Кафедра політології та міжнародних відносин
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Документ 1. Громадянське суспільство в сучасній Україні: специфіка становлення, тенденції розвитку Монографія. – К.: Парламентське вид-во, 2006. – 412с.(Парламентське видавництво, 2006) Щедрова, Галина Петрівна; Рудич, Фелікс Михайлович; Зеленько, Галина ІванівнаПроблеми громадянського суспільства розглядаються в різних аспектах в роботах українських вчених В. Баркова, Ф.Рудича, В. Денисенка, О. Крюкова, Г. Щедрової та інших [11]; зарубіжних – Х. Саймона, П. Самюеля, C. Хантінгтона та деяких інших. Громадянське суспільство в контексті розвитку сучасної демократії розглядається у дослідженнях А. Карася, М. Кравчука, М. Козюбри, А. Крижановського, В. Кременя, Ю.Оборотова, П. Рабіновича, В.Ткаченка, О. Токовенка, О. Скрипнюк, В. Степаненка [7, 12]. Як система громадських організацій, профспілок, церкви та релігії – в публікаціях та монографіях Т. Ковальчук, В.Кравчук, В. Полохало, В. Сіренко, В. Тимошенко та ін. [2, 3, 10]. Поняття “громадянське суспільство” склалося не відразу, зміст його формувався та збагачувався поступово. Процес формування громадянського суспільства у юридичній науці умовно поділяють на певні етапи. В основу такого поділу покладено співвідношення громадянського суспільства і держави та визначення місця названого вище суспільства у загальній структурі людського суспільства.Документ 1. Громадянське суспільство: сутність і тенденції реформування / Галина Петрівна Щедрова // Політична система та інститути громадянського суспільства в сучасній Україні : [Навч. посібник] / [Ф. М. Рудич, Р. В. Балабан, Ю. С. Ганжуров та ін.]. — К. : Либідь, 2008. — С. 103–113.(1. Громадянське суспільство: сутність і тенденції реформування / Галина Петрівна Щедрова // Політична система та інститути громадянського суспільства в сучасній Україні : [Навч. посібник] / [Ф. М. Рудич, Р. В. Балабан, Ю. С. Ганжуров та ін.]. — К. : Либідь, 2008. — С. 103–113., 2008) Щедрова, Галина ПетрівнаРозвиток громадянського суспільства в Україні визначається як внутрішніми, так і зовнішніми чинниками.Документ 1. Специфіка партійних механізмів регулювання політичної конкуренції еліт / Г. П. Щедрова // Політологічні записки. ―2013. ― № 2 (8). ― С. 5―17.(Політологічні записки.- Вид-во Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля, 2013) Щедрова, Галина ПетрівнаМеханізми регулювання політичної конкуренції еліт розглянуто крізь призму функціонування політичних партій, специфіку формування партійного керівництва, перебігу виборчого процесу, використання ресурсів політичної реклами тощо.Документ Breaking the Waves: How the Phenomenon of European Jihadism Militates Against the Wave Theory of Terrorism(International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal, 2015-12-30) Прошин, Денис ВолодимировичDavid Rapoport’s Wave theory of terrorism is one of the most oftencited theories in the literature on terrorist violence. Rapoport is praised for having provided researchers with a universal instrument which allows them to explain the origin and transformation of various historical types of terrorism by applying to them the concept of global waves of terrorist violence driven by universal political impulses. This article, testing the Wave theory against the recent phenomenon of homegrown jihadism in Europe, uncovers this theory’s fundamental weaknesses and questions its real academic and practical value.Документ Concept of investment climate management: models of monitoring and innovative implementation(Науковий вісник Полісся, 2018) Вакулич, Марія Михайлівна; Ключник, Руслан МаксимовичThe rapid changes in the factors that determine competitiveness in world markets, the dynamic development of the global environment, make governments, in shaping the conditions for economic growth, to more actively address the challenges of ensuring national competitiveness on a global scale. It is necessary to introduce a comprehensive model for assessing the state of the investment climate of the state, creating attractive conditions for the development of its image.Документ COVID-19 та масова свідомість(Дніпропетровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара, 2020) Ключник, Руслан МаксимовичДокумент Cутність, ознаки і чинники політичної стабільності(2012-09-22) Ключник, Руслан МаксимовичДокумент Democracy and terrorism: Missing link, old cliche and new approach to the problem(Diamond trading tour (Warsaw), 2015-06-29) Прошин, Денис ВолодимировичN/AДокумент Development of the Balanced Scorecard for the State’s Strategy of Food Security(2019) Мостова, Анастасія Дмитрівна; Ключник, Руслан МаксимовичThis paper has proposed a balanced scorecard (hereinafter, BSC) for the implementation of a state's strategy of food security. The application of the strategy cards based on scientific developments by R. Kaplan and D. Norton has been substantiated for implementing the state's strategy of food security. Components of a strategy card for food security have been devised that are represented through financial support to agricultural policy; social benefits for people; governance and infrastructure support for the domestic market; state management and resources for providing food security.Документ Etiquette and basics of international protocol: Textbook(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2024) Шкура Ірина Сергіївна; Ключник Руслан МаксимовичThe textbook on the course “Etiquette and basics of international protocol” (in English) reveals the content of the main topics in accordance with the program of the course. This manual can be recommended to learners pursuing a bachelor’s degree in “International Economic Relations”, “Management”, and others who are interested in developing relevant competencies essential for successful career development. The textbook includes a systematic presentation of the main issues of etiquette and protocol in a cross-cultural context, practical and analytical tasks, as well as materials to test the mastery of the content and the acquisition of practical skills. It can be used to master the course both in classroom settings and for self-study purposes.Документ Left-wing extremism: Is comeback possible?(Національний університет "Одеська юридична академія", 2015-05-22) Прошин, Денис ВолодимировичN/AДокумент «Lega Nord» та євроскептицизм в Італії(Дніпровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара, 2019-03-29) Ключник, Руслан МаксимовичДокумент Natural and socio-cultural factors in country image formation(2019) Ключник, Руслан МаксимовичPositive image can improve international perception of the country and facilitate foreign investment. Сountry image formation factors include geographic location, natural resources, historical sites, art, sports, ethnoconfessional peculiarities,psychological set of people, political peculiarities etc. Economic components include GDP, main items of export, HDI (Human Development Index) and others. This article is mainly focused on noneconomic factors that can influence the rise of a country's popularity for investors. Special events, celebrations as well as natural phenomena are also considered as such factors. Combination of natural landmarks, historical heritage and high level of service ensure the rise of tourism as it has been shown using the example of Latvia. A special attention has been paid to the Olympic Games. The article contains an analysis of their expenses and benefits for the host country. The examples of Great Britain, Russia, France, Ukraine and other countries have been analyzed. Quantitative measurement of non-economic factors can not always be considered but image benefits for a certain country can be seen by billions of people all over the worldДокумент Passive Voice в англомовних ЗМІ: лінгводидактичний аспект(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2020) Ключник, Руслан МаксимовичДокумент Passive Voice в зарубежных СМИ: лингводидактический аспект(Белорусский государственный педагогический университет имени Максима Танка, 2020) Ключник, Руслан МаксимовичДокумент Protest Potential of the Social and Labour Sphere(Дніпровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара, 2018) Ключник, Руслан МаксимовичДокумент Slipping Off the Edge: How and why Democratic Regimes Fall into Excess in their Fight against Terrorism(International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, 2016-04) Прошин, Денис ВолодимировичDemocratic regimes’ resorting to excessive force when fighting against terrorists is chrestomathically defined as “deviations” or “mistakes”. However, the frequency with which such “deviations” and “mistakes” take place and regular repetition of several scenarios give us the right to speak not so much about random dysfunctions as about standard political situations in whose framework, contrary to assertions of democracies’ immanent softness and moderation in administering violence even to their avowed enemies, democratic regimes with high probability can apply excessive force to their armed antagonists. This article wants to probe deeper into the question of the causes of such behaviour of democratic governments and to outline most probable sociopolitical scenarios of these governments’ falling into excess while combating terrorists.Документ The End: Идеология радикального экологизма и ее голливудская "экранизация"(Сибирская ассоциация консультантов, 2013-01-28) Прошин, Денис ВолодимировичN/AДокумент THE IDEOLOGICAL PARADIGM OF PARLIAMENTARY PARTIES IN MODERN UKRAINE(Copyright © 2019 Liha-pres. All Rights Reserved. Designed by Open Science in Ukraine MAN, SOCIETY, POLITICS: TOPICAL CHALLENGES OF THE MODERNITY, 2019) Щедрова ( Н. P. Shchedrova), Галина ПетрівнаDEVELOPMENT TRENDS OF SCHOLARLY KNOWLEDGE IN PHILOSOPHY, SOCIOLOGY AND POLITICAL SCIENCES Authors O. A. Dolzhenkov, South-Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynskiy; L. M. Dunayeva,Odesa National I. I. Mechnikov University;N. P. Hedikova, State Institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky»; L. M. Khyzhniak, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University; T. V. Matiuk, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University; G. V. Muzychenko, State institution «Southern National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky»; S. M. Naumkina,State institution «Southern National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky»; O. B. Petinova, State Institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky»; O. V. Poluiaktova, State Institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky»; I. I. Pronoza,South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky; S. I. Rostetska, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky; I. V. Shaposhnykova, Kherson State University; H. P. Shchedrova, Alfred Nobel University; H. V. Shypunov, Ivan Franko Lviv National University; M. Prokop,Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce CHAPTER 13 UKRAINE IN THE CONTEMPORARY GEOPOLITICAL SPACE: TRENDS, RISKS AND THE CRISIS OF CHOICE H. P. Shchedrova DOI: https://doi.org/10.36059/978-966-397-125-4/223-245 Published October 31, 2019 Categories • Philosophy, religious studies and cultural studies Copyright © 2019 Liha-pres. All Rights Reserved. Designed by Open Science in Ukraine MAN, SOCIETY, POLITICS: TOPICAL CHALLENGES OF THE MODERNITYДокумент UKRAINE IN THE CONTEMPORARY GEOPOLITICAL SPACE: TRENDS, RISKS AND THE CRISIS OF CHOICE / Development trends of scholarly knowledge in philosophy, sociology and political science: collective monograph / O.A. Dolzhenkov, L.M. Dunayeva, N. P. Hedikova, L. M. Khyzhniak, etc. – Lviv-Toruń: Liha-Pres, 2019.– P. 223-245. (SENSE).(Copyright © 2019 Liha-pres. All Rights Reserved. Designed by Open Science in Ukraine, 2019) Щедрова ( Н. P. Shchedrova), Галина ПетрівнаContemporary geopolitics is characterized by the gradual domination of the political factor over the geographical factor, the increasing number of geopolitical actors, the fragmentation of international connections and relations, and the crisis prevention priorities that shift from the economic sphere to the security sphere. These aspects have affected Ukraine as well, which, albeit with varying intensity, had made its way into the global community since the moment it gained independence in 1991. The same period saw the beginning of Ukraine’s inclusion as a sovereign state in the scientific analysis of the political world. Given its specific geographical location, Ukraine has always been and will remain a priority area of research in political geography and geopolitics. Classical theories based their interpretations of Ukraine on the interests of the influential global states; however, the development of the political sphere in our country has led to a shift in the direction of research – from “one of the countries of the post-socialist bloc” to “a country in the center of Europe.” In contemporary political science, Ukraine as a research subject provides enough reasons not only for contextual exploration as a part of studying the region or the zones of influence of geopolitical actors, but also for the analysis of internal political processes within our country, which result from or determine the course of international politics. Thus, the problem of Ukraine’s geopolitical position is a focus of attention both for national researchers and for the leading scholars of the contemporary geopolitical concepts. Ukraine has been studied by Anthony Giddens and Roland Robertson in the context of globalism and glocalism; by Immanuel Wallerstein as a part of the world-systems analysis; by Jacques Attali and Francis Fukuyama within the neomondialism framework; by Paul Wolfowitz and Samuel P. Huntington from the perspective of neo-Atlanticism; by Zbigniew Brzezinski from the perspective of the contemporary Anglo-American geopolitical school; by Aleksandr Dugin in the context of Eurasianism, etc. Despite the significant attention of scientific schools to the geopolitical transformations that involve Ukraine, as of today, a concentrated geopolitical model that would take into account both the internal potential of our country and the current conditions of the external political environment is still missing. In addition, the contemporary global politics with its determined priorities on the European continent provides us with an opportunity to make a certain generalization about the geopolitical nature of Ukraine. Classic geopolitical trends – Atlanticism and mondialism – continued with the corresponding neo-concepts which were substantiated as doctrines by contemporary authors, mostly from Western research schools. Other integral theoretical components of modern geopolitics are the concepts of contemporary Eurasianism, globalism, glocalism, and the world systems approach. Beside the conceptualization of the Ukrainian factor in geopolitics, the questions of Ukraine’s own geopolitical choice, its risks and its crisis potential also remain important. We need to comprehend not only on the concept of “geopolitical choice,” but also the actualization of its contents beyond foreign policy or orientation, since we believe that these concepts are not essentially identical. It is important here to analyze Ukraine’s path from attempts to regulate its foreign policy strategy and to personify the vision of its prospects of foreign partnership, from multiple attempts to determine the vector of its foreign policy, and towards formulating the state’s actual geopolitical choice while taking into account the public opinion and the national interests. The recent developments, with the turning point in 2013-14 and the unfolding of military events in the East of the country, have proved that the local-regional coordinates of Ukraine coincided in time and concurred with the interests of other global players, which subjected the country’s roles to the more influential actors of the global politics. That is why the important research tasks are to determine both the place of Ukraine in contemporary geopolitics and the risks that accompany the state’s external integration at a transitional stage in its development.