Мова та пандемія: оновлення семантичного простору метафор сучасності




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Description of metaphorical models’ semantic nature of is one of the urgent tasks in linguistics, because metaphors, firstly, identify key objects, events and spheres of life, and secondly, significantly affect the renewal of lexical and stylistic potential of languages. The article aims to explore the essence of metaphorical rethinking of reality under the influence of key media messages for 2020 and early 2021 year – the COVID-19 pandemic and accompanying risks. Linguistic-stylistic and semantic analysis of media messages allowes to identify metaphors-neologisms – linguistic contexts that are born in our time of destructive virus and other threats, examples of key (frequent) words in these contexts, as well as to clarify the ways to update existing semantic spaces of metaphorical field in modern English. Metaphors in the analyzed newspaper articles are mainly used to describe political and economic events, health and evironmentsl issues, agricultural matters, trade, and occasionally cover cultural and sporting events, however, all semantic topics are interrelated due to the impact of the global risks of our time.


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