Кафедра прикладної лінгвістики та методики навчання іноземних мов
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Документ Intensive Immersion ESP Teaching in the Ukraine: Theoretical Foundations and Practical Results.(1996) Тарнопольський, Олег БорисовичAn intensive course in English for business communication, offered at an institute for graduate-level teacher training in Ukraine, is described. An introductory section examines the need for and approaches to English-as-a-Second-Language teaching in Ukraine. The course consists of two main parts: a 14-week intensive general English class, titled "Starting Business Relations," and to develop basic communication skills and characteristic behavior patterns of English-speakers, and a 14-week immersion class in English business communication for a wide range of business-related contexts. This class, bearing the title "Nine Steps in London," is divided into nine steps based on a single context: a Ukrainian businessman and businesswoman visiting London. Student progress was evaluated using an oral and a listening test after the first course segment and two oral and one listening test in the second course segment. Results of the testing are provided for the first two years the course was offered (1993-94, 1994-95). It is concluded that the course was successful, with high achievement rates for most students.Документ EFL Teaching in the Ukraine: State Regulated or Commercial?(1996) Тарнопольський, Олег БорисовичAt present many people of different ages, occupations, and social status are learning English in the Ukraine. They include not only the overwhelming majority of secondary and higher education students but also thousands of adults and adolescents trying to master English at commercial courses.Документ Business English Teaching: Imaginative Continuous Simulations and Critical Analysis Tasks.(1998) Тарнопольський, Олег БорисовичA business English course taught to adults in Ukraine is described, focusing on the classroom approach that incorporates imaginative continuous simulations and critical analysis tasks. It is noted that simulations ordinarily in business English courses have two shortcomings: they are disconnected episodes; and the situation, conditions, and purpose are set by the teacher or developer of the instructional materials used, limiting the learner's creative share in the exercise. An imaginative continuous simulation represents uninterrupted modeling of business activities and communication, with the conditions and proceses invented by the learners. Situations include a variety of business interview, negotiation, and discussion conditions ranging from getting to know the structure of a company to discussing sales results and targets. The simulation begins with one topic and continues throughout the course until all situations have been addressed. Each situation contains a number of critical analysis tasks concerning different aspects of the firm's business activities, including preparation for meetings, business strategy discussions, and decision-making. Students prepare much of their own material for the tasks, and create a group portfolio. The approach is found to motivate students and develop varied English skills.Документ EFL Teachers' Profesional Development: A Concept, a Model, and Tools(1999) Тарнопольський, Олег БорисовичThe main purpose of this article is to propose the Distance Profesional Development and Support System (DPDS), an approach specifically designed to help non-native speakers of English teach English-as-a-Foreign Language (EFL) in a non-English-speaking setting. English has become the primary language of international communication, and there is a growing need for teachers of EFL. Research shows above all that a good instructor, trainer, manager of learning, and communicative partner is what is needed. Therefore, the outcome of training in English depends to a great extent on teachers,which makes teacher profesional development especially important. The greatest need is in the area of teaching non-native speakers of English to be good teachers of English to other non-native speakers in a non-English-speaking setting. Teaching EFL in a non-English-speaking setting presents different demands and challenges (both advantages and disadvantages) that must be addressed. It is concluded that such situations require greater focus on language forms and on intercultural comparisons, but that EFL teachers who are not native speakers of English but who share their students' mother tongue and culture have a number of advantages over their native English-speaking colleagues unable to find support in making recourse to the language and home culture of their students. The proposed DPDS model is effective in overcoming the disadvantages non-native English-speaking EFL teachers face while preserving their advantages.Документ Teaching English Intensively in a Non-English Speaking Country: Theory, Practice, and Results.(1999) Тарнопольський, Олег БорисовичThe report describes the context for English language teaching in Ukraine, provides a case study on one intensive English program (IEP), and compares the program to an IEP in the United States. The first chapter discusses the circumstances of state-regulated and alternative English language programs, factors supporting English language teaching and learning, problems found in state-regulated programs, and the prospects for alternative program types. The second chapter outlines the theoretical foundations for designing an IEP for Ukraine, and the third describes one program, including three courses in the sequence. Outcomes of this program are detailed in the fourth chapter, noting the testing procedures used, selection of students for testing in this context, results, and students' evaluations of the program. The final chapter offers a comparison of the Ukrainian and American programs.Документ EFL Teaching and EFL Teachers in the Global Expansion of English(2000) Тарнопольський, Олег БорисовичThis article draws a distinction between teaching English as a Second and Foreign Language (ESLv.EFL), demonstrating that in the later case, teaching should be moderated towards greater emphasis on formal grammar instruction and on developing learners' interlingual and intercultural awareness. Advantages of EFL teachers who are nonnative speakers of English are shown for some EFL teaching:conditions. The advantages are. ties to the fact that such EFL teachers are those who, as a rule, share their students' mother tongue and culture and are therefore better prepared for coping with the specific problems that originate from incompatibilities or diferencesin target and native languages or cultures. Some ways of eliminating such teachers' natural disadvantages as non-native speakers of English are advocated.Документ ELF Teaching and EFL Teachers in the Global Expansion of English(2000) Тарнопольський, Олег БорисовичThis article draws a distinction between teaching English as a second and foreign language, demonstrating that in the latter case, teaching should be modified towards greater emphasis on formal grammar instruc- tion and on developing learners’ interlingual and intercultural awareness. Advantages of EFL teachers who are non-native speakers of English are shown for some EFL teaching conditions. The advantages are tied to the fact that such EFL teachers are those who, as a rule, share their students’ mother tongue and culture and are, therefore, better prepared for coping with the specific problems that originate from incompatibilities or differ- ences in target and native languages and/or cultures. Some ways of elimi- nating such teachers’ natural disadvantages as non-native speakers of English are advocated.Документ TEACHING ETIQUETTE COMMUNICATIVE BEHAVIORAL PATTERNS TO STUDENTS OF ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE(2001) Тарнопольський, Олег БорисовичThis paper attempts to prove the necessity of teaching etiquette communicative behavior characteristic of English-speaking nations to students of English as a foreign/second language. The notion of communicative etiquette (developed by English-speaking speech communities) is analyzed, and component parts of this etiquette are discussed. Communicative etiquette is shown to be the basis of more or less standardized etiquette communicative behavior used by native speakers of the language. Communicative behavioral patterns are postulated as practical representatives of communicative etiquette and etiquette communicative behavior in actual communication. Ways of classifying communicative behavioral patterns for teaching purposes are demonstrated, and lifestyle communicative behavioral patterns are singled out as the most essential ones for teaching English as a foreign/second language to all categories of learners. Some approaches to teaching such patterns in practice are discussed.Документ Playing Business in the Classroom: Designing a New Type of Business English Coursebook.(2002) Тарнопольський, Олег БорисовичThis article notes that one constraint to learning business English in Eastern Europe, particularly in the Ukraine, is the lack of adequate and culturally-relevant textbooks and other teaching materials. It suggests that the best solution would be to write a new textbook that combines the latest achievements of the western world with cultural realities of the Ukraine. It describes the development of such a textbook, Business Projects, that includes all of these features and is communication-oriented, task-based, and content-based. The book's six design features include the following: use of continuous simulation (modeling and enacting of business activities and communication in class); promotion of student autonomy in learning business English; use of student project activities; use of the integrated-skill approach; use of cooperative learning; and introduction of a fictitious setting (in which textbook materials are connected to an imaginary country where imaginary businesses operate). Evaluation of the effectiveness of this textbook compared to that of a traditional western textbook indicated that it had significant advantages over typical western textbooks in developing learners' communication skills and enhancing students' positive learning motivation. Results showed that using the textbook significantly accelerated the development of learner's business English communication skills.Документ Acquiring Business English in a Quasi-Natural Business Environment: A Method of Teaching Business English to Students of Business and Economics.(2003) Тарнопольський, Олег БорисовичThis article discusses a method of organizing Business English studies for students who learn it as a foreign language at schools of business and universities outside English-speaking countries. These students typically lack both previous practical experience in business and opportunities to watch business being done in English or to participate themselves in real-life business communication in English. That puts additional obstacles in the way of language acquisition. The suggested method is based on creating a quasi-natural business environment in the classroom where students acquire Business English through continuous simulation. A pilot study indicates that this approach may improve on existing methods. Four appendixes present the following: examples of tasks used in the course of Business English for organizing continuous simulation in the classroom; examples of project tasks used in the course; samples of materials for listening and reading tasks; and a questionnaire for students' evaluation of the coursebook and methods used.Документ Sustained Content for Business English Programs: Structuring, Selecting, and Implementing Learning(2003) Тарнопольський, Олег БорисовичThis article analyzes the underlying principles, structure, and method used in a sustained content Business English program developed for Ukraine. The principle of sustainment is implemented on all levels of the program - selecting, structuring, and distributing content, as well as organizing learning activities on the basis of that content. An analysis of learners' needs is demonstrated as the foundation for selecting content of Business English programs. The broad applicability ofthis type ofprogram across other countries and conditions oflearning is discussed. The procedure for organizing similar programs is outlined and the efficiency of programs of this type is shown on the basis of testing data.Документ VIDEO IN TEACHING READING FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES: INTEGRATED- SKILLS APPROACH(2003) Тарнопольський, Олег БорисовичThe paper provides practical suggestions for organizing reading instruction in a course of English for students of Business and Economics. The instruction is based on the integrated-skills approach, and video is used as one of the principal technological tools employed at the pre-reading stage for implementing this approach. It serves both for stimulating reading and as an introduction to the themes and contents of the texts to be read.Документ Creative EFL Writing as a Means of Intensifying English Writing Skill Acquisition: A Ukrainian Experience(2005) Тарнопольський, Олег БорисовичThis article describes a classroom technique for improving the writing skills of EFL university students who have chosen English as their major for pursuing future careers as translators from and into English. The technique in question, designed for a creative writing course aimed at such students, was based on: (a) the combination of process and genre approaches to teaching writing; (b) paying special attention to students’ development of the skills of description, narration, and discussion in creative writing; (c) development the skills of commenting and critique; (e) emphasizing peer-reviewing, peer-commenting, and peer-evaluating students’ written works in the course; (e) and ensuring learners’ autonomy in writing by introducing free-choice writing. This technique allowed students to achieve dramatic improvement in their writing skills. The article describes how its introduction not only intensifies students’ development, but also generates positive motivation for writing in English as a foreign language.Документ МЕТОДИКА ОБУЧЕНИЯ АКАДЕМИЧЕСКОМУ ПИСЬМУ НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ В ЯЗЫКОВОМ ВУЗЕ(2006) Тарнопольський, Олег БорисовичМетодика обучения письму на английском языке как иностранном пока еще недостаточно разработана в нашей стране, несмотря на особую важность именно этого вида англоязычной речевой деятельности в международной коммуникации. Однако исследования в данной области в последнее время достаточно интенсивно развиваются в Украине (см., например, работы [3; 5] и др.), что позволяет надеяться на решение проблемы. Это решение требует создания такой методики, которая, с одной стороны, учитывала бы и вобрала в себя мировые достижения в области обучения рассматриваемому виду речевой деятельности, а с другой стороны, была бы оптимально приспособленной к местным условиям.Документ READING-ORIENTED INTERNET-ASSISTED TEACHING OF L3 (SPANISH) ON THE BASIS OF L2 (ENGLISH)(2006) Тарнопольський, Олег Борисович; Нестеренко, Олег АфанасійовичThis article discusses the development of a practical approach to Internet-assisted teaching of Spanish as L3 to students at a tertiary educational institution majoring in English (L2). The approach is distinguished by (1) a reading orientation when the Internet is primarily (though not exclusively) used as a source of materials for students to read with the sole purpose of engaging in skill-acquisition learning activities and tasks and (2) the use of English language Internet resources to help Ukrainian/Russian-speaking (L1) students learn Spanish as their second, after English, foreign language (L3). The impact of the developed approach on students’ progress is analyzed and discussed.Документ МЕТОДИКА НАВЧАННЯ ДІЛОВОГО ЛИСТУВАННЯ АНГЛІЙСЬКОЮ МОВОЮ СТУДЕНТІВ ВИЩИХ НАВЧАЛЬНИХ ЗАКЛАДІВ(2007) Тарнопольський, Олег Борисович; Кожушко, Світлана ПавлівнаНавчання ділового листування англійською мовою є найважливішою складовою будь-якого курсу навчання англомовного письма у вищому навчальному закладі (як мовному, так і немовному). Причина в тому, що саме вміння іншомовного ділового листування можуть стати та реально стають у найбільшій нагоді фахівцю будь-якого профілю в його практичній професійній діяльності. Для формування потрібних для такого листування умінь необхідна система відповідних вправ, розгалужених та узгоджених одна з одною за ціллю, складністю та рівнем виконання. Метою даної статті є узагальнений опис такої системи вправ та їх типології. При цьому в статті йдеться тільки про систему вправ для розвитку умінь англомовного ділового листування, тобто умінь правильної побудови ділових листів з точки зору їх формату (композиційно-структурних особливостей) та умінь правильного висловлювання в них своїх намірів та думок відповідно до соціокультурних норм англомовного соціуму. Питання щодо системи вправ для відпрацювання техніки англомовного ділового листування (розвитку у студентів відповідних базових лексичних, граматичних, пунктуаційних та стилістичних навичок) стаття не розглядає.Документ Varieties of Immersion in Teaching Business English to University Students of Business and Economics: The Ukrainian Approach(2008) Тарнопольський, Олег БорисовичThe article discusses the general approach and practical experience of introducing immersion into Business English teaching to students majoring in Business and Economics at Ukrainian universities. Two principal types of immersion are analyzed: immersion through simulation of profession-oriented activities and immersion through learning professional subjects in English. Both of these types are divided into lower-level and higher-level varieties. Some data is given concerning the implementation in teaching practice of Ukrainian universities of both types and all the four varieties of immersion programs discussed in the article.Документ What do you teach EFL for? Just for kicks!(2008) Тарнопольський, Олег БорисовичДокумент МЕТОДОЛОГІЯ СУМІСНОГО ВИКОРИСТАННЯ СASE-STUDY ТА АНГЛОМОВНОГО ЗАНУРЕННЯ У ВИКЛАДАННІ ЕКОНОМІЧНИХ ТА МЕНЕДЖЕРСЬКИХ ДИСЦИПЛИН(2008) Тарнопольський, Олег Борисович; Момот, Володимир Євгенійович; Кожушко, Світлана ПавлівнаАктивні методи навчання, такі як: вивчення конкретних ситуацій (case-study), групові проекти, рольові ігри, індивідуальні або групові презентації в аудиторії надобувають усе більшої популярності у бізнес-менеджмент-освіті. Згідно із сучасними даними, ці методи навчання посідають перші місця в рейтингу ефективності як на думку студентів, так і викладачів.Документ Принципи побудови професійно орієнтованого підручника англійської мови для факультетів психології(2009) Тарнопольський, Олег БорисовичСьогодні думка про те, що психологія є однією з головних наук для ХХІ сторіччя, набуває все більшого розповсюдження. Тим важливішим стає завдання підготувати майбутніх українських психологів, які зараз є студентами численних факультетів психології у ВНЗ України, до функціонування у своїй професійній галузі не тільки в нашій країні, але й за її межами. А це означає необхідність для них оволодіння досить вільним спілку ванням іноземною мовою у професійних цілях. Перш за все звичайно йдеться про англійську мову, яка пере творилася на міжнародну мову професійного спілку вання для всіх без винятку професій.