Кафедра міжнародних фінансів, обліку та оподаткування
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Документ Budget Safety as the Level of Budgetary Potential of the State(International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, 2019) Viktoriia VarenykBudget safety, as a component of financial security, depends on the results of the implementation of an effective state financial and economic policy as the basis for the achievement of national interests. Effective using of the budget, namely, effective management of the state's cash flows, should ensure the regulation of economic and social processes in the interests of society, and create stable conditions for economic development of the country. Budget policy is an integral part of the state's financial policy and as one of the driving forces of Ukraine's development implies further stabilization of public finances, ensuring economic growth and raising standards of living for the maintenance of balanced development of the state. In today's conditions of development, the state faces the task of ensuring the balance and stability of the state budget against adverse external influences, establishing effective management of the country's cash flows, establishing an effective budget and monetary policy, as well as long-term fiscal sustainability and stability. In recent years, to overcome this task, control over the activities of financial institutions has intensified, as a result, they guided by the principles of responsible management of public finances, aimed at introducing the principles of medium-term financial planning, the availability of a system of forecasting budget parameters, ensuring the feasibility of economic forecasts, and creating and maintaining necessary financial reserves.Документ CHANGES IN THE FINANCIAL SERVICES MARKET UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF AI(OKTAN PRINT PRAHA, 2021) Pestovska ZoiaДокумент CHANGES IN THE FINANCIAL SERVICES MARKET UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF AI(OKTAN PRINT PRAHA, 2021) Pestovska ZoiaДокумент COMPETITIVENESS OF BANKS IN THE MODERN CONDITIONS OF FINANCIAL MARKET DEVELOPMENT = КОНКУРЕНТОСПРОМОЖНІСТЬ БАНКІВ У СУЧАСНИХ УМОВАХ РОЗВИТКУ ФІНАНСОВОГО РИНКУ(Фінансово-кредитна діяльність: проблеми теорії та практики : зб. наук. пр. – Харків.: ДВНЗ УБС, 2019) Болгар, Тетяна Миколаївна; Коваленко, Вікторія Володимирівна; Євтушенко, Ольга Анатоліївна; Пестовська, Зоя СтаніславівнаThe article carries out the comparative analysis of the basic approaches to the choice of competitive strategies of banks. The aim of the paper is to substantiation of theoretical and methodical principles of banks' competitiveness in the current conditions of financial market development. The factors that affect the level of competitiveness of banks are determined. The authors of the article classifies them into factors that cause structural imbalances in the economy, factors of macroeconomic and microeconomic functioning of banks. Competitiveness of banks can not be considered without the competitiveness of their products and services. Between them there is a close relationship, they determine the development of each other. The authors of the article prove that banking competition differs from classical competition between commodity producers. These differences are: the object of banking competition is not goods, but the resources that the bank generates to carry out active operations; in banking market, banks can act as a seller, not only the buyer; the implementation of banking services may be carried out within the bank without the involvement of external sales channels; the situation of competition arises not only between banking institutions, it is also connected with the activities of non-banking financial institutions; the activities of banking institutions are strictly regulated by the National Bank of Ukraine. Modern conditions of functioning of the banking market testify to the necessity of development and introduction of strategic management of bank competitiveness, development of new methods of formation and implementation of competitive advantages and strategies. Development strategies need to be developed taking into account uncertainty, they should be as flexible as possible and provide for the possibility of realizing banking risks. Thus, it can be construed that the current state of development of banking business is accompanied by crises occurring both in the economic and financial spheres of the country; therefore, ensuring the competitiveness of banks must first of all be based on the development of effective, convincing messages for investors, clients and employees. The main actions of banks that make it possible to present their competitiveness should be this: ensuring financially sustainable development; the protection of the existing own banking business is the elaboration of a contingency plan; work on the prospect. = Здійснено порівняльний аналіз основних підходів до вибору конкурентних стратегій банків. Метою роботи є обґрунтування теоретичних і методичних засад конкурентоспроможності банків у сучасних умовах розвитку фінансового ринку. Визначено чинники, які впливають на рівень конкурентоспроможності банків. Їх класифіковано на фактори, що викликані структурними дисбалансами економіки, фактори макроекономічного і мікроекономічного функціонування банків. Конкурентоспроможність банків неможливо розглядати без конкурентоспроможності його продуктів і послуг. Між ним існує тісний взаємозв’язок, вони зумовлюють розвиток один одного. Доведено, що банківська конкуренція відрізняється від класичної конкуренції між товаровиробниками. Ці відмінності полягають у такому: об’єктом банківської конкуренції є не товари, а ресурси, які банк формує для здійснення активних операцій; на ринку банківських послуг банківська установа може виступати в ролі не тільки продавця, а й покупця; реалізація банківських послуг може здійснюватися в межах банку без залучення зовнішніх каналів збуту; ситуація конкурентності виникає не лише між банківськими установами, вона пов’язана також із діяльністю небанківських фінансових установ; діяльність банківських установ суворо регламентується Національним банком України. Сучасні умови функціонування банківського ринку свідчать про доцільність розроблення і впровадження стратегічного управління конкурентоспроможністю банку, розвитку нових методик формування і реалізації конкурентних переваг та стратегій. Стратегії розвитку потрібно формувати з урахуванням невизначеності, вони повинні бути максимально гнучкими і передбачати можливість реалізації банківських ризиків. Сучасний стан розвитку банківського бізнесу супроводжується кризовими явищами, які відбуваються як в економічній, так і у фінансовій сферах країни, тому забезпечення конкурентоспроможності банків передусім повинно базуватися на розробці дієвих, переконливих повідомлень для інвесторів, клієнтів та працівників. Основні дії банків, що дають змогу представити їхню конкурентоспроможність, повинні полягати в забезпеченні фінансово стійкого розвитку; захисті наявного власного банківського бізнесу; роботи на перспективу.Документ COMPETITIVENESS OF BANKS IN THE MODERN CONDITIONS OF FINANCIAL MARKET DEVELOPMENT(WoS, 2019) Pestovska Zoia KOVALENKO_BOLGAR_YEVTUSHENKOThe article carries out the comparative analysis of the basic approaches to the choice of competitive strategies of banks. The aim of the paper is to substantiation of theoretical and methodical principles of banks' competitiveness in the current conditions of financial market development. The factors that affect the level of competitiveness of banks are determined. The authors of the article classifies them into factors that cause structural imbalances in the economy, factors of macroeconomic and microeconomic functioning of banks. Competitiveness of banks can not be considered without the competitiveness of their products and services. Between them there is a close relationship, they determine the development of each other. The authors of the article prove that banking competition differs from classical competition between commodity producers. These differences are: the object of banking competition is not goods, but the resources that the bank generates to carry out active operations; in banking market, banks can act as a seller, not only the buyer; the implementation of banking services may be carried out within the bank without the involvement of external sales channels; the situation of competition arises not only between banking institutions, it is also connected with the activities of non-banking financial institutions; the activities of banking institutions are strictly regulated by the National Bank of Ukraine. Modern conditions of functioning of the banking market testify to the necessity of development and introduction of strategic management of bank competitiveness, development of new methods of formation and implementation of competitive advantages and strategies. Development strategies need to be developed taking into account uncertainty, they should be as flexible as possible and provide for the possibility of realizing banking risks. Thus, it can be construed that the current state of development of banking business is accompanied by crises occurring both in the economic and financial spheres of the country; therefore, ensuring the competitiveness of banks must first of all be based on the development of effective, convincing messages for investors, clients and employees. The main actions of banks that make it possible to present their competitiveness should be this: ensuring financially sustainable development; the protection of the existing own banking business is the elaboration of a contingency plan; work on the prospect.Документ Compliance as a factor of strengthening confidence in financial institutions(ПолтНТУ, 2016) Болгар, Тетяна МиколаївнаДокумент Compliance-collection as modern direction in non-performing loans reimbursement(ПолтНТУ, 2017) Болгар, Тетяна МиколаївнаThe important current issue for banking establishments of Ukraine is loan debt, search of efficient ways for its paying back, improvement of methods and development of measures to reduce loan debt. Nowadays, the qualitative index of banks in banking system of Ukraine is essentially reduced and the part of non-performing loans increases simultaneously. Such dependence causes anxiety either at the level of a separate bank or at the level of banking system. The National Bank of Ukraine regulates and monitors the banking activity on the base of legislative and normative documents, which are constantly reviewed and supplemented. However, as the given investigation and the volume of loan debt show that 25.8% is of the total volume of the allowed credit dated by 01/09/2016, we can thoroughly talk about urgent necessity to search new ways to manage banking activity in non-performing loans reimbursement. The statistics of non-performing loans shows that inside-banking collection does not give enough optimistic results of its activity in non-performing loans reimbursement at present time. With ever-increasing frequency, external collectors are used offering their services in credit reimbursement. Exactly at this stage, the questions of legislative base of the process of debt collection, analysis of methods and approaches used by external collectors intensely arise. The direction of activity of collection and compliance has been investigated in the article. The definition of “compliance-collection” has been made on the base of available experiments. The necessity to implement new scientific and methodical approaches into activity of bank establishments and financial institutions in non-performing loans reimbursement has been proved.Документ Compliance-collection as modern direction in non-performing loans reimbursement(ПолтНТУ, 2017) Болгар, Тетяна МиколаївнаThe important current issue for banking establishments of Ukraine is loan debt, search of efficient ways for its paying back, improvement of methods and development of measures to reduce loan debt. Nowadays, the qualitative index of banks in banking system of Ukraine is essentially reduced and the part of non-performing loans increases simultaneously. Such dependence causes anxiety either at the level of a separate bank or at the level of banking system. The National Bank of Ukraine regulates and monitors the banking activity on the base of legislative and normative documents, which are constantly reviewed and supplemented. However, as the given investigation and the volume of loan debt show that 25.8% is of the total volume of the allowed credit dated by 01/09/2016, we can thoroughly talk about urgent necessity to search new ways to manage banking activity in non-performing loans reimbursement. The statistics of non-performing loans shows that inside-banking collection does not give enough optimistic results of its activity in non-performing loans reimbursement at present time. With ever-increasing frequency, external collectors are used offering their services in credit reimbursement. Exactly at this stage, the questions of legislative base of the process of debt collection, analysis of methods and approaches used by external collectors intensely arise. The direction of activity of collection and compliance has been investigated in the article. The definition of “compliance-collection” has been made on the base of available experiments. The necessity to implement new scientific and methodical approaches into activity of bank establishments and financial institutions in non-performing loans reimbursement has been proved.Документ CONSIDERATION OF THE THEORETICAL METHODOLOGY OF INVESTMENT CLIMATE RATING EVALUATION(ЕВРАЗИЙСКИЙ НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ИМ. Л.Н. ГУМИЛЕВА, 2017-06-15) Вакулич, Марія МихайлівнаДокумент Credit management in Ukraine agra-industrial complex in modern management conditions(Полтавський національний технічний університет імені Юрія Кондратюка, 2016) Болгар, Тетяна Миколаївна; Костиря, Я. С.In the article the state of crediting of enterprises of agroindustrial complex of Ukraine is analysed after 2012-2015 r.r. Certainly basic problems of crediting and suggestions are grounded in relation to the improvement of the credit providing of agricultural commodity producers.Документ Evaluation of the Efficiency of Cash Flow Management in Chaotic Conditions of Economy Structuring(Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2014-10-23) Varenyk, VictoriaThe essence of the concept "cash flow management effectiveness" has been grounded, the method of comprehensive evaluation of the cash flow management effectiveness in the economy has been proposed. Practical implementation of the comprehensive assessment of the cash flow management effectiveness has been described. Three areas of effectiveness evaluation have been defined, they are: positive evaluation area, area of qualified evaluation and negative evaluation areaДокумент Factor model of investment climate monitoring in chaotically structured economy(Journal of Finance and Accounting, USA, 2014-10-30) Вакулич, Марія МихайлівнаMethodical approaches to the investment climate assessment, which are used by leading national agencies and international organizations for ranking countries have been considered in this article, the need for indexes analysis of Ukrainian investment climate in order to identify the further ways of institutional environment improvement for attracting foreign investments improving the efficiency of the control system of the Ukraine's economy investment climate has also been identified. Monitoring of Ukraine's economy investment climate, presented by factor model, has been proposed. Implementation of monitoring systems will help to ensure the comprehensive nature of its functioning in Ukraine's economy.Документ Forecasting the level of fin ancial security of the country (on the example of Ukraine) = Прогнозування рівня фінансової безпеки країни (на прикладі України)(Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 15 (3), 304-317. doi: 10.21511/imfi.15(3).2018.25, 2018) Болгар, Тетяна Миколаївна; Haber, Józef Antoni; Бухтіарова, Аліна; Чорна, Світлана; Ястремська, ОлесяВ умовах функціонування економічних відносин, які виникають між суб’єктами фінансової системи України, все частіше постає питання створення безпечних умов для їх діяльності. Особлива увага приділяється саме дослідженню стану фінансової безпеки країни, як складової економічної безпеки, в розрізі ключових її елементів, що дає змогу приділити увагу найбільш значущим індикаторам та розробити заходи щодо запобігання існуючим загрозам у розрізі її складових. Мета статті полягає у прогнозуванні рівня фінансової безпеки країни на основі регресійного аналізу факторів впливу. Об’єктом дослідження є фінансова система як механізм, на який спрямовується діяльність суб’єктів фінансової безпеки країни щодо забезпечення її належного рівня. У результаті проведеного регресійного аналізу було з’ясовано, що при зміні банківської безпеки країни на 1 %, загальний показник фінансової безпеки буде зменшуватися на 0,04 пункти, небанківського ринку – зростати на 0,07, грошово-кредитної складової – зменшуватися на 0,51. На основі розрахунку середньої арифметичної з абсолютних відхилень незалежних змінних розраховано прогнозоване значення фінансової безпеки України, яке становить у 2018 році – 40,09%.Дані пропозиції щодо удосконалення Методичних рекомендацій розрахунку рівня економічної безпеки України,допоможуть вирішити проблему математичного обґрунтування вибору індикаторів оцінки фінансової безпеки, мінімізувати ризики, усунути суб’єктивізм та підвищити ефективність і якість методики оцінки фінансової безпеки країни.Документ Forecasting the level of financial security of the country (on the example of Ukraine)(Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 2018) Bolgar Tetiana, Józef Antoni Haber; Alina Bukhtiarova, Svitlana Chorna; Olesia IastremskaIn the conditions of functioning of economic relations, which arise between subjects of the financial system of Ukraine, the question of creating safe conditions for their activity is increasingly being raised. Attention is paid to the investigation of the state of financial security of the country as a component of economic security, in terms of its key elements, which allows attention to the most important indicators and to develop measures to prevent existing threats.Документ Impact of Rating Evaluation on Development of Investment Climate: Case of Ukrainian Economy(International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, Switzerland, 2016) Вакулич, Марія Михайлівна Кузнецова, Світлана АнатоліївнаMethodical approaches to the investment climate evaluation have been formed. Methodological tools for assessing the investment attractiveness of the economy have been classified. To create a database to select the most important methods of assessment of the investment climate should undertake a comparative analysis on the target group of potential investors, the depth of research, the frequency of assessment of the investment climate, purpose assessment of the investment climate. International ratings are effective tools that help reduction information asymmetry, and a large number of methods of ranking permit the investor to receive information on all aspects of the investment attractiveness of the state. Rankings are shaping the image of the state, and ignoring the results of the ratings can lead to financial isolation of the state. Information on the methodology of the ratings in most cases is transparent, so the domestic state institutions have the ability to affect the future results of the ratings in the case of related reforms. However, there is no unified model of investment climate evaluation of the national economy, which directly affects the state of the investment climate of Ukraine's economy and the volume of foreign capital in the state. Rating evaluation of the investment climate for the Ukrainian economy has been offered.Документ INDICATORS OF BANKING FINANCIAL SECURITY: MACRO AND MICROECONOMIC LEVEL(International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, Volume 66, 2016, 2016) Pestovskaya, ZoyaThere is a definition of the concept of financial security of the bank, the article summarizes the existing and proposed new indicators of financial security bankingДокумент INSURANCE BUSINESS: MODERN OPPORTUNITIES AND RISKS(Collective monograph, 2021) Pestovska ZoiaThe aim of the work is to substantiate the impact of new technologies on the development of insurance, the need to change its business model, approaches to setting rates and attracting customers. The work is devoted to the comparison of pros and cons, the search and analysis of promising opportunities. Examples and opportunities for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in the insurance business are shown, and attention is paid to the disadvantages and risks of their use. Applications of AI in insurance: customer interaction, financial consulting and personalization, contract servicing and omnichannel, smart contracts, affective computing, loss adjustment, anti-fraud, medical insurance, vehicle and real estate insurance. Figuring out the advantages of AI: high decision making speed, no human error, no emotion, 24/7 availability, reduced risk of human injury, reduced cyber threats. Disadvantages: high time and money costs, lack of creativity, lack of understanding of emotions, job cuts, lack of human ethics, scalability of hacker attacks. AI-based systems can subsequently take over many of the decisions that humans made.Документ Investment climate monitoring: Practical approach .(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2017-03-23) Вакулич, Марія МихайлівнаДокумент Measuring the influence of environmental policy on economic development of the countries : EU-28 scope(Ekonomický časopis 69 (5), 2020) Vovk, Marta; Varenyk, Viktoriia; Pestovska, ZoiaIn current paper, we have researched the influence of environmental policy stringency (EPS) on economic development of the EU-28. The problem of identi fying the influence of stringency of environmental policy (EP) on economic de velopment of the EU-28 is that currently there is no well-established understand ing of what economic results can be achieved depending on the extent of EPS within a separate country. The paper aims at making contribution to theoretical, empirical and political scopes of perception of EP as an independent factor of economic development of the EU-28. The results of research indicate that EPS is significant factor of economic development of the EU countries.Документ Measuring the Influence of Environmental Policy on Economic Development of the Countries: EU-28 Scope(2021) Vovk, Marta ; Varenyk, Viktoriia ; Pestovska, Zoia ; Atamas, Petro ; Atamas, Oleksandr ; Shevchenko, Valentyna