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Вчені записки Університету «КРОК»


The article examines the concepts and principles of ecological entrepreneurial activity, as well as examples of successful projects in this field. The purpose of the article is research on the development of the concept of "ecological entrepreneurship", research on the prospects for the development of ecological entrepreneurship in Ukraine, as well as the possibility of organizing completely new enterprises. Environmental business activity is not only the key to stable profitability, but also to the preservation of our nature and ensuring the viability of future generations. The modern world faces extremely important challenges related to environmental problems and conservation of natural resources. Climate change, air and water pollution, depletion of natural reserves are becoming serious threats to our planetary community. In this context, ecological entrepreneurial activity becomes an extremely relevant and important sphere of the economy, aimed at harmonious interaction with the natural environment. The concept of "ecological entrepreneurship" reflects not only the conduct of business aimed at obtaining profit, but also an active desire to preserve nature and create a sustainable future for future generations. Green entrepreneurs develop and implement innovative technologies and practices aimed at reducing CO2 emissions, saving water resources, rational use of energy, and creating products and services that do not harm the natural environment. Examples of successful environmental initiatives and their impact on society and the environment are noted according to the basic principles of ecological business. The importance of renewable energy and solar power plants in providing clean energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions was also highlighted.


Ключові слова

Keywords: ecological entrepreneurial activity, ecological business, ecological enterprise, sustainable development, Form

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