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Документ À PROPOS DU POTENTIEL DIDACTIQUE DE LA BANDE DESSINEE AU COURS DU FRANÇAIS LANGUE ETRANGERE(Міжнародна науково-практична конференція, Вінниця,UKR-Відень, AUT, 2021-05-07) Галаздра Світлана ІванівнаPendant longtemps, la bande dessinée a été considérée comme une "lecture facile", qui ne méritait pas l'attention ni des scientifiques ni des éducateurs. Aujourd'hui, la situation a beaucoup changé: la bande dessinée est entrée dans notre vie à la fois comme genre de littérature et comme forme d'art moderne. Dans cette étude, la bande dessinée agit comme un moyen d'améliorer la compétence communicative en français comme langue étrangère des étudiants. On propose plusieurs varientes du travail avec les bandes dessinées aux cours de français, on donne une justification linguodidactique de l'utilisation de la bande dessinée dans l'enseignement du français.Документ Analysis of the state of the art of modern e-learning in higher education in Germany(Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2023) Мединська Світлана (K P Osadcha, V V Osadchyi, S V Symonenko, S I Medynska)E-learning as a part of blended learning and a means for implementing distance learning, as well as an independent phenomenon of the modern information society, has been introduced and studied by researchers for several decades. In various countries, the relevance of e-learning and the use of e-learning tools in higher education have increased during the coronavirus pandemic. Different countries have their own approach and experience in using e-learning tools. Therefore, it is advisable to study it both for each country separately and in comparison. In the course of the research, the analysis of scientific publications on the topic of e-learning in higher education in Germany over the last 10 years has been made, which has shown certain changes in the interest in this issue of German scientists. The survey of students and teachers of the University of Konstanz (Germany) has been conducted regarding the use of e-learning tools and their attitude to e-learning. Despite the fact that the results of the analysis of the scientific works of German scientists show a drop in interest in e-learning problems in Germany and a slight rise during the coronavirus pandemic, the results of the survey indicate an unequivocal interest in e-learning tools of teachers. In general, it is possible to state the positive attitude on the part of teachers and uncertainty on the part of students.Документ Assessment of Floral Organs State of Tilia Genus Representatives under Environment Pollution Conditions Caused by Emissions of Prydniprovska Thermal Power Plant, Dnipropetrovsk City(SciPress Ltd., 2016-06) Grytsay, Zoya; Miasoid, Galyna; М'ясоїд, Галина ІванівнаThe effect of polluting the environment with the emissions of the Prydniprovska Thermal Power Plant emissions, Dnipropetrovsk city, on morphometric and cytogenetic indicators of floral system of Tilia genus representatives was examined. The research was conducted in June and July in 2015. The studied objects in conditions of technogenesis show reduction of the bloom intensity rate and an increase of pollen grain sterility, which is the most significant in T. сordata. Sensitive indicators of Tilia generative sphere were suggested as informative test parameters for the use in monitoring the environment state. The recommendations are offered on the use of species of the Tilia genus in gardening industrial sites in terms of the steppe Prydniprovya.Документ CULTURE OF BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE IN SERVICE AND TOURISM(Видавництво «Молодий вчений», 2017-11) Яковлева, Тетяна Іванівна; Беспалова, Наталія ВолодимирівнаThe article is aimed at studying culture of business correspondence as the official means of communication among organizations and individuals as well as its importance in different spheres of business. Business communication is a part of administrative culture, playing an important role in the development of a tourism cluster. Today the social nature of business interaction is shown in the most various forms, as well as activities of a person. The whole arsenal of means of business communication demands from a manager the development of communicative competence and socially important psychological qualities of his/her personality providing high performance of professional functions execution.Документ Dyslexia and foreign language teaching: strategies and tools to help dyslexic students to learn a foreign language(2022) Волобуєва Поліна СергіївнаДокумент English, Tourism and Hospitality: an Interdisciplinary Lesson Plan(Дніпропетровський університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2016) М'ясоїд, Галина Іванівна; Miasoid, Galyna IvanivnaThe paper presents a practical outcome of the research on combination of organizational forms of teaching and learning and career guidance in a form of an interdisciplinary lesson. The suggested lesson plan finalizes the theoretical and practical examination of the methodological issues concerning selection of tasks, learning and teaching materials and methods, as well as their probation in September 2015 and March 2016. The suggested materials can be of practical use for English teachers at school, college and university levels.Документ How to create spaces in the classroom to be present and informal(2024-03-26) Гайдар Вероніка ПавлівнаДокумент Linguistic and Cognitive Features of English-Language Political Discourse(2022-12-17) Гайдар Вероніка ПавлівнаThe relevance of the study lies in the fact that pluralism, dialogism, and a new model of political communication have forced a change in the way power communicates with society. Nudity, formulaic newspeak has been replaced by expressive texts subordinated to the function of persuasion. Nevertheless, there are many publications in the scientific literature describing the shortcomings of contemporary English-language political messages. Political discourse has been accused of vulgarity, banality, and arbitrary presentation of reality, bias, use of templates and stereotypes, excessive aggressiveness and incorrectness. There are various forms of public discourse characteristic of democracy, which are characterised by certain constant features. Political discourse has its characteristics. Each political environment develops certain kinds of communication under the influence of relevant experiences. Discourse is one of those concepts in the social sciences characterised by exceptional terminological confusion. This is because it is an area of interest of different methodological sciences. Based on English-language studies of the phenomenon, the term is also the result of a clash of linguistic traditions with a more recent English-language understanding. Discourse analysis becomes an attempt to remedy the shortcomings of the linguistic and cognitive aspects, consisting in studying language in isolation from practical human experience and trying to find internal structures and dependencies in a language only in a theoretical dimension, on imagined examples. Its axioms include language as a holistic system integrated with the speaker's knowledge of the world and society. This system has to be described in linguistic, cognitive, and social terms, together with the conditions in which the speaker uses it during the discourse. The practical significance lies in identifying the linguistic and cognitive features of English-language political discourse.Документ Linguistic expressive means and stylistic devices in English-language political discourse and the translation aspect based on the materials of Donald Trump’s speeches(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2022) Білокопитова Марія ОлександрівнаДокумент M-learning у процесі медіаосвіти та вивчення іноземної мови(Communications and Communicative Technologies, 2023) Мединська, Світлана Іванівна; Блинова Н.М.Мета даної статті полягає у вивченні можливостей англомовних мобільних додатків для медіаосвіти, які доступні на платформі Google Play. Основний акцент робиться на їх дидактичному потенціалі, зокрема на їх здатності формувати навички медіаграмотності та покращувати рівень володіння англійською мовою. У якості об’єкту вивчення обрано додаток "Journalism & Mass Communication" від Edutainment Ventures - Making Games People Play. Цей вибір обумовлений привабливістю та успішним досвідом його використання. Також було досліджено інші проекти, які акцентують увагу на роботі з англомовними текстами та розширенні словникового запасу. Серед них: "Journalism" від SQSTECH, "Journalism Textbook" від Courses Books, "Journalism course" від APLUS, "Media and Information Literacy" від PERCDC Learnhub, "Journalism Dictionary Offline" від EasyGoing та "Journalism Dictionary" від Pocket Dictionary. Для оцінки функціоналу застосунків залучено фокус-групу із студентів Дніпровського національного університету імені Олеся Гончара, які навчаються за спеціальністю 061 "Журналістика" на різних рівнях вищої освіти. Загалом у групі було 17 осіб, зокрема 12 студентів бакалаврської програми, 4 — магістерської та 1 аспірант. Ефективність та неефективність опцій застосунків були визначені шляхом аналізу результатів анкетування, проведеного серед учасників фокус-групи. Загальний аналіз додатків для медіаграмотності та медіаосвіти свідчить про те, що мобільне навчання є актуальним та ефективним інструментом у навчальному процесі. Проте воно не може повністю замінити традиційну освіту. Різноманітність функціоналу, підходів до контенту та залучення аудиторії підкреслює важливість створення мобільних додатків, які відповідають конкретним освітнім програмам. Мобільне навчання має великий потенціал для підвищення ефективності позашкільної освіти. Використання мобільних додатків під час медіаосвіти та вивчення англійської мови має значний дидактичний потенціал. Результати дослідження підтверджують доцільність інтегрованого підходу до навчання, що комбінує вивчення предмета з освоєнням іноземної мови. Оскільки в Україні набуває актуальності вивчення англійської мови, поєднання цих двох напрямів вважається цілком обґрунтованим.Документ Pedagogical Conditions of Development of Social Worker Communication Culture in Post-Qualifying Training(SciPress Ltd., 2016) М'ясоїд, Галина Іванівна; Miasoid, GalynaThe paper addresses the problem of underdeveloped communication culture of social workers in Ukraine. The term of ‘social worker communicative culture’ has been defined and its components have been listed. The criteria, parameters and development levels of social worker communication culture have been examined. Summative assessment has shown through the combination of quantitative and qualitative data analyses that communication culture of social workers in Ukraine should be resolved urgently. The pedagogical conditions of social worker communication culture development and the suggested methodology have been substantiated and verified in a post-qualifying training. The obtained results can be of help when designing the training programmes for social workers in the Social Welfare System in Ukraine and other developing countries undergoing social and economic reforms.Документ Some phonetic and graphic features of English-language advertising slogans of American clothes and footwear brands.(2022-07-29) Гайдар Вероніка ПавлівнаДокумент SPECIFICS OF METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF TEACHING ENGLISH TO RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL PERSONNEL AT HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE’S EDUCATIONAL AREA(Вісник Дніпропетровського університету імені Альфреда Нобеля, серія «Педагогіка і психологія». Педагогічні науки. Дніпропетровський університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2016) Мединська, Світлана ІванівнаThe paper presents the advantages of efficient techniques of teaching foreign languages to research and education personnel, post-graduate students in higher educational establishments in Ukraine. Under the current conditions of innovative development and integration requirements in education, effective language training that contributes into further international cooperation is substantiated in the article. The available teaching methods and approaches to adult language acquisition have been analyzed in order to provide the most appropriate methodological principles and ways to organize the effective training taking into account psychological, social and linguistic peculiarities of target learners.Документ Sprachinterferenz am Beispiel deutscher und englischer Sprachen(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2020) Білокопитова Марія ОлександрівнаДокумент Teaching presence and language learning motivation(2024-02-07) Гайдар Вероніка ПавлівнаДокумент THE CONCEPT OF MARKETING 3.0 IN HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM(Харків: ХДУХТ, 2017-09-21) М'ясоїд, Галина Іванівна; Miasoid, Galyna IvanivnaДокумент The Impact of Industrial Pollution on the Stem Anatomical Characteristics of Woody Plant Undergrowth in the City of Dnipro, Ukraine(SciPress Ltd., 2017-09) М'ясоїд, Галина Іванівна; Iusypiva, Tetiana; Miasoid, Galyna;The paper examines the influence of industrial emissions of sulphur (IV) and nitrogen (IV) oxides on the percentage of stem anatomical characteristics of the autochthonous woody plant species undergrowth of Acer platanoides L. and Fraxinus excelsior L. in the southern industrial zone of the city of Dnipro (Ukraine). It is ascertained, that the ratio of the primary cortex share to the central cylinder share does not change in the stems of annual shoots of the both studied woody plant species when they are exposed to the influence of the toxic gases. However, there are significant changes in the ratio of shares of histological elements in the undergrowth stems of F. excelsior. The use of both absolute and relevant values of anatomic parameters of the plant vegetative organs is needed to analyse the woody plants resistance to technogenic pollution of the environment.Документ The Impact of Industrial Pollution with Toxic Gases on Stem Histological Parameters of Woody Plant Undergrowth under Conditions of the Southern Industrial Zone of the City of Dnipro, Ukraine(SciPress Ltd., 2016-10) Iusypiva, Tetiana; Miasoid, Galyna; М'ясоїд, Галина ІванівнаThe paper examines the influence of industrial emissions of sulphur (IV) and nitrogen (IV) oxides (the southern industrial zone of the city of Dnipro) on stem histological parameters of the autochthonous woody plant species undergrowth of Acer platanoides L. and Fraxinus excelsior L., which are natural forest edificators in the steppe zone of Ukraine. It shows that stem anatomical characteristics undergo quantitative changes in the annual undergrowth shoots of the two tree species under anthropogenic burden, with the most significant changes in the area of heavy pollution. Results indicate the decrease of such stem parameters as stem and stele diameters, wood radius and primary cortex thickness under high concentrations of SO2 and NO2 in seedlings of both species. However, this parameter drops in A. platanoides stems by reducing the collenchyme width, whereas it goes down in F. excelsior stems due to cork thickness loss. Another difference in the response of A. platanoides to the influence of phytotoxic pollutants compared to F. excelsior is the depletion of conducting elements of its phloem, which results in thinning the secondary cortex of the stem. The research findings prove high vulnerability of A. platanoides undergrowth to the chronic exposure of SO2 and NO2. Therefore, this woody species is suggested to be used as a test object in monitoring research on plants of virginal group in the technogenic areas contaminated with sulphur (IV) and nitrogen (IV) oxides.Документ The Impact of SO2 and NO2 Industrial Emissions on Anatomical Stem of Salix alba(SciPress Ltd., 2016-02) Iusypiva, Tetiana; Miasoid, Galyna; М'ясоїд, Галина ІванівнаThe paper examines the influence of industrial emissions SO2 and NO2 on the anatomical structure of the annual shoot stems of Salix alba L. in conditions of steppe zone of Ukraine. It reveals high stability of histological characteristics of the studied type to phytotoxic pollutants, which was proved by thickening of almost all anatomical stem parameters. It was ascertained the toxic gases chronic effect results in increasing the thickness of the stem cortex in the research object through the increase of the primary cortex where collenchyme and parenchyma grow thicker, and through thickening the secondary cortex as hard bast indices rise. The study proved that toxic gases do not affect the wood radius and pith diameter, though the biggest trachea diameter increases significantly. It has shown the thickening of both primary cortex and secondary bast which contribute to the change of that the diameter of annual shoot stems of S. alba in conditions of technogenesis. The high adaptive capacity of anatomical indicators of this his plant species stem to industrial pollution has been demonstrated, and therefore it was suggested that S. alba can be used for planting the areas subject to chronic actions SO2 and NO2.Документ THE ROLE OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE FOR INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT IN THE MULTICULTURAL CONTEXT(AD ALTA: JOURNAL OF INTERDISC IPLINARY RESEARCH, 2024) Мединська Світлана (SVITLANA MEDYNSKA, TETIANA KRAMARENKO, LIUBOV MELNYCHUK, IVAN OSADTSA, MYKOLA DIEDKOV)The article examines the essential features and role of communicative competence in modern international business. The increasing influence of cultural, historical, geopolitical factors and national security considerations on the landscape of international business and the interaction of existing and potential partners is described. The study also touches on the phenomenon of glocalization and its impact on international business and cross-cultural communicative competence. A three dimensional model of cross-cultural communicative competence in international business, covering factors (dimensions) of globalization, glocalization, and national security is proposed.