2022-2023 Бакалаври Маркетинг
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Перегляд 2022-2023 Бакалаври Маркетинг за Ключові слова "effectiveness"
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Документ Development of a program to promote a new product onto the market(2023) Borodina Y.M.This bachelor's thesis is devoted to the development of a program for the promotion of a new product onto the Ukrainian market. The main goal of the study is to develop an effective promotion program for the Carlsberg Ukraine company to successfully introduce their new product onto the market and promote it to the target audience. The work includes a comprehensive analysis of the market, including the study of the characteristics of the target segment, the competitive environment, trends and changes in the market. A marketing program is being developed, which includes strategies for product positioning, branding, advertising and promotional activities. At the same time, the peculiarities of the target segment, their needs, expectations and methods of communication are taken into account.Документ Development of marketing activities to form a positive image of the company(2023) Volkova M.O.The bachelor’s thesis were considered the theoretical foundations of the company's image, an analysis was made of how to form a positive image, an analysis of the market in which the company operates, a SWOT analysis was performed, a marketing study of the most effective factors for creating a positive image was conducted, and recommendations were developed for improving Bayer's work.