Денна форма навчання 2022 Магістри Міжнародні економічні відносини (Студенти)
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Документ Prospects for using the experience of Latin America in the formation of special economic zones in Ukraine(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2022) Kyselgof, YevgeniyThe thesis considers the essence, goals and objectives of special economic zones, the main types of special economic zones. The main historic and current trends in regulation of special economic zones in the world are analyzed. The role of special economic zones in economic development, global trade and investments are considered. The main trends of special economic zones in Latin America are studied. The analysis of impact of special economic zones on the economic growth of Latin America is presented. The problems and prospects of development of special economic zones in Ukraine are analyzed. The main prospects of special economic zones in Ukraine are considered. The concept of the project of special economic zone in Ukraine based on the experience of Latin America is presented. The funds and their sources are substantiated. The estimation of the budget, social and economic efficiency of the investment project is presented.Документ Analysis and evaluation of the e-commerce market and its place in the South Korean economy(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2022) Ruzvidzo, Vongaishe NeddyThis paper assesses the position help by the e-commerce market in South Korea’s economy, showing different trends for the past 10 years. This thesis was able to highlight the place South Korea’s economy holds as well as what e-commerce brings to economy. The different aspects shown in the paper show different stages in which the economy went through as well as the changes that happened in the e-commerce market making it what it is today. South Korea is a successful economy that keeps on growing and changing, the e-commerce market is a major contributor to that success. The data regarding the current state of e-commerce in South Korea showed how impactful it has been to the economy of South Korea. However, it also went on to show that there are aspects that need improvement even through currently everything is heading towards the right direction.Документ International social investment project: analysis and evaluation of the perspectives(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2022) Romaniuk, OlenaThe paper research examines modern trends of investment in social projects. It has been revealed that ESG trend is currently gaining popularity among investors around the world. The goals of social investments correspond to the current challenges faced by absolutely all countries of the world. As in most countries, in Ukraine there is a public’s request to restore equality for all members of society. It creates favourable conditions for investing in social projects. In the work the author developed an international investment project to create a day-care centre for pre-schoolers, including children with disabilities, in Ukraine at the expense of international investors, grant or fundraising. The calculations of the needs for investment resources are given, the organizational and legal form of the created enterprise is substantiated, as well as calculations of the main indicators to evaluate the investment attractiveness of the proposed project.Документ American experience of hotel business development and its significance for Ukraine.(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2022) Myronenko, SergiiThe study of the current state and trends in the hotel business in America. It was found that the hotel business in America is the largest and most developed in the world. It is closely connected with the development of the tourism industry in general, and an integral part of each other's development. It was also found that the structure of the hotel business is dominated by hotel chains, which set the direction of development of the entire industry. Collected data of modern standards for hotels and tools for development in the modern world. Thanks to the stability of Ukraine's economy and the chosen vector of development in recent years, this has led to the intensification of business and the interest of international tourists. At the same time, the unsatisfactory state of the hotel business in Ukraine and the need for changes in many components of the industry were revealed. It is proposed to use the experience of the hotel and tourism industry of America.Документ Directions for increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian goods and services in the world market(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2022) Mashkova, DariaThe international competitiveness of Ukraine in the global economy was examined. The work's goal is to examine Ukraine's competitiveness in the global economy. The concept of macroeconomic and institutional elements affecting Ukraine's competitiveness is presented. It has been established that a strong state with an established and developed market and industry structure, high commercial activity of entrepreneurs, qualified professionals, and advanced scientific capacity is the primary requirement for obtaining a high degree of competitiveness for a country. The characteristics of the Ukrainian economy and its role in the worldwide global environment have been defined based on an analysis of global competitiveness ratings. The macroeconomic and institutional factors that are boosting Ukraine's global competitiveness have been revealed. It was discovered that political instability and technological backwardness are linked to Ukraine's declining competitiveness in international rankings. As a result, one of the most significant objectives of the Ukrainian government is to find measures to improve the country's competitiveness in the global economy. In order for the national economy to reach a new level of development and international competitiveness, it was proposed that the issue of "digital divide" and unequal Internet access be addressed, as well as economic transformation and the effective use of the country's innovative development potential.Документ Globalization of world production and Ukraine's participation in it(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2022) Koshelenko, KateThe paper analyzes the current state of globalization in the world and economic integration of Ukraine. The review of the main indicators of globalization and openness of the economy of Ukraine has been carried out; the tendencies of economic development of Ukraine during 2008-2020 have been defined. Methodological aspects of estimation of influence of globalization processes on development of economy of Ukraine have been considered. The activity of the company "Interpipe NTZ" on the basis of the analysis of indices of efficiency of foreign economic expansion has been done. The calculations show how the company's performance has changed with access to the world market.Документ Prospects for using the experience of Latin America in the formation of special economic zones in Ukraine(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2022) Kyselgof, YevgeniyThe thesis considers the essence, goals and objectives of special economic zones, the main types of special economic zones. The main historic and current trends in regulation of special economic zones in the world are analyzed. The role of special economic zones in economic development, global trade and investments are considered. The main trends of special economic zones in Latin America are studied. The analysis of impact of special economic zones on the economic growth of Latin America is presented. The problems and prospects of development of special economic zones in Ukraine are analyzed. The main prospects of special economic zones in Ukraine are considered. The concept of the project of special economic zone in Ukraine based on the experience of Latin America is presented. The funds and their sources are substantiated. The estimation of the budget, social and economic efficiency of the investment project is presented.Документ International experience of hotel business development and its significance for Ukraine(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2022) Bobyliev, IvanThe paper examines the current state and trends of the Ukrainian economy over the past thirty years, concentrating on a sphere of services and tourism in particular. The problem of undeveloped and stagnating hotel business and tourism sectors has been investigated. The paper explores the ways and methods of solving this problem, since the service sector and this sector are key in many economically developed countries around the world, where Ukraine, unfortunately, is not included, although it has great potential for development in this direction. The role of the state in the development of tourism and hotel business, as well as ways of attracting international investors for the development of this sector of the economy, has been studied. The examples of the development of tourism and hotel business in Turkey and Georgia are studied, and conclusions are drawn regarding whether the development strategies of these countries are applicable to Ukraine.Документ Сучасні проблеми міжнародної трудової міграції українців: глобалізаційний вплив та масштаби(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2022) Єлізаренко, Каріна ХачатурівнаУ роботі проаналізовано міжнародну трудову міграція українців та її соціально-економічні наслідки міжнародної міграції в контексті глобалізаційного розвитку та пандемії COVID-19. Проведений аналіз глобалізаційного впливу на сучасне становище і масштаби трудової міграції. Розглянуто сутність, види та фактори розвитку трудової міграції, досліджено структуру і динаміку, соціально-економічні наслідки сучасної трудової міграції. Досліджено особливості розвитку міграційних процесів в Україні, міграційні потоки українців до країн Європейського Союзу. За результатами роботи зроблено висновки і розроблено пропозиції щодо напрямів оптимізації процесу регулювання міжнародною міграцією трудових ресурсів в умовах глобалізації.