Etiquette and basics of international protocol: Textbook




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Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля


The textbook on the course “Etiquette and basics of international protocol” (in English) reveals the content of the main topics in accordance with the program of the course. This manual can be recommended to learners pursuing a bachelor’s degree in “International Economic Relations”, “Management”, and others who are interested in developing relevant competencies essential for successful career development. The textbook includes a systematic presentation of the main issues of etiquette and protocol in a cross-cultural context, practical and analytical tasks, as well as materials to test the mastery of the content and the acquisition of practical skills. It can be used to master the course both in classroom settings and for self-study purposes.


Shkura I., Kliuchnyk R. Etiquette and basics of international protocol: Textbook [Electronic resource] / І. Shkura, R. Kliuchnyk. – Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, 2024. – 95 p.

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Shkura I., Kliuchnyk R. Etiquette and basics of international protocol: Textbook [Electronic resource] / І. Shkura, R. Kliuchnyk. – Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, 2024. – 95 p.