Бакалаври 2023
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Перегляд Бакалаври 2023 за Автор "Mariya Slutskovska"
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Документ Development and ways of implementation of the international investment project “Coffee Shop in Israel”(2023) Mariya SlutskovskaThe creation and execution techniques of an international investment project, especially one that aims to open a coffee shop in Israel, are the main topics of this bachelor's thesis. The paper examines the numerous factors necessary to establish such a business successfully while taking into account the unique circumstances of the Israeli market. The thesis starts out by giving a thorough description of the coffee shop sector, emphasizing its explosive development and untapped potential. It then looks into the unique peculiarities of the Israeli market, including cultural, economic, and social issues that might affect the viability and profitability of an investment in a coffee shop. The thesis investigates various approaches and tactics used in opening coffee shops in comparable foreign contexts in order to successfully direct the implementation process. It examines successful case studies from different nations to find best practices and lessons gained that may be used for the project that is being proposed in Israel. The study also examines Israel's legal and regulatory environment as it relates to starting and running a coffee shop. This include a study of the licensing needs, permissions, and adherence to local laws, as well as any potential difficulties or roadblocks that could appear during the implementation stage. The analysis concludes with a comprehensive implementation plan for the project, which includes a step-by-step schedule for opening and running the coffee shop in Israel. The important dates, duties, and factors that must be taken into account throughout each project phase are highlighted.