defined, which are included in the content of professional competence of the future teacher of fine arts: cultural, psycho-pedagogical, methodological, visual, design, prognostic, and reflexive ones. We are convinced that the effective development of professional competence of future teachers of fine arts in the course of substantive training will be facilitated by ensuring the inter-professional integration of general professional, optional and subject-training disciplines; pedagogical support of independent work of future teachers of fine arts; the availability in the curriculum of future teachers of fine arts of subjects of the psychological and pedagogical cycle; integration of educational programs in pedagogy, methods of teaching fine arts, psychology of creativity; presence of positive professional self-concept, desire for selfdevelopment and self-education.


Ключові слова

competency approach, professional competence, future teacher, fine arts, training, institutions of out-of-school education

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