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Документ Adaptation and validation of the Ukrainian dispositional ‘cope’ questionnaire(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2019) Kovalenko, Y.V.Despite the long history of coping behavior research, the problem of finding effective inventories for measuring coping strategies remains unresolved. One of the approaches to solve this problem is to unify measurement scales employed in empirical studies of coping behavior in cross-cultural contexts. The purpose of this study was adaptation and validation of ‘COPE’ dispositional questionnaire proposed by C.S. Carver, M.F. Scheier, and J.K. Weintraub in 1989 on the Ukrainian population. Adaptation of the questionnaire was carried out on Ukrainian students to unify the coping research, since most of the previous studies of the ‘COPE’ psychometric properties were also conducted on university students (Gordeeva et al., 2010; Litman, 2006). N = 109 Ukrainian university students took part in the study (including N = 46 men, and N = 63 women; the average age of participants in the empirical study was 24.5 yrs.). Adaptation of the COPE dispositional questionnaire was conducted from October 2017 to January 2018. The main limiting factors of this methodology, like of any self-report questionnaire, are expected distortions associated with natural forgetfulness, selective reproduction and insufficient level of reflexivity in some participants. Thus, the probability that under the conditions of reflection about sufficiently hypothetical stressful situations, the response of the subjects may also be “hypothetical” is quite high. In addition, each subject presents his or her own, qualitatively unique, stressful event, whose perception varies significantly from person to person. We attempted to overcome this shortcoming in this empirical study by examining the behavior of the subjects during the exams or immediately before / after the exams, that is, during or immediately after the natural conditions of academic stress. During the first stage of the research, the cultural adaptation of the ‘COPE’ questionnaire was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the International Testing Commission (ITC). During the second stage, the reliability of the Ukrainian-language ‘COPE’ inventory was tested. The α-Cronbach (α = 0.715) for the questionnaire in Ukrainian confirmed high internal correlations of the variables within the scale, which indicated a sufficient reliability of the results obtained for the Ukrainian version of ‘COPE’. Given that the ‘COPE’ questionnaire is theoretically constructed, whose factor solutions were not clearly reproduced in any of the studies validating this instrument, this research did not expected to replicate the original factor loadings. To achieve the goal of validating the factorial structure of the Ukrainian version of the ‘COPE’ dispositional questionnaire, the principal components analysis with Varimax rotation and Kaiser data normalization was employed in this work. Factor analysis of the Ukrainian ‘COPE’ questionnaire (presented in seven iterations) revealed a five-factor model, similar to the original factor model of ‘COPE’ (76.166% of total dispersion). In the process of factor validation of the Ukrainian version of the ‘COPE’ questionnaire, a psychological interpretation of the factors was conducted by analyzing the content of the factor loadings. The received factor model displayed close similarities to the original version of the ‘COPE’ questionnaire. Yet, the Religious Coping formed a separate factor that correlated with the factorial structure of the Italian version of ‘COPE’ (Sica, Novara, Dorz, & Sanavio, 1997). Such a factor model explains 76.166% of the total variance, which is of a satisfactory value. Thus, it is possible to confirm the successful validation of the factorial structure of the Ukrainian version of ‘COPE’ dispositional questionnaire. To assess the construct validity of the ‘COPE’ questionnaire, a correlation analysis with the ‘SACS’ inventory – ‘The Strategic Approach to Coping Scale’ (Hobfoll et al., 1994) in adaptation by N.E. Vodopyanova and E.S. Starchenko (2001) – was conducted. A significant number of coping scales of the Ukrainian version of the ‘COPE’ questionnaire have moderate- and strong positive and moderate negative correlations with the ‘SACS’ coping scales. Thus, based on the analysis of the data obtained in the process of adaptation and validation of the Ukrainian version of the ‘COPE’ dispositional questionnaire, a sufficiently high internal consistency and reliability of the inventory were revealed. It is concluded that the factor validation study of the questionnaire, as well as the analysis of its construct validity, was successfully carried out. It is therefore possible to state that the Ukrainian version of the ‘COPE’ dispositional questionnaire can be used to measure coping behavior in Ukrainianspeaking subjects.Документ An institutional framework for economic development in Ukraine.(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2017) Palladin, A.The paper discusses the nature and types of institutions, raising the issue of the international involvement to change them. Also, the work addresses the problem of economic institutions in Ukraine. In specific, the author addresses the property rights as a bundle of rights, suggesting the necessary preconditions for their effective exercising. Also, the paper deals with the current state of property rights in Ukraine, illustrating its main deficiencies. Finally, a brief perspective onto the privatization of enterprises in Ukraine is presented.Документ Appels d’offres electroniques comme un pas pour la formation d’un espace économique unique.(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2019) Onіshchenko, V.Y.; Holovchenko, Y.Y.L’article définit la terminologie des appels d’offres électroniques et synthétise les approches permettant de classer leurs avantages et leurs inconvénients. L’impact positif du développement du commerce électronique sur l’économie nationale est démontré, la nécessité d’une réglementation par l’Etat dans ce domaine est prouvée. Les principales raisons qui entravent le développement du marché électronique ukrainien sont soulignées. Les principales tendances du commerce électronique en Ukraine sont également identifiéesДокумент Application of different tools of analysis of external and internal business environment and identification of business strategy.(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2018) Stalinska, A.; Al Hooti, I.; Al Wahaibi, M.; Al Hamrashdi, A.; Al Maashri, L.The article represents the application of different tools for analysing external and internal business environment such as PESTEL and SWOT in order to identify generic business strategy. Case of such application is OmanTel - public corporation, leading telecommunication provider in Sultanate of Oman. Based on collected secondary data, descriptive analysis of and some company’ internal factors, as its vision, mission, core values and strategic objectives is presented. The article also contains descriptive analysis of Oman business environment using PESTEL framework. Based on both internal and external factors analysis, SWOT was generated for OmanTel. Results of analysis done were considered in identifying generic strategy pursued by OmanTel.Документ Approach to research-teaching nexus in undergraduate education.(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2017) Avsiukevich, Y.S.This paper reports on the question of relationship of research to teaching and learning seeking to gain a clearer and deeper understanding of the main concepts within research-teaching nexus and their application in undergraduate education. The literature review conducted has been the basis for clarifying the terms in existing classification of teaching models focused on research such as research-led, researchoriented, research-based, research-tutored and research-informed education; and for suggesting a modification to it by introducing a conceptualizing root for the classification tree. In the result of careful investigation of current research, the author makes an attempt to model an approach to education in research-intensive environment that focuses on the development of students’ research culture, problem solving skills, independence of thinking and learning, intellectual capabilities and critical thinking skills. Having identified the goals and principles of learning in research-intensive environment, the ways to support such education have been introduced. The article points to the value and possibilities for further research in the area.Документ At the origin of us «nuclear» literature: «Alexander’s Bridge» вy W. Cather.(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2017) Sukhenko, I.M.The premises of the US “nuclear” literature formation within the comminity’s interest in the scientific achievements in the field of radioactive studies at the beginning of the XXth century are under study on the example of novel “Alexander’s Bridge” by W. Cather. Two editional versions of the novel (1912 and 1922) are under consideration, the analysis of which enables the process of studying the transformations of her “novel about a disaster” to “a scientific drama”, including the elements of describing pastoral landscapes next to the images of urban areas in the novel. The emphasis is made on the premises of how W. Cather’s “nuclear” narrative, represented by her novel “Alexander’s Bridge” not only laid the foundations of the US “nuclear” literature, which partially launched the initial stage of “nuclear” identity formation, defined as a set of statements and ideas about self-determination in the context of national and world nuclear politics – “identity’s significance in terms of national nuclear ambitions”, but also became the impulse for the subsequent interaction of fundamental disciples and humanities.Документ Barriers of integrated management system implementation on an example of glass manufacturing enterprise(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2019) Dubis, D.; Cybowicz, S.Метою статті є опис бар’єрів та проблем, що виникли під час впровадження інтегрованої системи управління на заводі скляної промисловості. Описано теоретичні основи проблеми, охарактеризовано бар’єри, визначені в ході дослідження. Було проведено опитування серед діловодів та виробничих працівників різних відділів фабрики. Дослідження проводилося на вибірці ста десяти працівників підприємства. До числа респондентів увійшло півсотні людей, які працюють на адміністративних посадах, і шістдесят людей, які працюють на виробничих посадах. Найважливішими бар’єрами, виявленими на етапі підготовки до впровадження, були: відсутність усвідомлення переваг впровадження, тривожність щодо змін, короткий час, витрачений на навчання. Найбільші перешкоди, відзначені в процесі впровадження інтегрованої системи управління, такі: труднощі в усуненні існуючих шкідливих звичок (16,6%), занадто велика формалізація системи (12,6%), відсутність зв’язку між відділами (12,6%) та опір працівників (12,6%). Половина виробничих працівників вважає, що навчання проводилося дуже погано. Вся інформація була надана дуже складно. Багато змісту було подано в загальній формі. Найважливішими бар’єрами, виявленими на етапі впровадження, були труднощі подолання старих звичок. Труднощі в роботі із складною системною документацією також розглядалися як бар’єр. Службові працівники вважають систему занадто формалізованою. Понад 82% респондентів відповіли, що після впровадження системи кількість справ зросла. На етапі вдосконалення системи найбільшим бар’єром був опір працівників до змін. Ще одним бар’єром на цьому етапі була відсутність залучення працівників до вдосконалення системи.Документ Benefits from integrated management system implementation on an example of glass manufacturing enterprise(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2019) Dubis, D.; Cybowicz, S.In professional literature there are lots of researches concerning benefits from Integrated Management System (IMS) implementation. Many organizations hope that implementation will help them to develop and to strengthen their market position. Nevertheless, statistics published by International Organization for Standardization show that number of ISO 9001 implementations has decreased over the years. These data are illustrated on Fig. 1. Therefore, it is important to study what benefits can be achieved in organizations from various production sectors.Документ BLOCKCHAIN INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY AS A COMMUNICATION BASIS FOR THE DIGITAL ECONOMY FORMATION(Університет ім. Альфреда Нобеля, 2020) SHVACHYCH, GENNADY; KHOLOD, OLENA; BUSYGIN, VOLODYMYRУ статті наведено аналіз використання технологій розподіленого реєстру (блокчейн) в різних сферах економіки, фінансів, а також соціально-економічного життя суспільства. Показано, що технологія блокчейн останнім часом викликає безперечний інтерес. Наголошується на тому, що технологія блокчейн є однією з найбільш обговорюваних тем у галузі розвитку цифрової економіки, а увага до цієї технології найближчим часом буде лише зростати. Показано, що на цей час не існує стандартів і правових відносин використання такої технології. З цієї причини деякі серйозні учасники ринку об’єдналися в консорціуми для створення стандартів щодо практичного впровадження і використання цієї технології. У статті аналізуються питання, які стосуються передумов появи технології блокчейн, наводиться її визначення як багатофункціональної інформаційної системи, призначеної для обліку різних активів. Здійснено аналіз значних переваг цієї технології. При цьому розглянуто її недоліки, які на сьогодні ще не усунуто і які потребують окремого дослідження. У статті розкрито перспективи застосування технології блокчейн у різних сферах економіки, фінансів, а також аналізується використання цієї технології в інших сферах життєдіяльності, не пов’язаних з економікою. На основі проведеного дослідження визначено перспективні напрями розвитку технології в Україні та за кордоном. Однак у кожному окремому випадку необхідно встановлювати доцільність, оцінювати ризики, стежити за безпекою, готувати кадри. Обґрунтовано можливість підвищення ефективності функціонування підприємств шляхом використання блокчейну разом з іншими ресурсами підприємства.Документ Boundaries of symbol in stylistics.(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2017) Ivasyuta, O.The aim of the article is to determine the place and boundaries of the symbol as a stylistic unit and to offer an adequate and clear definition of this linguistic phenomenon, which is a must for the stylistic analysis of fiction. The theoretical background of the article comprises linguistic theories where distinction of a symbol on the one hand and a sign, metaphor, an image, allegory and a myth on the other are outlined. The outcome of the broader linguocultural enquiry of characteristics and functions of the symbol resulted in outlining the specific features of the symbol as a linguocultural and stylistic unit.Документ Consigli pratici per una classe di traduzione in spagnolo e italiano per lo sviluppo di abilità traduttive professionali: prova dei compiti.(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2019) Pliushchai, A.; Semerenko, L.; Pysmennyi, T.With the development of technologies, humans are successfully replaced by machines. Therefore, many professions simply disappear. What is the situation in the translation industry? Fortunately, despite the emergence of various translation applications and machine systems, artificial intelligence cannot yet adequately compete with humans. It is difficult to imagine the industry without representatives of this profession. For this reason, we can still enjoy watching foreign films, TV shows or cartoons. We live in the information age and there are many things available, but not always in the language we need. People have started to travel more, businesspeople make international agreements, the world has brought us closer and translators make it more understandable. There is one disadvantage: today more and more people are learning foreign languages, so they don’t need the help of translators. Nowadays, there is evident a demand for professional translators and interpreters but, unfortunately, the theory and sometimes even the practice do not provide good knowledge to form professionals. This is mainly caused by poor didactic base which may approximate the formation to professional reality and make the labor market more accessible. The article is devoted to the practical approach towards the development of translation skills in professional training of translators and interpreters in translation and interpreting classes analyzing didactic materials on the discipline translation and interpretation. Spanish and Italian are taken as a language pair for working out the basic skills of translation and interpretation. The role of the translator as a person involved in intercultural communication, expanding cultural ties and forming professional and multicultural competencies has been analyzed. The goal which consists in elaborating previously obtained theoretical knowledge in practice and in the formation of translation competence at different levels, taking into account the professional orientation, has been defined. A number of practical tasks are presented, which are followed by methodological comments and offer a wide range of opportunities for both teachers of translation and interpretation, as well as for students with the aim of preparing for the labor market, improving skills in the areas of translation in different fields. The article has structured and analyzed thematic tasks built on authentic materials, which contribute to immersion into the language environment, and also allows students to get as close as possible to real situational translation. A comparative analysis of linguistic units has been presented to determine the basic translation transformations in both languages. It has been determined that the extensive subject matter included in the practical tasks contributes both to enriching the active vocabulary of future specialists and their personal development, expanding their world perception. Various methods have been proposed for the effective assimilation of theoretical knowledge and the improvement of the practical skills necessary for correct translationДокумент Culinary richness of the Subcarpathian region(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2019) Bienia, B.; Krochmal-Marczak, В.; Górka, M.; Dykiel, M.; Sawicka, B.History, culture, environmental conditions, tradition, agricultural production of Subcarpathian made it a great region of culinary richness. It is here that meals are made with a far-reaching tradition associated with various rituals, festivals and customs that used to be celebrated in the countryside. Diversity in this region’s culinary heritage can be seen in the list of traditional products maintained by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The aim of this study is to present the richness and culinary diversity of Subcarpathian region on the example of products included in the List of Traditional Products.Документ Culinary richness of the Subcarpathian region(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2019) Bienia, В.; Krochmal-Marczak, В.; Górka, M.; Dykiel, M.; Sawicka, B.History, culture, environmental conditions, tradition, agricultural production of Subcarpathian made it a great region of culinary richness. It is here that meals are made with a far-reaching tradition associated with various rituals, festivals and customs that used to be celebrated in the countryside. Diversity in this region’s culinary heritage can be seen in the list of traditional products maintained by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The aim of this study is to present the richness and culinary diversity of Subcarpathian region on the example of products included in the List of Traditional ProductsДокумент Culture and Cold War as a problem of spy novel.(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2017) Holub, D.O.The article is devoted to the studying of the phenomenon of Cold War in its correlation to the introduction of a new hero in literature, namely in a spy novel. Social and cultural background that determined the formation of a patriotic and spy novel with its hero-myth is under consideration.Документ Cоціальне здоров’я студентів у контексті розвитку волонтерства(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2017) Бондаренко, З.П.У статті досліджено сутність понять «соціальне здоров’я», «соціальне благополуччя», «психологічне благополуччя». Здійснено узагальнення наукових поглядів на поняття «волонтерство» у контексті здорового соціального середовища та активної діяльності студентської молоді. Сформовано авторський погляд на трактування поняття «волонтерська діяльність» студентів у позанавчальний час. Доведено важливість формування здоров’ятворчої оздоровчої парадигми під час навчання студентів у вищому навчальному закладі.Документ Determinants of RES implementation in Poland and the European Union.(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2017) Ślusarczyk, B.; Lechwar, M.The article explores some potential conditions for the introduction of renewable energy sources taking into account the legal, social and institutional aspects. Current research results confirm that in the world there are huge resources of renewable energy sources, especially hydropower, wind power, biomass. Technical progress in the field of renewable energy sources will further increase their use.Документ Die Konzeptualisierung der Menschenschönheit Mit den Phraseologischen Einheiten der Deutschen Sprache.(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2020) Koval, I.I.Статтю присвячено дослідженню концептуалізації краси людини фразеологічними одиницями сучасної німецької мови. У фразеологічних одиницях відображається наївна картина світу, закріплені пам’ять та історія народу, його досвід пізнавальної діяльності, світогляд та психологія. Концепт SCHÖNHEIT нерозривно пов’язаний з поняттям зовнішності, поведінки, внутрішнього світу людини. SCHÖNHEIT є базовим етнокультурологічним концептом німецької лінгвокультури, зміст якого постійно змінюється, доповнюється та розширюється: від розуміння краси як явища, притаманного виключно богам, фараонам, а також людям, до краси, властивої природі, одягу, спорудам. У сучасній німецькій лінгвокультурі краса сприймається як зовнішня форма – обличчя, одяг, приміщення, предмети побуту, предмети інтер’єру. Відбулося зрушення у системі у національнокультурних цінностей та, власне, у розумінні краси: зміщення від «красивий–божественний– світлий–унікальний» до «красивий–стрункий–спортивний–посередній». Вибірка одиниць фактичного матеріалу здійснювалася відповідно до широкого тлумачення обсягу фразеології, тобто під фразеологічними одиницями розуміється не лише ідіоматика – центр фразеології, а й периферійні типи фразеологічних одиниць, зокрема ті, що мають структуру речення. У розвідці для вивчення усталених виразів, які вербалізують концепт SCHÖNHEIT використано такі методи як фразеологічний аналіз, компонентний та інтерпретативний аналіз, метод фразеологічної ідентифікації та метод структурно-семантичного моделювання. У результаті проведеного дослідження було встановлено, що підґрунтям концепту SCHÖNHEIT у німецькій мові є знання етносу про красу з позитивною естетичною оцінністю. Реконструйовано культурний архетип концепту SCHÖNHEIT у німецькій мові, а саме: міфічні образи (Афродіти, грацій, Вотана, берсерків, Адоніса), біблійні (Марії, ангелів). Стереотипні ознаки краси як позитивної естетичної оцінності в німецькій мові тотожні войовничому духу, фізичній силі, високому зросту, міцній статурі та стрункій фігурі.Документ Differentiation between irony and sarcasm in contemporary linguistic studies.(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2017) Prokofiev, G.The paper aims to evaluate the contemporary claims for differentiating between irony and sarcasm within linguistic pragmatics and from the perspective of some neighboring fields of research. Their contribution to solving this provocative problem is described. The issues that need further comprehension and investigation are defined.Документ Economic development of Sudan.(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2018) Chorna, O.; Al-Naamani, S.; Al-Maskari, S.The article presents the descriptive analysis of level of economic, political and social development of Sudan according to the global trends. An analysis of the country’s development trends and the dependence of the national market on the global movements of the world economy will provide an important channel for formulating forecasts for the development of the economy of Sudan.Документ Estimation of the effect of taxes and gross fixed capital formation on economic growth of euro area(Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2019) Lymonova E.Current paper contributes to identifying the effects of both direct and indirect taxes along with important factor of economic growth – gross fixed capital formation – on economic growth of Euro Area for available period from 2002q1 to 2017q4 in terms of one regression model. In scientific papers that were published in the twentieth century, scientists did not sufficiently consider the effect of changes in tax rates on economic growth. It was assumed that tax policy and different types of taxes have a very significant determinant of growth and investment, but its effect on economic growth was in fact insignificant. A number of studies have examined the relationship between tax rates and economic growth using growth regression models between countries for different periods, but no definite conclusions have been made. Many economists believed that higher taxes have a negative effect on economic growth, but on the other hand, they lead to higher levels of government spending. According to studies, the dominant viewpoint favors indirect taxation and implies a shift in the fiscal burden to indirect taxes, especially on consumption. Low tax rates lead to a decrease in government spending and an increase in the amount of resources allocated in the private sector, which has a positive effect on investment performance. On average, a market-disciplined private sector contributes to a more adequate use of resources than nonmarket political distribution in the public sector. But some taxes have a negative effect on economic welfare. Among them, a special place is occupied by income taxes. And sales taxes do less damage to the economy. According to the study, corporate and personal income taxes are the most harmful for growth, while taxes on consumption, the environment and property are less harmful. In addition, taxes lead to an increase in budget revenues, but increase the overall surplus. The loss in total surplus exceeds tax revenues, which leads to irreparable losses for society. Taxes provoke people to change their behavior. Since the elasticity of supply and demand is a measure of changes in consumer and producer behavior due to price changes, it also determines the degree of market distortion. The greater the elasticity of demand or supply, or both, the greater the total loss of tax. If price elasticity of demand and supply is the same, dead weight loss is low if taxes are low and it grows if they grow. Dead weight loss increases faster than most taxes: the size of dead weight loss grows with the second power of the tax rate. In current research there have been tested the following hypotheses: Hypothesis 1: Tax revenues from direct taxes had negative influence on GDP in Euro Area (19) during 2002q1-2017q4. Hypothesis 2: Tax revenues from indirect taxes had negative influence on GDP in Euro Area (19) during 2002q1-2017q4. Hypothesis 3: Gross fixed capital formation had positive influence on GDP in Euro Area (19) during 2002q1-2017q4. Empirical results have revealed the problem of collinearity between the values of direct and indirect taxes which increases overall significance of the model. The problem of collinearity lies in the common trend which both of taxes share and in the similarity of their summary statistics meanings. Taking into that model demonstrated overall adequacy, we rely on the results of the model. Furthermore, from economic point of view the model confirmed hypothesis 1 and hypothesis 3. Obtained results also confirm the empirical results of previous studies and provide an evidence of the fact that, despite conventional theory according to which taxation contributes to distortions in the market and leads to deadweight loss exceeding budget revenues, differences in taxation structure may lead to different consequences in terms of economic growth. Our research has demonstrated that current trend of shifting tax burden from direct taxes to indirect taxes, indeed, has positive influence in Euro Area.