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Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля


The article presents the newest approaches explored in the frames of the legal competence formation of future engineers. The author has defined the pedagogical conditions (focus of educational process on increase of legal consciousness and legal culture of future engineers; integration of legal knowledge with humanities; saturation of educational process of future engineers training with active methods of teaching legal content) of legal competence formation of future engineers in the process of their occupational training. The structure of legal competence, described in the paper, consists of three components: the motivational and valuable one (the presence of guidance for compliance with law and regularity in professional activity and civic life; the conviction of the need for lawful behavior and compliance with legal framework; responsibility for compliance with legal norms; intolerance to offences, ability to comprehend legislative documents); the informative one (comprehension and mastery of the basic legal concepts and terminology; knowledge of legal aspects of professional activity and production technology; advanced legal thinking; knowledge of the attributes and types of illegal activities in the occupational field; knowledge of legislative norms, requirements related to professional activity); the active one (communicative skills, ability to express one’s thoughts in clear, correct and logical manner, discussion skills, ability to establish friendly relations with colleagues and subordinates in the course of professional activity, abilities and skills to use legal knowledge in professional practice). In order to check the efficiency, the criteria and corresponding levels of legal competence formation of future engineers have been elaborated (high, medium, low). The experimental model of the legal competence formation of future engineers has been presented in the paper, and the notion and structure of the concept of “legal competence of future engineers” have been defined


Ключові слова

future engineers, legal competence, competency, legal consciousness, legal culture, ped� agogical conditions

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