Бакалаври 2023
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Перегляд Бакалаври 2023 за Автор "ADENIJI ADEWUNMI"
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Документ Development and Ways of Implementation of International Investment Project “Real Estates” in South Africa(2023) ADENIJI ADEWUNMIThis thesis examines the current state and trends of the South African economy over the years, identifying it as one of the most attractive destinations for international real estate investment. The study explores the process of conducting market research, identifying potential partners, securing funding, developing a business plan, acquiring and developing property, and marketing and selling real estate in Johannesburg South Africa. It has been revealed that the country's stable political environment, improving infrastructure, and growing middle class make it a favourable location for investment. An international investment project in the real estate sector was developed with a focus on creating job opportunities and generating profits for the investor. The thesis provides detailed calculations of the investment resources required, the organizational and legal structure of the enterprise, and the main indicators that evaluate the investment attractiveness of the proposed project. The findings suggest that a well-planned approach that considers the unique cultural, legal, and economic factors of the South African market is crucial for the success of an international real estate investment project