Кафедра англійської філології та перекладу
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Документ Allusions Functioning in Oscar Wilde’s Short Stories(Вісник Дніпропетровського університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія «Філологічні науки». – № 1(9) – 2015. – с.135-142., 2015) Калиниченко, Валерия Владимировна; Згуровская, ЯнаThe article deals with the notion of allusion as a linguistic phenomenon, investigates into the differentiation between allusion-reference-intertextuality. The approaches to this phenomenon study have been defined. The functioning of the allusions in the short stories of Oscar Wilde has been analyzed.Документ Category of aesthetic senses transition (to a question on perusal of an epoch)(Polilog. Studia neofilologiczne. – Słupsk: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pomorskiej w Słupsku, 2017. – № 8. – S. 165-176, 2017) Степанова, Анна АркадьевнаThe article is devoted to investigation in “transition” as a cultural phenomenon of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries boundary. Phases transition in culture and literature, his aesthetic principles and actors are defined. The role of transitional processes in the development of artistic and cultural consciousness is analyzedДокумент Consigli pratici per una classe di traduzione in spagnolo e italiano per lo sviluppo di abilità traduttive professionali: prova dei compiti.(Вид-во університету імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2019) Pliushchai, OleksandrДокумент CULTURE AND COLD WAR AS A PROBLEM OF SPY NOVEL(Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2017) Holub, Daryna OleksandrivnaThe article is devoted to the studying of the phenomenon of Cold War in its correlation to the introduction of a new hero into a mass literature. Cold War as an ideological resistance between the former wartime Allied victors in the second half of the 1940s was reasoned by after-war political situation. The break between two countries of East and West especially in its political and cultural aspects was visible inside every society and even through the example of a certain personality. As writers, artists and thinkers were the first who experienced Cold War, this phenomenon engaged cultural history and history of foreign affairs. Thus, the 1950s became the golden time for the spy fiction and cinema that was characterized by the success in England after the presentation of the novels about James Bond in 1953. Meanwhile the theme of espionage in Soviet newspapers and books was being touched on. Due to the cinematography it became even more popular, underlining the biopolarity of the culture of East and West during the period of Cold War. It is fair to say that the image of a spy is not only the creation of the specifics of Cold War but foremost of the culture that played a significant role in the appearance of a new hero. The 1950s was a period of a cultural renovation, the moment of «rebooting» of the genre of spy novel in Soviet literature. It meant that among the other things there would be the search for a new ideal, with a new focus on the rehabilitated people and with a profound interest to the «second rate» literature and its hero, primarily a spy. That was a time of Bond and Stirlitz appearance on screens. Vyacheslav Tykhonov as Isaev-Stirlitz and famous handsome Bond actors Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan, Daniel Craig changed the existing standard appearance of a spy. There came «a moment of truth» that is opportunity to compare broad variety of bondiana with the image of Stirlitz – hero-myths that are profoundly asymmetric. If Bond’s universe influenced the spy novel and film on East in the end of the 1960s, then Soviet popular culture had on contrary «the spy who came from the cold». However, this important aspect is left as a blank spot. The interplay between culture and Cold War that was a background for the formation of the spy or patriotic and spy novel and its hero-myth needs further serious investigation.Документ EXPERIMENTAL TESTING RESULTS OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE METHODS OF CONSECUTIVE INTERPRETING TRAINING(Znanstvena misel journal, Slovenska cesta 8, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2018-02) Зінукова, Наталія ВікторівнаУ статті представлено методичний експеримент, організований з метою перевірки ефективності ме-тодичної системи формування фахової компетентності усного перекладача у зовнішньоекономічній сфері на матеріалі англійської та української мов. Сформульовано гіпотезу експерименту, наведено дані пере-декспериментального та післяекспериментального зрізів. Описано етапи проведення методичного експе-рименту. За допомогою методів математичної статистики інтерпретовано результати експериментального дослідження. На основі отриманих даних щодо результативності двох варіантів методики зроблено висно-вки і доведено ефективність одного з них. The article deals with the methodological experiment organized to check the effectiveness of the methods of training consecutive interpreting in foreign economic field in English and Ukrainian to Masters. The hypothesis of the experiment was formed, and the data of pre- and post-testing are given there. The stages of the methodolog-ical experiment which tested the efficiency of training consecutive interpreting in foreign economic field are pre-sented. Mathematical statistics methods to interpret the results of the experimental tests are used. Two suggested variants of the methodology are analyzed and the results validate the efficiency of one of them.Документ Interlingual Homonyms in Spanish and Italian: False Friends – Real Enemies of Translators(Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2019) Pysmennyi, Taras Evguenovych; Pliushchai, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich; Onishchenko, Marianna YurievnaIn modern philological science, similar in sound but different in meaning words are called interlingual homonyms or, as they are often called in the circles of philologists and translators, “false friends”. Such “false friends” are “real enemies” for translators. However, there is no difference whether translation is carried out between related language groups or into other foreign languages. In this work, we will study and disclose the problems of translation and interpretation of interlingual homonyms in Spanish and Italian, being part of the group of Romance languages. The problem posed is one of the most complicated touching important aspects of the activities of modern translators. And the goal of this work is to analyze the problem of translating interlingual homonyms with the subsequent proposal to simplify understanding and study the phenomenon of homonymy. It is assumed that the list of Spanish-Italian homonyms presented in the research can be of substantial help in the practice of teaching these languages for both foreign students from European countries and students who are fluent in Italian or Spanish. In the future, our methodological developments can form the basis of a special textbook on Spanish-Italian vocabulary, oriented primarily for European students and taking into account the problem of interlingual interference. In addition to the list of interlingual homonyms, the authors created a bilateral dialogue between native speakers of Spanish and Italian, where a simple, at first glance, conversation from life that leads to unpredictable unfolding and to no less unexpected ending, perfectly demonstrates what ignorance can lead to misunderstandings without clear interpretation of certain words. The authors propose to use a visual demonstration of interlingual homonyms in such situational dialogues, which will help students and translators to clearly understand the differences between certain words, and, accordingly, facilitate the perception of the material under consideration.Документ Interlingual Homonyms in Spanish and Italian: False Friends – Real Enemies of Translators.(Вид-во університету імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2019) Pliushchai, OleksandrДокумент "La nature" du terme dans le discours d’affaire de la langue Française (Aperçu général dans le contexte de l'approche contemporaine)(Вісник Дніпропетровського університету імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2016) Ратомська, Лариса ВолодимирівнаThe subject of this article is different types of terms and their structure in Business French discourse.The question of terminology in Business French discourse is one of the most important problems because of its thesaurus, formation and further development. The purpose of our investigation is to research using different kinds of terms in Business French discourse. We have examined the theoretical researches in that field and the examples of terms in Business French discourse which were chosen and examined in this article.Документ Le mystere de la langue basque(Вісник Дніпропетровського університету імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2014) Ратомська, Лариса ВолодимирівнаThe matter of the article is a sociolinguistic phenomenon concerning the Basque language. The authors of the article analyse diverse Basque language origin theories in terms of diachronic approach regarding both toponymical and archeological researches conducted by the French as well as Basque scholars. The authors of the article came to a conclusion about the current topicality of the Basque studies observed synchronically in order to reveal the natural laws of the isolated languages development.Документ Locus amoenus в арсеналі середньовічного митця: поема "The Parlement of The Thre Ages"(БДПУ, 2022) Вєльчєва Ксенія ОлександрівнаДокумент Myth and beauty in the intertextual structure of Jogn Keat´s poetry(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2018) Плющай Олександр Олександрович, Семеренко Любов ІванівнаThe article is devoted to the use of ancient myths and the category of the beautiful in mythopoetical poems of John Keats. The authors examine the poet’s search of truth and beauty, his identification of love with poetry and the formation of his poetic credo.Документ Particularidades organizativas del trabajo autónomo de los estudiantes-filólogos en la enseñanza de español como segunda lengua extranjera(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2016) Плющай, Олександр Олександрович; Онищенко, Маріанна Юріївна; Онищенко, Геннадій АнатолійовичEn el artículo se trata de la organización del trabajo autónomo de los estudiantes-filólogos en la enseñanza de español como segunda lengua extranjera y se examinan los métodos de optimizar dicho proceso para que los estudiantes adquieran el trato necesario a los conocimientos profesionales y que sepan conseguirlos por su propia iniciativa.Документ PAUTAS METÓDICAS DEL TRABAJO CON EL TEXTO TEMÁTICO EN LA CLASE DEL IDIOMA EXTRANJERO(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2015) Плющай, Олександр Олександрович; Михлик, Олег Олексійович; Онищенко, Маріанна ЮріївнаEn el artículo se trata de recomendaciones metódicas para enseñar y sistematizar la gramática y el vocabulario, se presentan diferentes formas de trabajar con un texto temático y regular la actividad académica estudiantil a nivel avanzado del aprendizaje de un idioma extranjero en el marco de facultades filológicas.Документ Pautas metódicas del trabajo con el texto temático en la clase del idioma extranjero(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2015) Плющай, Олександр Олександрович; Онищенко, Маріанна Юріївна; Михлик, Олег ОлексійовичEn el artículo se trata de recomendaciones metódicas para enseñar y sistematizar la gramática y el vocabulario, se presentan diferentes formas de trabajar con un texto temático y regular la actividad académica estudiantil a nivel avanzado del aprendizaje de un idioma extranjero en el marco de facultades filológicas.Документ Phenomenon of the syntactic subordinacy in the English-language publicistic discourse and issues of its translation into Ukrainian(Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, 2017) Vasylenko, Olena; Halkina, YanaThere was made an attempt to classify and analyze the peculiarities of English publicistic discourse and translation of it into Ukrainian. The material for research were 200 sentences from English-language newspaper articles. There was made linguistic and translational analysis of the selected sentences. The results were generalized and some recommendations for translators were propoed.Документ Planteamiento acerca de modificaciones traductológicas en el marco teórico-práctico(Дніпропетровський університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2014) Oníschenko, Marianna Yurievna; Pliuschai, Aleksandr AleksandrovichEn el artículo se examinan las modificaciones traductológicas desde el punto de vista gramatical, léxico-semántico y estilístico a base de la teoría generalizada, apoyada de un fondo práctico. Además se realiza el analisis de los titulares periodísticos y eslóganes publicitarios.Документ Problemas traductológicos en la enseñanza de español como segunda lengua extranjera: enfoque plurilingue(Дніпропетровський університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2014) Oníschenko, Marianna Yurievna; Pliuschai, Aleksandr AleksandrovichEn el artículo se pone énfasis en la competencia plurilingue y pluricultural de los estudiantes que aprenden segundas lenguas extranjeras, especialmente el español. Se presta mucha atención al enfoque comunicativo como predominante en el proceso de la enseñanza, al estudio de las dificultades que surgen en la enseñanza de la traducción de fraseologismos españoles.Документ RESEARCHERS ABOUT LITERARY PROJECT «JAMES BOND»(Дніпропетровський національний університет ім. Олеся Гончара, "Ліра", 2015) Holub, Daryna OleksandrivnaCritical reflection about a fifty-year history of the existence of the English literary criticism phenomenon bondiana connected with the forthcoming of a new literary hero James Bond, widely known as agent 007 who was created by a British writer Ian Fleming is under the view. The literary aspect of Fleming’s novels, mainly a structural one, developed by Umberto Eco (1965) that became fundamental to the further evolution of bondology is highlighted. The components of the successful Bond formula (behaviour patterns, love affairs, gambling games and brands) as well as double phenomenon of Fleming-Bond are studied at the multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary level showing the direct relationship of agent 007 with mass culture in general and his influence on it, yet leaving the set of questions open to the further bondology scholarship.Документ The image of a city through the prism of cultural-philosophical concept introduced by Oswald Spengler(Вісник Дніпропетровського університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія «Філологічні науки». – 2017. – № 2 (14). – С. 23-30, 2017) Степанова, Анна Аркадьевна; Калиниченко, Валерия ВладимировнаThe article studies the problem of city formation as a cultural phenomenon in the concept introduced by Oswald Spengler. We analyze how the urban consciousness, as a free spirit which is transubstantial in art, was formedДокумент THEME OF MADNESS IN A SHORT STORY “THE SYSTEM OF DOCTOR TARR AND PROFESSOR FETHER” BY EDGAR ALLAN POE AND IN A SIMILARLY-NAMED FILM BY CLAUDE CHABROL(COGNITION, COMMUNICATION, DISCOURSE Series “Philology”; Special Issue MEANING-MAKING IN THEATRE AND FILM, 2019-12)The article considers the theme of madness as a cultural phenomenon in its romantic (Edgar Poe) and postmodern (Claude Chabrol) film interpretation. The study is based on the cultural and philosophical concept of madness grounded by Michel Foucault. The historical existence of madness phenomenon has two types of its perception distinguished, “cosmic”, which is the tragic madness of the world, and “critical”, which is peculiar to human consciousness and behavior, generating the ironic understanding. According to the philosopher, the cosmic and critical cultural experience of madness is embodied in visually plastic (pictorial) and verbal (literary) forms respectively. The verbal and literary specifics of creating an aesthetic image of madness within the romantic canon in Edgar Allan Poe’s story is compared with the peculiarities of the visual-sound plastic form of the images in Claude Chabrol’s film, created in the style of surrealism. In Poe’s story madness appears as a local phenomenon, a state of human consciousness determining the way of thinking and the specifics of behavior. The main way how the writer creates the characters includes their behavioral characteristics and speech. In Chabrol’s film interpretation the theme of madness unfolds gradually, being embodied in visual images, the pace of the film, the changing intraframe composition, the specific movement in the frame, the speed and rhythm of cutting, the color and sound of the film. Within the postmodernism aesthetics the director, inserting surrealistic Buñuel’s intertext, using the techniques of playing with the audience and varying interpretations of the end, focuses on the cosmic experience of madness, transforming Poe’s romantic-ironic interpretation into a understanding the “tragic madness of the world”.