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Документ 1. Громадянське суспільство в сучасній Україні: специфіка становлення, тенденції розвитку Монографія. – К.: Парламентське вид-во, 2006. – 412с.(Парламентське видавництво, 2006) Щедрова, Галина Петрівна; Рудич, Фелікс Михайлович; Зеленько, Галина ІванівнаПроблеми громадянського суспільства розглядаються в різних аспектах в роботах українських вчених В. Баркова, Ф.Рудича, В. Денисенка, О. Крюкова, Г. Щедрової та інших [11]; зарубіжних – Х. Саймона, П. Самюеля, C. Хантінгтона та деяких інших. Громадянське суспільство в контексті розвитку сучасної демократії розглядається у дослідженнях А. Карася, М. Кравчука, М. Козюбри, А. Крижановського, В. Кременя, Ю.Оборотова, П. Рабіновича, В.Ткаченка, О. Токовенка, О. Скрипнюк, В. Степаненка [7, 12]. Як система громадських організацій, профспілок, церкви та релігії – в публікаціях та монографіях Т. Ковальчук, В.Кравчук, В. Полохало, В. Сіренко, В. Тимошенко та ін. [2, 3, 10]. Поняття “громадянське суспільство” склалося не відразу, зміст його формувався та збагачувався поступово. Процес формування громадянського суспільства у юридичній науці умовно поділяють на певні етапи. В основу такого поділу покладено співвідношення громадянського суспільства і держави та визначення місця названого вище суспільства у загальній структурі людського суспільства.Документ 1. Громадянське суспільство: сутність і тенденції реформування / Галина Петрівна Щедрова // Політична система та інститути громадянського суспільства в сучасній Україні : [Навч. посібник] / [Ф. М. Рудич, Р. В. Балабан, Ю. С. Ганжуров та ін.]. — К. : Либідь, 2008. — С. 103–113.(1. Громадянське суспільство: сутність і тенденції реформування / Галина Петрівна Щедрова // Політична система та інститути громадянського суспільства в сучасній Україні : [Навч. посібник] / [Ф. М. Рудич, Р. В. Балабан, Ю. С. Ганжуров та ін.]. — К. : Либідь, 2008. — С. 103–113., 2008) Щедрова, Галина ПетрівнаРозвиток громадянського суспільства в Україні визначається як внутрішніми, так і зовнішніми чинниками.Документ 1. Специфіка партійних механізмів регулювання політичної конкуренції еліт / Г. П. Щедрова // Політологічні записки. ―2013. ― № 2 (8). ― С. 5―17.(Політологічні записки.- Вид-во Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля, 2013) Щедрова, Галина ПетрівнаМеханізми регулювання політичної конкуренції еліт розглянуто крізь призму функціонування політичних партій, специфіку формування партійного керівництва, перебігу виборчого процесу, використання ресурсів політичної реклами тощо.Документ A Principled Pragmatic Approach to Teaching Foreign Language Grammar at Tertiary Schools(Science and Education a New Dimension, 2018-11) Тарнопольський, Олег Борисович; Монастирна, Олександра Валентинівна; Бредбієр, Пол ВільямThe article discusses the issue of improving the efficiency of developing tertiary students’ grammar skills in foreign lan- guage courses taught at institutions of higher learning. It is argued that this efficiency is believed to be achieved through introducing B. Kumaravadivelu’s principled pragmatic approach. Such an approach is implemented by way of rationally combining the elements from different, often mutually contradictory, methods from the stock of those that have been developed in the history of foreign language teaching. The practice of using just such an approach at different stages of working on the new grammar material in foreign language classes at higher schools is analyzed.Документ À PROPOS DU POTENTIEL DIDACTIQUE DE LA BANDE DESSINEE AU COURS DU FRANÇAIS LANGUE ETRANGERE(Міжнародна науково-практична конференція, Вінниця,UKR-Відень, AUT, 2021-05-07) Галаздра Світлана ІванівнаPendant longtemps, la bande dessinée a été considérée comme une "lecture facile", qui ne méritait pas l'attention ni des scientifiques ni des éducateurs. Aujourd'hui, la situation a beaucoup changé: la bande dessinée est entrée dans notre vie à la fois comme genre de littérature et comme forme d'art moderne. Dans cette étude, la bande dessinée agit comme un moyen d'améliorer la compétence communicative en français comme langue étrangère des étudiants. On propose plusieurs varientes du travail avec les bandes dessinées aux cours de français, on donne une justification linguodidactique de l'utilisation de la bande dessinée dans l'enseignement du français.Документ ABOUT THE FEATURES OF CRIMINALISTIC RESEARCH OF FACTORS AFFECTING HANDWRITING CHANGES(Национальное бюро экспертиз, Национальная академия наук Републики Армения, 2023) Ніколайчук Т.В.; Біла А..В; Забуга А.В.; Майстренко О.І.; Ковзель М.А.The article highlights the current topic of sustainability of handwriting features under the influence of physiological aging. The focus is on the fact that the study of actual age-specific changes in human mobility in old and old age presents significant difficulties, especially when studying changes in motor functions in the elderly. This is due to the fact that physiological old age is a fairly rare phenomenon and in most cases, when researching the motor sphere of people of old age have to deal with complex interweaving, such as real age changes, as well as motor abnormalities resulting from a number of diseases that accompany aging. The issue of the impact of age-related changes in motor functions of a person in the elderly and senile age was considered, taking into account the distribution into three age groups of people older than 55 years. This was analysed and presented in an article on the sustainability of common features in signatures of older persons. The necessity of developing a structured methodology for the study of signatures performed by older and older persons in accordance with the state standards for the registration of its results was determined, which would correspond to the level of modern scientific developments.Документ Acquiring Business English in a Quasi-Natural Business Environment: A Method of Teaching Business English to Students of Business and Economics.(2003) Тарнопольський, Олег БорисовичThis article discusses a method of organizing Business English studies for students who learn it as a foreign language at schools of business and universities outside English-speaking countries. These students typically lack both previous practical experience in business and opportunities to watch business being done in English or to participate themselves in real-life business communication in English. That puts additional obstacles in the way of language acquisition. The suggested method is based on creating a quasi-natural business environment in the classroom where students acquire Business English through continuous simulation. A pilot study indicates that this approach may improve on existing methods. Four appendixes present the following: examples of tasks used in the course of Business English for organizing continuous simulation in the classroom; examples of project tasks used in the course; samples of materials for listening and reading tasks; and a questionnaire for students' evaluation of the coursebook and methods used.Документ ACQUIRING ESP EXPERIENTIALLY: A CASE FOR TEACHING ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES TO TERTIARY STUDENTS MAJORING IN TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY(2018-10) Тарнопольський, Олег Борисович; Кожушко, Світлана ПавлівнаThe article analyzes the essence of experiential method that makes the most important part of the constructivist approach to teaching English for specific/professional purposes (ESP) to tertiary students majoring in Tourism and Hospitality at Ukrainian universities. It is demonstrated that the experiential method is based not on conscious learning but on subconscious acquisition by students of communicative target language skills – the effect that is achieved through gamification of learning activities. The cooperative / collaborative nature of acquisition / learning activities belonging to the experiential method is also emphasized. Blended (off-line / on-line) learning is discussed as an important constituent of experiential teaching / learning process. A number of experiential acquisition / learning activities are analyzed in the article. Those activities include: role plays and simulations, brainstorming, case-studies, and discussions, students’ target language presentations, writing assignments (writing essays, reports, summaries, abstracts, even articles in the target language), project work, and the Internet search with the aim of finding information required for doing creative experiential tasks. A part of the article is devoted to giving examples of such activities as represented in the experiential coursebook “Tourism and Hospitality Industry Matters” developed by the authors. All through the article the orientation of language studies at students’ future profession is emphasized. The paper is concluded with stressing the positive effect that the suggested experiential method, used as a practical way of implementing the constructivist approach in ESL studies, produces both on the target language learning outcomes and on the development of students’ ESL learning motivation.Документ Adaptation of Logistics Companies to Functioning under the Restrictions Imposed by Military Operations(WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, 2023) OLHA SEMENDA; VALENTYNA SHEVCHENKO; SAFAR PURHANI; OLEG KHARIT; NATALIIA KRASNOSTANOVAThe logistics system serves all areas of life it has a direct impact on ensuring national security. Except for the number of specific risks that logistics naturally faces, it is one of the first to feel the negative consequences of global crisis phenomena. A large-scale military invasion was the most significant test for the logistics system of Ukraine. So, the article aimed to evaluate the financial indicators of logistics companies to determine their ability to adapt to the restrictions imposed by military operations. The research involved the following methods: analysis of coefficients, taxonomic analysis, and matrix analysis. The study found that the studied companies have insufficient adaptation potential in the field of finance. It was determined that the low values of the adaptation potential are associated with the insufficient level of liquidity, financial stability, business activity, and profitability of the studied logistics companies. The main problems are caused by insufficient working capital to cover the current debt, low level of financial stability and independence, diversion of funds, and low profitability.Документ Adjusting Bank Recruitment to the Specifics of the Millennial Generation as Conditions of Attractiveness Decline for Employment in the Banking Sector(Financial Internet Quarterly „e-Finanse”, 2019-12) Момот, Володимир Євгенійович; Литвиненко, Олена МиколаївнаThe article discusses the problems of commercial banks related to the deterioration of their image as employers, especially in eyes of the millennial generation, which soon will become the most attractive category for employment in modern business. The main criteria that guide the millennial generation when choosing a future job are identified. A detailed analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of banks as employers has been carried out, and advice for image improvement has been formulated, aimed at the young audiences of potential bank employees. It was proven that banks should build not only an effective PR campaign to create a powerful image of a reliable employer, but at the same time they should establish a reliable system to counteract unfair competition, ultimately aimed at destabilizing financial institutions, which are most sensitive to image problems.Документ ALGORITHMIZATION OF CONTENT PREPARATION FOR A COMPILATION DISCIPLINE USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TOOLS(National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2024-08-26) Volodymyr Momot; Olena LytvynenkoBased on the experience of developing the content of the compilation discipline «Technologies of Training Delivery» at the Alfred Nobel University using the main modern AI tools (ChatGPT 4.0, Gemini and Claude), a robust algorithm is proposed. The main problems that arise when using AI tools, such as initial bias and low trust level among the teaching staff. The possibilities of joint use of AI visualization tools (DAL-E 3.0 neural network) and presentation tools commonly used in the educational process (PowerPoint and Keynote) are shown. The problems of trust that arise during the deep implementation of AI tools in the educational process are considered. Recommendations are given on the systematic use of AI tools in the preparation and improvement of educational content.Документ Allusions Functioning in Oscar Wilde’s Short Stories(Вісник Дніпропетровського університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія «Філологічні науки». – № 1(9) – 2015. – с.135-142., 2015) Калиниченко, Валерия Владимировна; Згуровская, ЯнаThe article deals with the notion of allusion as a linguistic phenomenon, investigates into the differentiation between allusion-reference-intertextuality. The approaches to this phenomenon study have been defined. The functioning of the allusions in the short stories of Oscar Wilde has been analyzed.Документ Analysing forced migration’s impact on Ukraine’s economic sustainability(Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2024-10) Strelchenko I.I.; Smiesova V.; Kozhushko S.; Arakelova I.Purpose. To characterize consequences of forced migration from Ukraine to European countries, quantifying its impact on economic growth, the number, income of the economically active population, investment and industry of Ukraine, and to develop recommendations for overcoming the negative economic effect of migration. Methodology. The methods of analysis and synthesis, scientific abstraction, statistical analysis, economic and mathematical modeling, and graphical analysis were used. Findings. The article studies the factors that caused forced migration from Ukraine’s to European countries as well as the main differences in migration processes provoked by Russia’s war against Ukraine are substantiated. The economic effects and consequences of its impact on the Ukrainian economy are analyzed. The study is based on statistical data characterizing economic growth (GDP) and the factors that determine it (capital investment, economically active population). On the basis of the Cobb Douglas production function with neutral scientific and technological progress or Hicks scientific and technological progress and the use of linear regression analysis methods, the relationship between changes in the number of economically active population and economic growth is established. Originality. A forecast of changes in GDP under the influence of forced migration of the economically active population of Ukraine in 2023 is calculated and three main scenarios of GDP dynamics are developed in accordance with these forecasts. Each of them envisages a significant drop in output under the influence of migration. Practical value. The article proposes ways to address the problem of forced migration in Ukraine’s economy and the consequences of its negative impact on sustainable development based on the experience of European countries. Ways to restore industry and attract investments to Ukraine are substantiated.Документ ANALYSIS OF THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY SYSTEM: PLANS ON A GLOBAL CURRENCY(Дніпропетровський університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2012) Задоя, Анатолій Олександрович; Палладін, Антон МиколайовичThis paper deals with the problem of sustainability of the monetary system consolidated at the Jamaican Conference in 1976. The paper focuses on the economic side of the issue and does not consider in depth other factors influencing the international monetary system. Meanwhile the limitations of the paper do not allow dealing with the issue of gold and its role in the modern economy, the paper examines three major reserve currency issuers and their role in modern economy. It is also supplied with some practical recommendations related to the reforming of the International Monetary System as well as considers possibility of creating a global currency.Документ Analysis of the state of the art of modern e-learning in higher education in Germany(Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2023) Мединська Світлана (K P Osadcha, V V Osadchyi, S V Symonenko, S I Medynska)E-learning as a part of blended learning and a means for implementing distance learning, as well as an independent phenomenon of the modern information society, has been introduced and studied by researchers for several decades. In various countries, the relevance of e-learning and the use of e-learning tools in higher education have increased during the coronavirus pandemic. Different countries have their own approach and experience in using e-learning tools. Therefore, it is advisable to study it both for each country separately and in comparison. In the course of the research, the analysis of scientific publications on the topic of e-learning in higher education in Germany over the last 10 years has been made, which has shown certain changes in the interest in this issue of German scientists. The survey of students and teachers of the University of Konstanz (Germany) has been conducted regarding the use of e-learning tools and their attitude to e-learning. Despite the fact that the results of the analysis of the scientific works of German scientists show a drop in interest in e-learning problems in Germany and a slight rise during the coronavirus pandemic, the results of the survey indicate an unequivocal interest in e-learning tools of teachers. In general, it is possible to state the positive attitude on the part of teachers and uncertainty on the part of students.Документ Application of the project method in the preparation of students of chemical specialties to improve their environmental competence(IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 949 (2022) 012026 DAICRA 2021, 2022) Lyudmila Pet'ko1, Olha Lebid, Anzhelika Lesyk, Inesa Harkusha and Andrii KryzhanovskyiДокумент Art Critic as an Event Manager: Training Problems(CPN Publishing Group, Osaka, Japan, 2020) Задоя, Анатолій Олександрович; Сизоненко, Ірина ГригорівнаThe commercialization of the modern art market requires major changes in the content and technology of training of art critics. Since most of their activities are actually related to the organization and conduct of certain events, it becomes necessary to strengthen the component of managerial and marketing training. The use of the concept of event management can contribute to solving this problem. Its implementation requires the inclusion of art historians in educational programs of art critic training as mandatory and selective educational components of disciplines related to economics, management and marketing.Документ Assessment of energy sustainability and development of companies based on cognitive modeling(E3S Web of Conferences 277, 2021) Svetlana Drobyazko; Tetiana Hilorme; Valentyna Shevchenko; Olena YudinaIt is proved that innovations in the field of energy are a priority for sustainable development at all levels of the economy. The purpose of this work is to build a cognitive model of enterprise development based on energy saving. Cognitive-linguistic analysis has been used as the main method for forming a system of substantiation of managerial decisions. The choice of management decisions on the development of industrial enterprises on the basis of energy saving, which are determined by building a cognitive model, is substantiated. According to the results of the analysis, the influence of sixteen factors of the external business environment on the formation of adherent solutions for the management of industrial development based on pulse modeling is studied. It is proved that, in the system of innovative management of industrial enterprises development, the target factor is the "Level of enterprise development", and other studied factors are controlled. The use of dynamic analysis makes it possible to identify stabilizing and destabilizing factors influencing the development of industrial enterprises. The ranges of change of factors-indicators of industrial enterprises development management in the system minimum-maximum” are defined. In conclusion, оn the basis of the constructed cognitive map of innovative management of the development of electric-power industry enterprises, the ranges of change of factors-indicators of enterprise development management are determined. Доведено, що інновації в сфері енергетики є пріоритетними для сталого розвитку на всіх рівнях економіки. Метою даної роботи є побудова когнітивної моделі розвитку підприємства на основі енергозбереження. В якості основного методу формування системи обґрунтування управлінських рішень використано когнітивно-лінгвістичний аналіз. Обґрунтовано вибір управлінських рішень щодо розвитку промислових підприємств на засадах енергозбереження, які визначаються шляхом побудови когнітивної моделі. За результатами аналізу досліджено вплив шістнадцяти факторів зовнішнього бізнес-середовища на формування адгезивних рішень для управління промисловим розвитком на основі імпульсного моделювання. Доведено, що в системі інноваційного управління розвитком промислових підприємств цільовим фактором є «Рівень розвитку підприємства», а інші досліджувані фактори є контрольованими. Використання динамічного аналізу дає змогу виявити стабілізуючі та дестабілізуючі фактори впливу на розвиток промислових підприємств. Діапазони зміни факторів-індикаторів/ Визначено управління розвитком промислових підприємств у системі мінімум-максимум». У підсумку, на основі побудованої когнітивної карти інноваційного управління розвитком підприємств електроенергетики визначено діапазони зміни факторів-показників управління розвитком підприємства.Документ Assessment of Floral Organs State of Tilia Genus Representatives under Environment Pollution Conditions Caused by Emissions of Prydniprovska Thermal Power Plant, Dnipropetrovsk City(SciPress Ltd., 2016-06) Grytsay, Zoya; Miasoid, Galyna; М'ясоїд, Галина ІванівнаThe effect of polluting the environment with the emissions of the Prydniprovska Thermal Power Plant emissions, Dnipropetrovsk city, on morphometric and cytogenetic indicators of floral system of Tilia genus representatives was examined. The research was conducted in June and July in 2015. The studied objects in conditions of technogenesis show reduction of the bloom intensity rate and an increase of pollen grain sterility, which is the most significant in T. сordata. Sensitive indicators of Tilia generative sphere were suggested as informative test parameters for the use in monitoring the environment state. The recommendations are offered on the use of species of the Tilia genus in gardening industrial sites in terms of the steppe Prydniprovya.Документ Assessment of the Condition of Forest Objects in the Territories of Armed Conflict(Журнал: "Review of Economics and Finance", 2023-12) Білоткач Ігор АнатолійовичThe article proposes approaches to assessing the condition of forests in the territories of armed conflict, which include both forests of territories where combat operations were directly conducted, and forests of territories that were under occupation, in terms of determining their position (status) in the system of forest division of Ukraine, the impact on the natural resource of the factors of an armed encounter, as well as possibilities and ways of restoring the natural resource. The assessment of the state of the forest in the territories of armed conflict from the position of its status in the system of dividing forests according to the main functions determined by their natural resource involves the formation of its profile according to criteria and indicators regarding the scope of application, the form of presentation, the process of its acquisition, type, importance, etc. Since individual forest areas (objects),which are integrated into the forest of the territories of armed conflict, have been affected in various ways, the assessment of the state of their natural potential involves the grouping of such objects by categories. We should refer to a set of objects with a certain nature of influence on their economic and socio-ecological potential to the category of objects of the forest of the territories of the armed conflict. The categories of objects are determined by the following signs of impact: engineering and fortification works, rocket fire and aerial bombardment, artillery fire, and mining. A detailed analysis of object categories based on signs of impact allows us to get closer to the solution to the problem of determining the level and type of hazard of the object and, most importantly, determine the possible mode of activity of business entities and methods of restoring the resource potential of a specific category of forest objects in the territories of armed confrontation, which determines the relevance of the chosen research direction. These are the approaches to assessing the state of the forest in the territories of armed conflict within the chain “position – influence – hazard – mode of ctivity” that allow us to consistently get a result regarding the loss of the natural potential of the forest (forest objects) in the territories of armed conflict and the possibilities of its restoration, which is important for the activation of state response to the problems of such a forest in the area of relevant legislative acts and special State programs.