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АКТУАЛЬНI ПИТАННЯ ГУМАНIТАРНИХ НАУК: Мiжвузiвський збiрник наукових праць молодих вчених Дрогобицького державного педагогiчного унiверситету iменi Iвана Франка


The article explores innovative pedagogical strategies used in teaching business English, such as the use of multimedia and gamification, with an emphasis on the compulsory knowledge of English in today's economic globalisation. Traditional teaching methods in combination with the latest ones are also considered. The article presents the results of a study conducted to determine the effectiveness of these strategies. The article describes the concepts of business English (ESP) and English as a foreign language (ESL) and considers them in the context of innovative approaches to teaching business English. The article emphasises the interconnectedness of these language disciplines. The definition of specialised English is given. The authors give examples of the use of multimedia, such as audio and video materials, visual presentations and interactive exercises, as well as gamification, such as game applications and tasks, in teaching business English vocabulary and terminology. Traditional methods of teaching business English can also be useful for students who are just starting to learn the language, as they help them to master the basics of English and standard topics that may be important for business work. It has also been shown that motivation can be a key factor in encouraging students to use their knowledge in real-life situations in the workplace. All this makes motivation one of the most important factors for successful learning of business English vocabulary and terminology. The results of the study show that the use of these strategies in business English teaching can significantly improve learning efficiency and increase students' motivation.


The article explores innovative pedagogical strategies used in teaching business English, such as the use of multimedia and gamification, with an emphasis on the compulsory knowledge of English in today's economic globalisation. Traditional teaching methods in combination with the latest ones are also considered. The article presents the results of a study conducted to determine the effectiveness of these strategies. The article describes the concepts of business English (ESP) and English as a foreign language (ESL) and considers them in the context of innovative approaches to teaching business English. The article emphasises the interconnectedness of these language disciplines. The definition of specialised English is given. The authors give examples of the use of multimedia, such as audio and video materials, visual presentations and interactive exercises, as well as gamification, such as game applications and tasks, in teaching business English vocabulary and terminology. Traditional methods of teaching business English can also be useful for students who are just starting to learn the language, as they help them to master the basics of English and standard topics that may be important for business work. It has also been shown that motivation can be a key factor in encouraging students to use their knowledge in real-life situations in the workplace. All this makes motivation one of the most important factors for successful learning of business English vocabulary and terminology. The results of the study show that the use of these strategies in business English teaching can significantly improve learning efficiency and increase students' motivation.

Ключові слова

англійська мова, ділова англійська мова, спеціалізована англійська, ESP, ESL, інноваційні педагогічні стратегії, мультимедійні засоби, гейміфікація, традиційне викладання лексики, мотивація

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