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Документ Development and ways of implementation of the international investment project “Beauty Salon Opening” in Spain(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2021) Yavtushynska, KhrystynaThe aim of this paper is to develop the project of beauty salon opening in Spain and provide all the required calculations for making a decision regarding the investment of the project. Furthermore, the main tasks are to examine the Spanish economy, identify key areas for investment, and assess the risks and opportunities associated with this. Both economical and demographical situation in Spain were examined, what allowed to define its strengths (highly developed service sectors, favorable conditions for immigration, fair competition and not perverted trade), and weknesses (high level of unemployment, demographic crisis, public debt). Furthermore, the attractiveness of Spain as an object of foreign investment was analysed, ongoing trends in this area were forecasted and the country was considered as a place for doing business. Finally, the thesis includes a justification for the chosen project, its description (competitive advantages, analysis of competitors) and the key indicators, such as NPV, PP and PI, which reflects the efficiency of the project.Документ Development and ways of implementation of the international investment project “Dance School Opening” in Switzerland(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2021) Yavtushynska, KseniiaIn the current thesis, we have considered the phenomenon of the Swiss economy, as an attractive investment destination for doing business and provided the calculations regarding the Dance School opening in Zurich, Switzerland. We have researched the economic and social peculiarities which allow the Swiss Confederation to remain one of the richest and desirable for life and investments country, in all the fields of activity. According to various world rankings, such as The Global Competitiveness ranking, we investigated that Switzerland occupies the leading positions in the world. Moreover, we emphasized the Swiss attitude and efforts in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals of UN. Another vital issue we discussed was the process of doing business in Switzerland, which is effective and continuously improving. We took into account the fact that Switzerland is not only the desirable investment destination with a favorable investment climate, but also appears to be a significant investor in other countries, with sufficient trade policy, political and macroeconomic stability, well-developed infrastructure and moderate tax system. The last section of the project was devoted to the Dance School Opening, where we represented all the necessary requirements and calculations on revenues and expenditures. Furthermore, the key indicators were calculated, such as NPV, PP and PI, demonstrating the efficiency and effectiveness of the project.Документ Development and ways of implementation of international investment project «The making of real estate and housing in Norway»(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2021) Emeruwa Ernest Adimchinkpa, Ernest AdimchinkpaThe hypothesis about progress and execution of the global venture project work gives a considered revenue in Real estate and housing sector. The thought of the business being explored requires capital endeavour, astute capacities, assessment and assessment the financial and theory climate of Norway. Similarly looking at the current condition in Norway market and business region capacity of the site of an especially proposed project. The guideline plan of this suggestion is to learn and evaluate the reachability, appropriateness and money related potential outcomes of Real bequest and lodging business on goings in Norway. To have a huge achievement on the errand, this proposition is going to simply and recognize the issues looked during the time spent making such a hypothesis by then offer a couple of courses of action subject to the contributions from field research.Документ Development and ways of realization of the international investment project “Opening of the Laundromat “In Touch” in Singapore(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2021) Shkuro, ElizavetaThe bachelor’s thesis considers the trends of the development of the economy of Singapore over the last years. The main structural trends in the economy of Singapore and the most important industries are analyzed. The current situation and the role of service sector in the economy of Singapore are considered. It is shown that service sector in Singapore has great perspectives of economic growth. The main trends of international trade, the main goods and services of export and import, the main suppliers and customers of Singapore are studied. The analysis of investment climate and the dynamics of the foreign direct investment of Singapore is presented. The business climate in Singapore and its attractiveness to international investors are analyzed. The main pros and cons of investing in Singaporean economy for foreign investors are considered. The concept of international investment project of organization of a Laundromat “In Touch” in Singapore is presented. The funds and their sources are substantiated. The estimation of the performance of investment project is presented.Документ Development and implementation of international investment project ‘Event agency ‘Help Yourself’’ in Japan.(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2021) Shylova, AnnaIn Bachelor thesis, Japan’s socio-economic overview as part of investment attractiveness investigation is presented. The area of this paper covers a series of administrative units in Japan that assisted in determining the most interesting option for project implementation. The country happens to experience a rapid ageing population that has been influencing all the economic and social aspects. But still, Japan has depicted a marvelous case of economic stability over the years which proves the capability of attracting investment. The international investment project is developed on the cash source provided by an investment ‘angel’ which has the most favorable conditions with minimal risks. In addition, the key efficiency indicators (such as net present value, profitability index, and payback period) are considered to outline whether the project is worth adoption.Документ Development and implementation of the international investment project "Founding the school of foreign languages Mandarin LLC in the People's Republic of China"(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2021) Shepotko, KseniiaThe paper examines the current state and trends of the Chinese economy over the past fifteen years. It has been uncovered that the People`s Republic of China is demonstrating high rates of economic dynamics, steady successes in the field of international economic relations, and effective policy of foreign investment attractiveness. All the mentioned above conditions are favourable for the creation and implementation of small enterprises. An international investment project is related to the creation of the school of foreign languages Mandarin LLC carried out at the expense of a Ukrainian investor. Based on the analysis conducted, the need for investment and the particularities of the legal framework of the enterprise creation were determined. Finally, the work evaluates the investment attractiveness of the proposed project using a set of key indicators.Документ Development and ways of implementation of the international investment project “Rebar manufacturing enterprise” in Turkey(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2021) Farzullayeva, NarminThe work aims to study the current state of the market and economy, the investment climate, analysis of competitors and the feasibility of doing business in Turkey. Turkey is a country open to foreign investors. The country is trying to attract more investors through various development incentives. Turkey has some significant advantages in foreign direct investment among other economies. One of them is that the country serves as a logistics hub for many countries due to its unique geographical location. An international investment project for rebar production in Iskenderun was developed at the expense of an investor from Ukraine. All necessary calculations to determine the attractiveness of the investment project were performed, including the expected profits, costs and the required amount of start-up capital.Документ The development and implementation of international investment project in Nepal(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2021) Tomar, BhanuIn the chapters the aim is to develop the broad understanding between economic development and ECO TOURISM in Nepal. We will be discussing about different factors which plays the major roles in the economic development of Nepal, as the tourism industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in Nepal. As such, tourism can become a strategic instrument for decentralization processes, regional and local dynamics, and strengthening the rule of law. The hypothesis about progress and execution of the worldwide investment project Work gives a considered revenue in Nepal Tourism industry The possibility of the business being researched requires capital endeavour, assessment of the economic and political climate of Nepal. Moreover, looking at the current situation in Nepal’s Tourism sector and business Region capacity of the site of an especially proposed ECO TOURISM project. The guideline plan of this project is to discover and measure the reachability Appropriateness and financial outcomes of Tourism industry and the Business on goings in Nepal. And the possible profit by the booming tourism industry in Nepal.Документ Development and ways of realization of the international investment project ‘Restaurant business’ in the Republic of Korea(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2021) Selim, UlyanaThis thesis works the current state and trends in the economy of the Republic of Korea over the past fifteen years or more. It was found that the Republic of Korea is one of the most successful countries not only in Asia but also in the world, which demonstrates high rates of economic dynamics and success in international economic relations. The Republic of Korea creates the most favorable conditions for foreign investors. To this end, measures are being taken consistently to improve the business climate. This creates favorable conditions for the organization of the enterprise. An international investment project for opening a restaurant business in Hongdae District, Seoul City of the Republic of Korea was developed at the expense of an investor from Ukraine. Calculations of the need for investment resources are presented, the organizational and legal form of the enterprise being created is substantiated, as well as calculations of the main indicators that made it possible to assess the investment attractiveness of the proposed project.Документ The development and ways of implementation of international investment project ‘Shipping container homes’ in Singapore(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2021) Saidu, Hassan MohammedThis thesis examines the current state, trends of the Singapore economy and development of international investment projects in Singapore. Singapore assumes a major part in changing the destiny of post colonial nations in the Asian region, by proclaiming the distinctive success of financial development, industrial competitiveness combined with political stability and transparency. Despite the fact that Singapore was compelled by geological constraints and a vast regular resource base, Singapore had the option to establish the frameworks of economic prosperity and diversity through viable use of its entrepot status. Singapore fills in as a regional headquarters for in excess of 3000 foreign companies and has top notch financial and administration sectors and above all exceptionally efficient physical framework. The nation constantly positions itself highly among 'most attracting nations for worldwide business' and has accomplished a per capita GDP level practically identical to levels of developed western countries. An international investment project to establish the construction of “shipping container homes” in Singapore was developed and the calculations of the need for investment resources are given, as well as the calculations of the main indicators that made it possible to evaluate the investment attractiveness of the proposed projectДокумент The development and ways of implementation of an international investment project souvenir shop ‘Impressions’ in Australia(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2021) Prokhno, DanilThis paper has carried out a study of the Australian economy. Both the present and the analysis of the last 10 years. It is revealed that Australia is a country with a high rate of economic development. This is facilitated by a highly developed post-industrial environment. This creates a favourable environment for the acceptance of foreign investors. In addition, tourism occupies a high percentage of the Australian economy. In the paper developed an international investment project of creating a souvenir shop in Melbourne using own funds of an investor from Ukraine. The given calculations of necessity of investment resources, the organizational-legal form of the created enterprise is grounded, and also calculations of the basic indicators which have given the chance to estimate investment attractiveness of the offered project are carried out.Документ Development and ways of implementation of the international investment project “Ecovillage in Finland”(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2021) Polshchykova, YelyzavetaThe thesis is devoted to the study of general economic development features of Finland. It outlines the changes in leading economic indicators, investigates the country’s export-import activity and scrutinizes Finland’s position on global scale. The major part deals with consideration of Finnish ecology and its progress on achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). It also includes the consideration of Finland as a country for investment and for starting business. Especially much attention paid to assessment of Finnish investment climate and identification of the degree of its attractiveness to Ukrainian investors. The practical part of the thesis is presented by the substantiation of the investment project for ecovillage creation and the assessment of the need for investment resources. The forecast for income is estimated and properly described. The assessment of economic efficiency of the international investment project “Ecovillage in Finland” is provided.Документ . Development and ways of implementation of the international investment project “Opening the English and Spanish school” in Israel(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2021) Pakhantsova, OleksandraThe paper examines the current state and trends of the Israeli economy. It is known that Israel is considered to be as a start-up nation and is open for foreign investments. The economy of Israel is a highly advanced free-market, primarily knowledge-based economy. Israel has impressive achievements in creating profit driven technologies, and now the country is the first choice for many of world's leaders: entrepreneurs, investors, and industry giants. The economic dynamism of Israel has attracted attention from international business leaders. The Israel's economy was evaluated by entrepreneurs who invested in numerous Israeli industries beyond their traditional business activities and investments back in their home nations. We have developed an international investment project for the opening the English and Spanish school in Tel-Aviv, at the expense of the investor's own funds from Ukraine. The expected profits and costs are calculated, as well as the required amount of start-up capital. This provides an opportunity to evaluate the attractiveness of this project.Документ Development and ways of realization of the international investment project Financial consultancy in Zimbabwe(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2021) Matono, NgonidzasheInvestment project for financial consultancy in Zimbabwe and the clear study on why it is essential to open it in Zimbabwe based on research This thesis deals on the clear research for opening a financial consultancy branch in Zimbabwe and it also indicates a case study on how the country itself is managing its wealth.this alone helps into finding the ways to assist Zimbabweans with the investment project which is the financial consultancy business . The main objective of the study was to find the challenges or obstacles that hinder people from achieving financial security, independence or freedom. The topic was borne out of the pervasiveness of poverty that afflicts the majority and ordinary people. The study was guided by the hypothesis that "Financial insecurity is caused by lack of information on making investment decisions during an individual's economically productive years." The hypothesis was proved by research findings that revealed wide spread financial vulnerability among the respondents arising out of lack of information on investment products available in Zimbabwe. The finding that lack of information leads to a myriad Of other finance related problems underpins the conclusion of this study,The main recommendations arising out of this study are creation Of conducive educational and investment environments as an enabler for personal investment success, action on this recommendation rest With government . The second recommendation is the provision of vehicles or media for disseminating investment information and enabling remote investment transactions on both capital and money markets through the internet or other channels of communication. Implementation; the second may be shouldered by the Reserve Bank and other financial institutions as well as the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. Since the year 2005 the budgetary consultancy commerce was not just formal any longer, it also became casual. This was due to the rise of the number of bookkeeping and finance graduates within the nation without a comparing increment within the accessible opportunities for these now prepared for utilize aptitudes. An impressive sum of the graduates turned to informally consulting fiscally with for the most part little to medium undertakings. This mushroomed as a challenge against Pickford Money related and Administration Specialists (Pvt) Ltd because it came about in loss of approximately 9% of its showcase share to such (Mr. N Bonyogwa, Overseeing Executive). This was mainly due to the reality that the “free-lance” monetary specialists would approach as of now taken clients and offer the same administrations for a charge less than that charged by formally working consultants. This showed up to be a profitable bargain to most particularly after the dollarization of the economy since the presently media of trade was a rare asset.Документ Development and ways of implementation of the international investment project Cheese making in France(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2021) Levchinsky, AndreyThe paper analyzes and discovers current trends in the France economy, as the leading country in the world for doing business, market size and FDI attractiveness. Understanding that small and medium sized businesses are extremely popular and highly protected and supported by the government gives the great opportunity for successful foregn business activity in this country. There are full calculations of investments needed, ways of doing business analysis, understanding the risks and opportunities of this project idea. With help of the main indicators analyse the profitability and attractiveness of this business for investors.Документ Development and ways of implementation of international investment project «Making cargo Brokerage Company in South Africa»(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2021) Lard, Abigail AwingaThe theory about improvement and execution of the international investment project work gives a thought of interest in South Africa Tourism Industry The idea of the business being investigated requires capital venture, insightful abilities, examination and examination the monetary and speculation environment of South Africa. Likewise taking a gander at the current circumstance in South Africa market and business area capability of the site of a particularly proposed project. The principle plan of this proposition is to ascertain and quantify the achievability, suitability and monetary possibilities of Tourism industry and the business on goings in South Africa. To have a significant accomplishment on the task, this proposal is going to just and distinguish the issues looked during the time spent making such a speculation at that point offer a few arrangements dependent on the inputs from field research.Документ Development and implementation of the international investment project “Children’s animation center” in Canada.(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2021) Kurhan, SvitlanaThe paper examines the current state and trends of the Canadian economy over the past ten years. While doing a research, it has been found that Canada has a strong and very developed market economy which is quite stable. In addition, various trade agreements, especially NAFTA help the country to remain successful in its foreign economic activity. However, it still has to deal with the problems of weak productivity, poor investment, exchange rate overvaluation, and strong global competition in these latter days. Canada has been considered one of the most attractive countries in terms of investment, so making an investment there is a great idea if the project is worth it. Therefore, an international investment project to create a children’s animation center in Waterloo was developed at the expense of an investor from Ukraine. In this thesis the whole concept is described and calculations are presented for detecting the effectiveness of this investment project. The needed indicators and data have also been analyzed and organized in a required way for a better understanding.Документ Development of international investment project “StopRisk” in Sweden(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2021) Kovalenko, AnastasiiaThe work is devoted to the study of the Swedish economy, its development and assessment of the investment climate of this country. It describes changes in key economic indicators; factors affecting investment attractiveness; general SWOT analysis; export and import activities of Sweden. The practical part of the work is presented by the rationale for the investment project "StopRisk", the analysis of key competitors, the identification of possible advantages and their implementation in your project. Also, it contains basic calculations and a conclusion about the feasibility of an investment project.Документ Development and Ways of Implementation of International Investment Project “Café “Fantasie” in Austria(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2021) Klochko, Oleksandra OleksandrivnaThe paper investigates into the state of the Austrian economy during the past 15 years. The thesis examines a relationship between human development and economic growth. At the same time, international migration phenomenon makes us wonder whether there is a real impact of migration on the current state of unemployment in Austria. The results of the research demonstrate that there is weak relationship between them, though migrants are exposed to unemployment more than Austrians are. This aspect and favourable conditions created for businesses and investment along with economic stability make this destination attractive for an investor, who can not only get a profit but also provide new work places. An international investment project of opening the café in Innsbruck was developed, main rivals were analysed and a legal form and a source of investment were defined. All necessary calculations were conducted, which allow evaluating the attractiveness of the investment project.Документ Development and ways of implementation of international investment project «New restaurant in Dubai»(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2021) Katsay, DariaThe paper examines the current state and development trends of the UAE economy over the past fifteen years. It was revealed that the United Arab Emirates is one of the most successful countries of the Persian Gulf, demonstrating high rates of economic dynamics and success in international economic relations. The UAE is a country with an excellent climate and political situation, these factors have a positive effect on investment policy and attract many investors. The international investment project to open a restaurant in Dubai was developed at the expense of an investor from Ukraine. Calculations of the need for investment resources are presented, the organizational and legal form of the enterprise being created is substantiated, as well as calculations of the main indicators that made it possible to assess the investment attractiveness of the proposed project.
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