Бакалаври 2023
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Документ Development and ways of implementation of the international investment project “The IT Company in Australi”(2023) Andi SamakhaThe paper looks at the present status and patterns of the Australian economy throughout recent years. It has been made public that Australia's economy is one of the world's largest and most advanced. It is well-known for its consistent economic expansion, which is aided by a well-developed infrastructure, a wealth of natural resources, and a workforce with high levels of expertise. At the same time, despite the country's educated population, certain industries are experiencing skill shortages. In sectors that require specialized expertise, this may impede economic expansion and innovation. Compared to some other developed nations, Australia invests less in research and development. This may have an effect on the nation's capacity to encourage creativity, create novel technologies, and compete globally in high-tech industries. This makes positive circumstances for the association of independent company ventures, where consolidating speculation and occupation creation for the investor is conceivable. An international investment project to create an IT Service company in Australia was developed at the expense of an investor from Ukraine. The calculations of the need for investment resources are given, the organizational and legal form of the created enterprise is substantiated, as well as the calculations of the main indicators that made it possible to evaluate the investment attractiveness of the proposed project.Документ DEVELOPMENT AND WAYS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT PROJECT “OPENING A COCKTAILBAR IN LYON, FRANCE”(2023) Kurdil VladyslavaThe purpose of this work is to develop and open a project, namely a cocktail-bar, and provide all the necessary calculations for making a decision to invest in the project. The study was created on a database close to reality, collected from various sources and literature. This study examines the current state of the French economy as part of a study of investment attractiveness. Despite some problems in the French economy, the country has the ability to attract investments and is attractive to international investors. Also, performance indicators (such as net present value, profitability index and payback period) are analyzed in the work to assess the relevance and feasibility of business implementation, and the chances of implementing the project with the help of investments are assessedДокумент Development and ways of implementation of the international investment project “Online Business School in Italy(2023) Yaroslav FedorovThe paper considers the main characteristics of the Italian economy and factors of country’s economic development. The structural trends in the economy of Italy and main industries are considered. The peculiarities of small and medium business and its contribution to the economic growth of Itale are shown. The main trends in international trade and investment activity of Italy have been researched. The factors affecting the export and import have been studied. The analysis of investment activity and the business climate in Italy are analyzed. On the basis of research results, strenghes and weaknesses the concept of the international investment project was offered. The project for opening online business school in Italy assumes the improvement of businesss environment of the country and development of small business. The investments and sources of their involvement are substantiated, as well as the investment performance indicators of the project.Документ DEVELOPMENT AND WAYS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT PROJECT “OPENING A TOUR DESK AGENCY IN JAPAN”(2023) Liapina YuliaThe purpose of this paper is to develop a project for opening a tour desk agency and to provide all the necessary calculations to make a decision about investing in the project. The paper examines the socio-economic landscape of Japan as part of an investment appeal study. As the country's population is rapidly aging, this has a significant impact on the economic and social aspects of Japan. However, Japan has consistently demonstrated remarkable economic stability over time, highlighting its ability to attract investment. The international investment initiative relies on funding from a very profitable "angel" investor, offering the most favorable conditions and minimal risks. In addition, the paper analyzes the main performance indicators (such as net present value, profitability index and payback period) to assess the project's viability and determine whether it deserves to continue.Документ DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT PROJECT: Investment in Tunisia: Opening a manufacturing company in Tunisia(2023) Roeya ElhadjThe thesis titled "The Development and Implementation of the International Investment Project: Opening a Manufacturing Company in Tunisia" aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the process involved in establishing a manufacturing company in Tunisia. The study focuses on the practical aspects of setting up an international investment project, including the legal and regulatory framework, infrastructure, logistics, and human resources. The research methodology employed in this thesis is qualitative and follows a case study approach. The primary data was collected through semi-structured interviews with stakeholders involved in the project, while secondary data was sourced from academic literature, official reports, and other relevant sources. The findings of this thesis highlight the challenges and opportunities of investing in Tunisia, including the country's strategic location, skilled labor force, and attractive investment incentives. The study provides insights into the critical success factors for international investment projects, such as effective management, local partnerships, and government support. The thesis concludes by outlining the lessons learned from the case study and proposing recommendations for companies considering investment in Tunisia. These include developing a comprehensive understanding of the local market, building relationships with local stakeholders, and investing in training and development of human resources.Документ DEVELOPMENT AND WAYS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT PROJECT “OPENING OF A MAKEUP STORE IN USA”(2023) Polina IlinaIn the current qualification work, we considered the phenomenon of the American economy and the attractiveness of the country for investment and business. We studied the economic performance of the country and found that the role of the United States in the modern world remains significant and influential. The US is the largest economy in the world and one of the leaders in many areas such as science, technology, finance and culture. The United States is known around the world as a society that supports and encourages entrepreneurship, encourages innovation, and in turn leads to economic growth. Population growth in the US has helped diversify the workforce. The US is also one of the leading manufacturing industries in the world after China. The US dollar is also the most commonly used currency for global transactions. In addition, the US economy is the largest in the world in terms of GDP. It is characterized by a high degree of development, innovation and global influence. The United States has a diverse economy, covering various industries such as finance, information technology, manufacturing, healthcare, etc. What’s more, in this work, we examined the US investment climate and determined its attractiveness for foreign investors. In the last section, we examined in detail the essence and methods of implementing our investment project, the essence of which is the opening of a cosmetics store. In this section, we have calculated all the necessary indicators and identified investment methods. Finally, we calculated indicators such as NPV, PP and PI and drew conclusions about the effectiveness of the project.Документ Development and ways of implementation of the international investment project “Auto Repair Shop in Japan”(2023) Hlib BalahanskyiThe bachelor's qualification work is devoted to the development of an international investment project for the creation of an enterprise in Japan that would provide services in the field of car service. For this purpose, the development of this country over the past 15 years was analyzed in detail. Particular attention was paid to the study of factors that influence the state of the investment climate in the country: GDP dynamics, GDP per capita, unemployment rate, price growth dynamics, etc. A special section of the study was devoted to state regulation of business processes in the country. The second section of the work is devoted to the analysis of the country's foreign economic activity, its foreign trade and international capital flows. The final section substantiates the economic feasibility of implementing an investment project to provide services in the field of car service. The calculations of the need for investment, expected income and profitability of the project (net present value, payback period, profitability index) showed that the project is real and can be recommended for implementation.Документ DEVELOPMENT AND WAYS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT PROJECT “MANUFACTURE OF FIREFIGHTING AND FIRE-RESISTANT STRUCTURES IN SINGAPORE”(2023) Nadiia KotliarskaThe paper examines the current state and trends of the Singaporean economy over the past fifteen years. Singapore demonstrates high rates of economic growth, stable successes in the field of international economic relations and an effective state policy aimed at shaping the investment attractiveness of the country. With no external debt, significant government revenues and a positive surplus, Singapore's economy is currently one of the most stable in the world. All these factors have a positive impact on the entrepreneur when choosing Singapore as a country for the implementation of the investment project. The developed international investment project for the manufacture and installation of fireproof and fire-resistant structures is aimed at ensuring the safety of people even in critical situations. Singapore, for which safety is paramount in all areas of activity, is a good choice for starting a business. The project will be implemented at the expense of foreign investors. After a thorough analysis, the features of the legislative framework of Singapore associated with the opening of an enterprise with the participation of foreign capital were determined and the amount of necessary investment was calculated. The work is aimed at a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the investment attractiveness of the proposed project with the help of indicators such as NPV, PP and PI, demonstrating the effectiveness and efficiency of the project.Документ DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT PROJECT “OPENING A BEAUTY SALON IN NORWAY”(2023) Koval MyroslavaThe aim of this article is to develop a project for opening a beauty salon in Norway and provide all the necessary calculations to make a decision on investing in the project. In addition, the main tasks are to study the Norwegian economy, identify key areas for investment and assess the associated risks and opportunities. Both the economic and demographic situation in Norway is considered, which made it possible to determine its strengths (a highly developed service sector, favorable conditions for immigration, fair competition and unprevented trade), and weaknesses. In addition, the attractiveness of Norway as an object of foreign investment was analyzed, current trends in this area were predicted, and the country was considered as a place for doing business. Introduced surveys of consumption in investment resources, outlined the organizational and legal form of the establishment of the enterprise, as well as carried out surveys of the main indications, as they gave an opportunity to assess the investment attractiveness of the project. The Norwegian government continues to liberalize its foreign investment legislation mandated closer compliance with EU standards and the flow of the last decade has reduced red tape to make investment easier. This creates favorable conditions for the organization of small business enterprises, where it is possible to combine investment and the creation of a workplace for the investor himself. Finally, the thesis includes the rationale for the selected project, its description (competitive advantages, competitor analysis) and key indicators, such as NPV, PP and PI, reflecting the effectiveness of the project.Документ «Development and ways of implementation of the international investment project Opening of a Warning Systems Company in the Netherlands»(2023) Anastasiia KrasinaThis thesis examines the development and implementation strategies for an international investment project aimed at establishing a warning systems company in the Netherlands. The research evaluates relevant economic trends of Dutch economy, its role and position in global business landscape, as well as assesses the economic attractiveness of the investment project. A mixed-methods approach involving literature review, surveys, and financial analysis was used to conduct this study. The results demonstrate significant potential for investing in such projects within the Dutch market due to strong overall conditions conducive to profitable growth opportunities particularly with regards to establishing companies dealing with warning systems technologies. The study provides practical insights for decision-makers and industry professionals highlighting the opportunities and challenges within the warning systems sector, thereby contributing to the growth of this sector.Документ Development and ways of implementation of the international investment project “Coffee Shop in Israel”(2023) Mariya SlutskovskaThe creation and execution techniques of an international investment project, especially one that aims to open a coffee shop in Israel, are the main topics of this bachelor's thesis. The paper examines the numerous factors necessary to establish such a business successfully while taking into account the unique circumstances of the Israeli market. The thesis starts out by giving a thorough description of the coffee shop sector, emphasizing its explosive development and untapped potential. It then looks into the unique peculiarities of the Israeli market, including cultural, economic, and social issues that might affect the viability and profitability of an investment in a coffee shop. The thesis investigates various approaches and tactics used in opening coffee shops in comparable foreign contexts in order to successfully direct the implementation process. It examines successful case studies from different nations to find best practices and lessons gained that may be used for the project that is being proposed in Israel. The study also examines Israel's legal and regulatory environment as it relates to starting and running a coffee shop. This include a study of the licensing needs, permissions, and adherence to local laws, as well as any potential difficulties or roadblocks that could appear during the implementation stage. The analysis concludes with a comprehensive implementation plan for the project, which includes a step-by-step schedule for opening and running the coffee shop in Israel. The important dates, duties, and factors that must be taken into account throughout each project phase are highlighted.Документ Development and ways of implementation of the international investment project “Ukrainian cuisine restaurant in Vienna, Austria”(2023) Olena MaliutaThe thesis examines the general specificities of the economy of the Republic of Austria (the current situation, development trends, and major problems), foreign economic activity, and the international investment project “Ukrainian cuisine restaurant in Vienna, Austria”. It has been uncovered that the Republic of Austria is a highly developed industrialized country with a social market economic system, a high level of economic development, and labour force participation. An international investment project “Ukrainian cuisine restaurant in Vienna, Austria” has been developed based on an integrated approach. The sales, costs, investments, and sources have been justified. The calculation of the economic performance of the project has been presented.Документ The development and implementation of the international investment project «Opening the enterprise for the production of clothing and accessories» in Germany(2023) Kateryna KolisnykThe subject of the study is ways of implementing the investment project "Opening an enterprise for the production of clothing and accessories" in Germany. In this work, the method of analysis is used to consider individual elements of the economic system of Germany. Using the method of synthesis and the system-structural method, the peculiarities of the German economy were studied as a set of various processes and phenomena of economic life that are in close connection. The economic and statistical method was used to display quantitative estimates of the main indicators of the modern German economy. The practical significance of this work lies in the4 possibility of using its results during the implementation of investment projects in Germany, implementation of German experience in certain areas of regulation of economic issues, improvement of management of light industry enterprises in Ukraine. The results of the work can also be used to prepare educational materials for students of international economics, investment activities, industry economics, for entrepreneurs and investors within the framework of highly specialized events.Документ Розробка та шляхи реалізації міжнародного інвестиційного проекту «Відкриття рекрутингової агенції» в США(2023) Пришедько К.В.The paper examines detailed analysis of the current state and trends of the U.S. economy over the past years. It was found that USA has one of the most developed economic systems in the world. The study found that USA has a very effective socioeconomic model that allows the country to develop confidently from year to year. USA also has a fairly high level of integration into international migration processes and foreign economic activity. The country has a large number of well-established companies and developed infrastructure. All these factors create favourable conditions for the opening of the recruitment agency in USA. An international investment project to create the recruitment agency in the city of Worcester, state Massachusetts, which will be developed at the expense of the investor from Ukraine. The sources and volumes of investments in the project are provided, the main indicators that can assess the attractiveness of this investment project are calculated.Документ DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT PROJECT: OPENING AN AGRIBUSINESS IN RWANDA(2023) Jambawo Tinotenda JoyceThe main idea of the project is to establish a modern agribusiness farm in Rwanda, focused on the production and processing of fruits and vegetables for local and international markets. The Agribusiness sector in Rwanda has been identified as a potential area for foreign investment, as it has vast opportunities for growth and development. The project has shown to be justified by several factors. First, the agricultural sector is a key driver of the Rwandan economy, contributing significantly to the country's GDP which amounts to an estimate of 30% and providing employment for the majority of the population. Second, there is a growing demand for diverse, fresh and sustainably produced food products. Third, the government of Rwanda has implemented policies and strategies to encourage investment in the agribusiness sector, making it an attractive investment destination, including tax incentives and streamlined business registration processes. In order to have a successful analysis on this project, the project has simplified and identified the problems faced in the process of making such an investment and an elaboration of some solutions established on thorough research. The results of this study serve as a guide to establishing a prospective agribusiness in Rwanda.Документ DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT PROJECT “THE UKRAINIAN FASHION AND DESIGN SHOWROOM” IN BELGIUM(2023) Kateryna KuzIn the current thesis, we have considered the phenomenon of the Belgian economy, as an attractive investment destination for doing business and provided the calculations regarding the Ukrainian fashion and design showroom in Antwerp, Belgium. We have researched the economic and social peculiarities which allow the Kingdom of Belgium to remain one of the richest and most desirable for living and investments country, in all fields of activity. According to various world rankings, such as The Global Competitiveness ranking, we investigated that Belgium occupies quite a high position in the world. Another vital issue we discussed was the process of doing business in Belgium, which is effective and continuously improving. We took into account the fact that Belgium is not only the desirable investment destination with a favourable investment climate but also appears to be a significant investor in other countries, with sufficient trade policy, political and macroeconomic stability, well-developed infrastructure and a moderate tax system with its benefits for foreign investors. The last section of the project was devoted to the Ukrainian fashion and design showroom in Belgium, where we represented all the necessary requirements and calculations on revenues and expenditures. Furthermore, the key indicators were calculated, such as NPV, PP and PI, demonstrating the efficiency and effectiveness of the project.Документ Development and Ways of Implementation of International Investment Project “Real Estates” in South Africa(2023) ADENIJI ADEWUNMIThis thesis examines the current state and trends of the South African economy over the years, identifying it as one of the most attractive destinations for international real estate investment. The study explores the process of conducting market research, identifying potential partners, securing funding, developing a business plan, acquiring and developing property, and marketing and selling real estate in Johannesburg South Africa. It has been revealed that the country's stable political environment, improving infrastructure, and growing middle class make it a favourable location for investment. An international investment project in the real estate sector was developed with a focus on creating job opportunities and generating profits for the investor. The thesis provides detailed calculations of the investment resources required, the organizational and legal structure of the enterprise, and the main indicators that evaluate the investment attractiveness of the proposed project. The findings suggest that a well-planned approach that considers the unique cultural, legal, and economic factors of the South African market is crucial for the success of an international real estate investment projectДокумент DEVELOPMENT AND WAYS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT PROJECT «SPA in France»(2023) Mark RadchenkoThe work includes a study of the modern economy of France and trends in its development in recent years. It was found that many people from all over the world choose France for recovery, because the resorts in France are one of the best. Also, in the work, an analysis of competitors and the best place for the construction of a SPA was carried out. In addition, the best procedures and comfortable placement of modern spa areas were selected. I believe that this project will be popular not only at the expense of tourists, but also local residents. The work analyzes and gives an estimate of the financial part of opening a SPA, calculates possible revenues, predicts costs and calculates approximate payback periods. Thanks to these data, it is possible to assess how favorable this project will be, from the point of view of opening a small business in France.Документ The Development of International Investment Project “Building a local brand of organic skincare and beauty products in Spain”(2023) Valeria LazarenkoThe goal of the project is to determine Spain's economic contribution to the larger global economy, gain understanding of Spain's international economic activities, and create an effective investment plan. The following primary duties have been created in order to accomplish this goal: 1. Consider the economic development of Spain. 2. Analyze the nation's political, social, and economic environments. 3. Analyze Spain's performance in comparison to other countries' rankings. 4. Determine what is impeding the nation's economic progress and come up with acceptable answers. 5. To attract investors to the project, create a thorough proposal and run calculations on things like total costs, income, and payback duration. 6. Investigate and assess Spain's investment appeal. 7. Identify the most well-liked and lucrative business categories in the nation. This investigation is focused on a global investment venture called "Establishing a local brand of organic skincare and beauty products in Spain." The study concentrates on creating such an investment project's theoretical, methodological, and practical aspects, which are key components of economic theory. The main research methods and resources used are the induction and abstraction method, analysis and synthesis of economic publications, review of surveys of the Spanish populace to determine their satisfaction with the economic situation, use of international websites on the Internet, and investigation of statistics, pertinent tables, calculations, charts, and other relevant information.Документ Development and ways to implement an international investment project in Mexico (Establishment of a renewable energy production plant)(2023) Zadyrko TymurThe work provides a general description of Mexico's economy over the past 10-15 years, analyzes the structure of Mexico's economy, provides a description of Mexico's leading industries, examines Mexico's export-import activity, analyzes Mexico's international investment activity, provides an assessment of Mexico's investment attractiveness, and examines Mexico's competitive environment in in the field of investment projects (an analysis of the energy market was carried out), the international investment project for the creation of a renewable energy station was substantiated, the economic attractiveness of the investment project was assessed and the expected income was calculated.