2019 - 2020 н.р. Денна форма навчання Бакалаври Міжнародні економічні відносини

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  • Документ
    The development and implementation of the international investment project: preparation and making of foreign trade and farming of tobacco
    (Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2020) Дхуку, Кураж
    The paper examines the current state and trends in Germany, paying special attention to tobacco industry. The main objective presented in this thesis is the measurement of how much capital, building materials and technologies are needed. The paper examines the location and viability of the project. To achieve this, this thesis identifies the problems encountered in the process of making investment in such a project. This paper examines if it is possible and feasible to invest in Germany, contains the research of investment climate of Germany. Detailed financial plan and organizational schedule is included too.
  • Документ
    (Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2020) Хакірі, Вежден; Хакірі, Вежден
    This paper investigates the feasibility of the international investment project ‘’starting a pharmaceutical company in Singapore ‘’. This investment project is developed at the expense of foreign investor from United Arab of emirates to be specific from Dubai. Singapore has made it its fundamental goal to become a global biomedical hub. Despite other countries having a potential to develop their biomedical industry, Singapore has managed to become a primary destination for this industry in Asia-Pacific region. Based on these facts, we have developed a special research question which is “What has led investors to be attracted to Singapore’s Biomedical Industry?”. And is it feasible to start a pharmaceutical company in this destination and especially at this time? The purpose of this research is to find out the feasibility of this international investment project of starting a pharmaceutical and what are the main factors that investors take into consideration while deciding where to invest. Through the progress of thesis, we tried initially to provide a full analysis of the Singaporean economy and its foreign economic activity and to provide a concrete calculation in order to provide transparent data. the first phase of our research involved mainly secondary research, that provides background information for the Singaporean economy, Singapore’s Biomedical industry but also on the overall investment climate of country. The findings are impressive and the investigation that was undertaken will be a great asset and extremely valuable information and analysis to the government, investors as well as private researchers.
  • Документ
    Розробка міжнародного інвестиційного проекту створення «нішевого» автосервісу у Чехії
    (Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2020) Стельмашенко, Андрій Володимирович
    У роботі досліджено сучасний стан та тенденції розвитку економіки Чехії, її зовнішньоекономічна діяльність та інвестиційний клімат в країні. Чеська Республіка має стабільну економіку, відкритість у міжнародних економічних відносинах, чітке та прозоре законодавство, високі міжнародні рейтинги, що надає їй привабливості для міжнародних інвестицій. Разом з тим, країна відчуває дефіцит робочої сили через швидке старіння місцевого населення, що призводить до активізації залучення трудових мігрантів до країни. Це створює сприятливі умови для організації підприємств малого бізнесу, де можна поєднувати інвестування та створення робочого місця для самого інвестора. У роботі розроблено міжнародний інвестиційний проект зі створення «нішевого» автосервісу у Празі за рахунок власних коштів інвестора з України. Наведені розрахунки обсягів інвестиційних ресурсів, обґрунтовано організаційно-правову форму створюваного підприємства, а також проведено оцінку інвестиційної привабливості запропонованого проекту.
  • Документ
    Development and ways of realization of the international investment project “Travel Company” in Lithuania
    (Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2020) Чепижко, Катерина Анатоліївна
    The bachelor’s thesis is devoted to the consideration of the main indicators of the economy of Lithuania. The general characteristics of the development of the economy of Lithuania, the main industries and their contribution to the Lithuanian GDP and economic growth are presented. The structural changes in the economy of Lithuania are considered. One of the most important industries in Lithuania is tourism, and its part in international tourism market is quite high. The main trends international trade of Lithuania are studied. The analysis of stocks of foreign direct investment of Lithuania is provided. The material reveals opportunities and threats concerning international economic relations. The investment climate in Lithuania and the degree of its attractiveness to Ukrainian investors, the main benefits and potential threats for a foreign investor are considered. The international investment project of travel company in Lithuania is developed. The necessary investments ant the sources are presented. The analysis of demand for travel services in Lithuania was done. The substantiation of the investment project for the start of travel company in Lithuania and the assessment of the need for investment resources are presented. The assessment of estimated income and indicators of the economic effectiveness of the investment project in tourism industry are calculated.
  • Документ
    Development and ways of realization of the international investment project “Agricultural Firm” in the US
    (Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2020) Чебикіна, Єлизавета Дмитрівна
    The paper deals with the consideration of the main industries and general characteristics of the development of the US economy. The US agricultural sector and its participation in international agrarian market are studied. The main trends in export-import activity of the US and its place in international economic relations are described. The analysis of international trade and foreign direct investment of the US are provided. The business environment and the investment position of the US are evaluated. The degree of its attractiveness to Ukrainian investors, the main benefits and potential threats for a foreign investor are considered. The main idea of an international investment project of dairy farm to implement in the US and ways of its realisation are presented. To consider these tasks, the analysis of the dairy industry as a part of agricultural sector in the US was done. The substantiation of the investment project for the creation of farm in the US, the assessment of the need for investment resources and identification of sources of their involvement are presented. The calculation of expected income and estimation of economic efficiency of investment project are done.
  • Документ
    Development and ways of realization of the international investment project “Software Engineering Company in Belarus”
    (Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2020) Фролов, Ярослав Євгенійович
    The paper’s main goal is to develop an investment project in Belarus, analyzing general characteristics of the development of Belarus’ economy. Belarus’ economy at a whole, with the overview of industries is examined. Belarus IT sector is investigated. The main trends in export-import activity of Belarus and its place in international economic relations are being overviewed. The analysis of international trade and foreign direct investment of Belarus are made. The attractiveness of Belorussian IT market for Ukrainian investors, as well as the potential advantages and disadvantages are investigated. The main aim of an international investment project to be started in Belarus, and forms of making an investment into it are calculated and made. The field of Software Engineering, as a main sector for an investment is analyzed. The substantiation of the investment project for the creation of Software Engineering Firm in Belarus, the assessment of the need for investment resources are being presented in the paper. The calculation of expected income and estimation of economic efficiency of investment project are done.
  • Документ
    Development & Implementation of the Investment project of a Convenience Store Opening in Denmark
    (Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2020) Рузвідзо, Вонгаіше Недді
    The thesis shows the investment process undergone in Denmark where it involves the opening of a Convenient store. With the opening of the business it will need investments of capital , buying assets to be used and hiring the right employees to communicate with the customers. The projects objectives is to find out the investment climate in Denmark and what factors are to be considered when starting up a business in Albourg, Denmark. The aims set up was to better understand how to open the Convenient store. All the aims were achieved through calculations made up for the investment. As for the economy it was made clear by looking at the economy. Furthermore another objective was to analyze the investment aspects considering the inflation and other factors. The feasibility of the project in terms of its effectiveness was assessed using the net present value, profitability index and payback period.
  • Документ
    Development and ways of implementation of the international investment project “Opening a Cafe” in New Zealand
    (Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2020) Повалінська, Яна Феліксівна
    The paper examines the current state and trends of the New Zealand economy over the past fifteen years. It is examined that New Zealand is one of the best countries in the world to start business in, showing high rates within all the indicators. At the same time, the country is not experiencing labour shortage or any economical fluctuations. All mentioned above creates favourable conditions for the organization of small business enterprises, since possibility of investment being paid back is extremely high. An international investment project to create a cafe in Auckland was developed at the expense of an investor from Ukraine. The calculations of the need for investment resources are given, the organizational and legal form of the created enterprise is substantiated, as well as the calculations of the main indicators that made it possible to evaluate the investment attractiveness of the proposed project.
  • Документ
    Development and implementation of the international investment project “Opening freight brokerage company in South Africa
    (Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2020) Матанхіре, Нелсон Тінаше
    The thesis about development and implementation of the international investment project work gives an idea of investment in South Africa of freight Brokerage Company. The nature of the business being explored requires capital investment, investigative skills, research and analysis the economic and investment climate of South Africa. Also looking at the current situation in South Africa market and business location potential of the site of such a proposed project. The main agenda of this thesis is to calculate and measure the feasibility, viability and financial potentials of a proposed freight brokerage Company and the business on goings in South Africa. To have a major success on the project, this thesis is going to simply and identify the problems faced in the process of making such an investment then offer some solutions based on the feedbacks from field research. The results of this study will serve as a guide to establishing a prospective freight brokerage company in South Africa
  • Документ
    (Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2020) Матіенга, Сильвестр
    This thesis work presents an idea of investment in India of freight delivery service Business. This type of Business requires capital investment, investigative skills, research and analysis the economic and investment climate of India, as well as the current market situation and business location potential of the site of such a proposed project. The main objective presented in this thesis is the measurement of the feasibility, viability and financial potentials of a proposed freight delivery service Business in India. To achieve this, this thesis is going to first identify the problems encountered in the process of making an investment in such a project as the one being examined here, then offer some solutions based on the feedbacks from field research. The bulk of the reported issues encountered in making such an investment in India were collated from opinions and feedbacks from interviews conducted with stakeholders in the business, such as freight brokers, freight owners, financial experts, business analysis and realtors and the others from published literature studies. The other objective of this thesis is to identify and rank the importance of the factors that influence the Indian freight and load delivery industry by conducting an online questionnaire. The results of this study will serve as a guide to establishing a prospective freight delivery service Business in India.
  • Документ
    Development of international investment project “Park in UAE”
    (Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2020) Машкова, Дар'я Олександрівна
    The paper deals with study of general economic growth features of the UAE. Consideration is given to the major UAE economy and tourism sector industries. It outlines the main trends in UAE's export-import activity and its place in international economic relations. It provides analysis of UAE 's international trade and foreign direct investment. Assessment of the economic climate and UAE 's investment role is given. The degree of its attractiveness to Ukrainian investors, the key advantages and future risks to a foreign investor. The core premise of an international investment project to commence at the UAE is provided with the principles , methods and directions to render investments. The entertainment industry is being considered to represent these tasks, as are the required parts of it too. The substantiation of the investment project for park creation in the UAE is presented, the assessment of the need for investment resources and the identification of sources of their involvement. Estimation of expected income and assessment of the investment project's economic efficiency are done.
  • Документ
    Development of the international investment project “Opening a hotel in Montenegro”
    (Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2020) Логвіненко, Анастасія Олександрівна
    The paper deals with the features of the economic condition of Montenegro, presents the main industries and parties attractive for investment. An assessment is made of the investment climate and the economic condition of the country as a whole. The main activities of the state, all the advantages and disadvantages, the tax system and export-import activities are presented. Opportunities for the development of an investment project are confirmed by the above arguments and methods for investing. Justifications are provided for investing in a hotel business, as well as an assessment of the need for investments. The analysis and evaluation of the expected results regarding the income and economic efficiency of the investmen tproject.
  • Документ
    (Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2020) Левченко, Мирослава Сергіївна
    This paper examines the investment climate in Canada, analyzes the country's economy. Canada is one of the richest countries in the world with a high per capita income and is a member of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the G7. Canada has a mixed economy; according to the Heritage Foundation, it has a lower degree of economic freedom than the United States, but a higher degree than most Western European countries. The country also provides significant support to small businesses, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Taken together, Canada is a very favorable country for starting a new small business, as well as attracting local and foreign investors. The paper presents an investment project to establish a company for the manufacture of wooden houses in Perry Sound, Ontario at its own expense, as well as investors from different countries.
  • Документ
    (Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2020) Кошеленко, Катерина Петрівна
    The study examines the current state and trends of the French economy over the past fifteen years. It was found that France is one of the most successful countries in the European Union, which demonstrates high rates of economic dynamics and success in international economic relations. This creates favorable conditions for the organization of small businesses, where you can combine investment and job creation for the investor. The paper develops an international investment project to create a coffee shop in Paris at the expense of an investor from Ukraine. Calculations of the need for investment resources are given, the organizational and legal form of the created enterprise is substantiated, and also calculations of the basic indicators which have allowed to estimate investment attractiveness of the offered project are carried out.
  • Документ
    (Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2020) Колпаков, Ілля Максимович
    The paper’s main goal is to analyze general characteristics of the development of economy in Estonia. Estonia economy at a whole, with the overview of industries is examined. Estonia book sector is investigated. The main trends in export-import activity of Estonia and its place in international economic relations are being overviewed. The analysis of international trade and foreign direct investment of Estonia are made. The attractiveness of Estonia book market for Ukrainian investors, as well as the potential advantages and disadvantages are investigated. The main aim of an international investment project to be started in Estonia, and forms of making an investment into it are calculated and made. The field of book market, as a main sector for an investment is analyzed. The substantiation of the investment project for the creation of bookstore in Estonia, the assessment of the need for investment resources are being presented in the paper. The calculation of expected income and estimation of economic efficiency of investment project are done.
  • Документ
    Development and ways of realization of the international investment project “Real Estate Agency” in Australia
    (Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2020) Кисельгоф, Євгеній Владиславович
    The paper examines the main trends and problems of Australian economy. The features and structure of the economy of Australia are researched. The Australian real estate market and its participation in the world trade in real estate services are studied. The part of the thesis is devoted to the consideration of the foreign trade activity of Australia and the assessment of foreign direct investment of Australia. The investment climate in Australia was showed as attractive for Ukrainian investors. The paper deals with the development of an international investment project in real estate. For substantiation of the investment project the demand for rental of foreign real estate in Australia was carefully researched. The description of the investment project for the creation of real estate agency in Australia is presented. The need for investment resources and sources of their involvement are identified. The estimated cash flows and economic effectiveness of the investment project in real estate is calculated.
  • Документ
    Development and ways of implementation of the international investment project «A restaurant business in Japan»
    (Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2020) Гойло, Аліна Юріївна
    At the beginning of my resume we wanted to indicate the main purpose of my bachelor thesis is “Development and ways of implementation of the international investment project «A restaurant business in Japan»”. This hypothesis was tested on the example of one of the developed economic countries - Japan. As a result of this research in this work, we selected one object to rent it out and make restaurant business out of it. In this topic, we were offered our capital, money in a loan. It was necessary to calculate the profitability of the business and during which time it would become profitable and after the work done draw the following conclusions. Want to start with the fact that in our world at the moment, foreign direct investment is more important for the development of the economy. In addition to attracting finance, investments contribute to the creation of new jobs, the introduction of new technologies and increased competitiveness. Generally speaking, investments lead to the development of a country's economy. Japan is a major investor in enterprises of other countries, while this country receives a small influx of foreign investment into the domestic market from abroad. But why was Japan taken for an example of such a hypothesis? To this seemingly difficult question, there is an easy answer. A country such as Japan is considered one of the most stable powers that has shown a real example of the formation of fiscal policy and the development of small sectors of the economy. During the global crisis, it was relatively easy for the state to cope with problems compared to neighboring countries. Despite the fact that, geographically, Japan is one of the smallest countries in Asia, its economy shows significant results and stable growth. Even in such a situation, how to find additional income for the budget, Japan found a way out in a rather large tax collection. Most taxes are present here, quite complex business rules, no corruption, but there is a reputation of a reliable and wealthy country in which at least once the investor dreamed about his activities. So, after making the necessary calculations for our project, it was decided that opening a restaurant business in such a big city like Tokyo is not a completely reliable idea, since first of all you will need to invest a lot of effort and not a small capital there. Having invested $ 465,000 in the project, the investor will be able to fully recoup it in 17 years. This is provided that the investor has taken a loan. If you take into account the fact that the restaurant will be open at its own expense, the project will pay off even faster. All calculations are presented only as an idea, in order to translate it into reality, you need to think through your every step to the smallest detail and prepare in advance that the path will be long and painstaking. The increase in demand for print media leads to an annual profit growth of 5%. This is only in the first years of work. Starting from the fourth year of operation, the restaurant business owner can count on the fact that the number of new customers, as well as customers from abroad, will only increase, which means that the annual profit will increase by at least 9%. At the same time, of course, expenses will grow, but revenue covers all expenses, which means that the restaurant is efficient and profitable. Thus, summing up all of the above, we can conclude that opening a business, namely, the restaurant business in Tokyo or in the country as a whole, is a pretty lucrative idea, but if you have enough time to maintain it, and of course your endurance. There are certain risks and obstacles, but the authorities of this country are doing everything possible to make the investor feel confident and be able to successfully conduct business, replenishing the state budget. However, the investor, for its part, must comply with all laws and not follow them. Then he will be able to turn his idea into reality, and business into permanent profit. The set of actions described in this short report shows that the investment climate in the country has improved, making it a more desirable investment target. Based on this path, a highly developed country such as Japan allows us to actively develop many sectors important for the country, thereby moving the economy forward.
  • Документ
    Development and ways of implementation of the international investment project «The hotel in a ski resort in Czech Republic”
    (Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2020) Бобилєв, Іван Олегович
    The paper examines the current state and trends of the Czech economy over the past years. It is revealed that the Czech Republic is one of the most successful countries in Eastern Europe, showing high rates of economic dynamics and successes in interna-tional economic relations. At the same time, the country is a highly popular destination for labour migrants from the neighbour countries. This creates favourable conditions for the organization of small and medium sized business enterprises, where it is possi-ble to combine investment and job creation for the foreign investor. An international investment project of creating a small hotel in mountains in Harrachov was developed at the expense of an investor from Ukraine. The calculations of the need for investment resources are given, the organizational and legal form of the created business is sub-stantiated, as well as the calculations of the main indicators that made it possible to evaluate the investment attractiveness of the proposed project.
  • Документ
    (Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2020) Афолабі-Ібрагім, Фаріда Оладжумоке
    This work presents an idea of investment in a modern restaurant business in Nigeria. Such an investment needs a devotion of significant time and resources to investigate and analyze the economic and investment climate, the current market situation and business location potential of the site of such a proposed project. However, limited information is available on the relative importance of various site selection factors for restaurants in Nigeria. The main objective presented in this thesis is the measurement of the feasibility, viability and financial potentials of a proposed modern day restaurant idea in Nigeria. To achieve this, this thesis is going to first identify the problems encountered in the process of making an investment in such a project as the one being examined here (a modern day restaurant), then offer some solutions based on the feedbacks from field research. The bulk of the reported issues encountered in making such an investment in Nigeria were collated from opinions and feedbacks from interviews conducted with stake-holders in the business (restaurant owners and financial-experts business analysis and realtors) and the others from published literature / studies. The other objective of this thesis is to identify and rank the importance of the factors that influence the Nigerian restaurant industry by conducting an online questionnaire. The results of this study will serve as a guide to establishing a prospective modern day restaurant in Nigeria. This thesis is going to include detailed and comprehensive structure on the idea of a restaurant business, how it adds value to the Nigerian investment market, financial potentials and other pros and cons.
  • Документ
    Development and ways of implementation of the international investment project “The family resort ‘Contrast’ in Cyprus”
    (Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2020) Абрамова, Анжеліка Олексіївна
    In this paper Cyprus economy is analysed, and the main characteristics of the Cypriot economy are given. The overall analysis continues onto the external situation between the based country for investor, Ukraine, and the country-recipient of investments, Cyprus. It concludes the point that Cyprus conditions for investors are appropriate, and additional risks are minimal. The international investment project is formed for the existing Ukrainian company operating in tourism sector in Ukraine to invest to Cyprus. The investment project is the resort with optimum with 30 rooms, and its implementation is outlined with the perspective of growth in spite of three years of implementation, during which the project is to pay back.